Molten WOW Guide: Chapter Five - All


Chapter Five - All

MountIn Patch 3.2 you will be able to purchase your epic mount at level 40. If you are viewing this guide before Patch 3.2 you will need to purchase your mount at level 60. Before you do anything else, go get your mount. If you can’t afford it yet, purchase it the moment you can afford it.
1. Fly to Gadgetzan and go north into Thousand Needles.
2. Turn in Razzeric’s Tweaking and get Safety First(1).
At the racetrack.
3. Turn in Safety First(1) and get Safety First(2).
Go to Gadgetzan in Tanaris.
4. Turn in Safety First(2).
Back to the raceway in Thousand Needles.
5. HearthstoneReturn to Booty Bay and set your hearthstone to the Inn.
FlyIf available, use your hearthstone to return to Theramore. Fly to Ratchet and take the boat to Booty Bay.
6. Turn in Ansirem’s Key and get “Pretty Boy” Duncan.
7. Fly to the Rebel Camp.
8. Complete and turn in Special Forces
Kurzen's Compound is east-southeast of the Rebel Camp. On the north side of the compound you will find a cave. In the cave are the mobs you need to kill.
9. Get Colonel Kurzen.
10. Turn in The Hidden Key and get The Spy Revealed!
Go back to the cave and follow the right wall. You will come across a bunch of supplies and crates. Among them you'll find a chest to use.
11. Complete and turn in Colonel Kurzen.
GroupContinue to follow the right wall until you reach Kurzen and his buddies. Kill, loot and return to the Rebel Camp. It's possible to solo him but easier with help.
12. Turn in The Spy Revealed! and get Patrol Schedules.
13. Turn in Patrol Schedules and get Report to Doren.
14. Turn in Report to Doren.
15. HearthstoneUse your hearthstone to return to Booty Bay.
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
16. Get Venture Company MiningThe Bloodsail Buccaneers(1)Scaring ShakySkullsplitter TusksZanzil’s Secret and Stranglethorn Fever.
17. Complete “Pretty Boy” Duncan.
Exit Booty Bay using the tunnel on the north. As soon as you leave the tunnel go left(west) and down to the beach where you will find Duncan.
18. Turn in The Bloodsail Buccaneers(1) and get The Bloodsail Buccaneers(2).
Use the plans on a barrel in the camp.
19. Complete Scary Shaky and Stranglethorn Fever.
Save for LaterGo east to the road and follow it north. Look for silver colored gorillas on the right(east) side of the road. Kill them, loot them and save at least one gorilla fang. In this area to the northeast you will find a cave. Give your gorilla fang to the witch doctor and he'll summon Mok for you to kill.
20. Turn in Scary Shaky and get Return to MacKinley.
Back in Booty Bay. Shakey is on the dock on the north side of town.
21. Turn in Return to MacKinley and get Voodoo Dues.
MacKinley is in a house on the east side of town near the giant dead fish.
22. Turn in Stranglethorn Fever.
Under the broken half of a boat on the dock near the giant dead fish.
23. Turn in The Bloodsail Buccaneers(2) and get The Bloodsail Buccaneers(3).
First mate Crazz is on the docks on the northeast side of town.
24. Turn in “Pretty Boy” Duncan and get The Curse of the Tides.
In the Inn on the southeast side of town.
25. Turn in The Bloodsail Buccaneers(3) and get The Bloodsail Buccaneers(4).
26. Get Up to Snuff and Keep An Eye Out.
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
27. Complete Panther Mastery(3) and Raptor Mastery(3).
The Panthers you need to find are stealthed around and northeast of the Gurubashi Arena in the center of the zone. The Raptors you need to kill are found to the north and west of the Gurubashi Arena.
28. Complete Venture Company Mining.
From the Gurubashi arena go north along the road until you see an obelisk in the road thats leaning to the side a little. From there go east and slightly south until you find Venture Company goblins mining away. Kill and loot them.
29. Complete Troll Witchery and Skullsplitter Tusks.
Go back to the Obelisk in the road. Northeast and east of the obelisk you will find the areas controlled by the trolls you need to kill.
30. Complete The Curse of the Tides
GroupGo back to the largest northwestern island. Find the anchor on the east shore. From the anchor, go underwater and directly east to the murloc controlled ruins. You'll find the glowing altar there. This quest will take you underwater but it is possible to trigger the event then pull the mob to the top of the water and kill him there. If the quest bugs on you, just abandon it as it’s not worth the hassle.
31. Turn in Panther Mastery(3) and get Panther Mastery(4).
At Nesingwary's camp.
32. Turn in Raptor Mastery(3) and get Raptor Mastery(4).
33. Turn in Troll Witchery and get Mai’Zoth.
At the Rebel Camp.
34. Fly to Booty Bay.
35. Turn in The Curse of the Tides.
In the Inn on the southeast side of town.
36. Turn in Skullsplitter Tusks.
37. Turn in Venture Company Mining.
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
38. While doing the next few steps, complete Up to Snuff and Keep An Eye Out.

Opportunity Knocks!

Cowardly Crosby is a vendor in the middle of the pirate campsite on the west edge of the Wild Shore. He sells a tailoring pattern for an Admiral's Hat. You can sell the pattern or if you're a tailor you can use the pattern and sell the hats. Either way, you stand to make a good bit of money should you choose to answer when opportunity knocks!
39. Complete and turn in The Bloodsail Buccaneers(4).
On the Wild Shore south of Booty Bay you'll find the mobs you need to kill. Search the camps and longboats for the items you need as well. Turn in back at Booty Bay in the Inn on the southeast side of town.
40. Get The Bloodsail Buccaneers(5).
41. Search for bottles on the Wild Shore until you get a Carefully Folded Note. Use it to get the quest Message in a Bottle(1).
The Wild Shore is south of Booty Bay.
42. Complete The Bloodsail Buccaneers(5).
GroupVisit each of the three boats that are moored off the shore to the south. Inside you will find the captains you need to kill. They are solo-able but easier with help.
43. Turn in Message in a Bottle(1) and get Message in a Bottle(2).
On the largest island in the southern waters. Poobah is near the center hill on the west side.
44. Complete and turn in Message in a Bottle(2).
The king kong gorilla you need to kill wanders around on the north side of the island.
45. Turn in The Bloodsail Buccaneers(5)Up to Snuff and Keep An Eye Out.
All in Booty Bay.
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
46. Get The Captain’s Chest and Akiris by the Bundle(1).
47. Complete Akiris by the Bundle(1)Raptor Mastery(4)Voodoo DuesZanzil’s Secret and Panther Mastery(4).
Akiris drops from Naga on the large island to the northwest of Booty Bay. Tethis the raptor is behind the Gurubashi Arena. To the East of the Gurubashi arena you'll find Ruins where two of the three undead you need to kill for Voodoo Dues. The last undead is at the ruins on the coast, east of the arena. Additionally, the mobs at both ruins will give you Zanzil's mixture. Lastly, Bag'thera is in one of three places somewhere around the Ogre Mound in the center east side of the zone. He's the only black panther in the area that isn't stealthed so keep an eye out.
48. Turn in Voodoo Dues and get Cracking Maury’s Foot.
Go back to Booty Bay.
49. Turn in Zanzil’s Secret.
50. Turn in Akiris by the Bundle(1) and get Akiris by the Bundle(2).
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
51. Fly to the Rebel Camp.
52. Turn in Raptor Mastery(4) and Panther Mastery(4).
53. Get Big Game Hunter.
54. Complete Mai’ZothCracking Maury’s FootThe Captain’s Chest and Big Game Hunter.
GroupMai'Zoth is in the cave at the Ogre Mound in the center east side of the zone. East of the goblins at the Lake. Kill the ogres there until you get the key you need too. Gorlash is on the coast northeast of Booty Bay. To find Bangalash, go to the Gurubashi Arena and follow the road north until you find the obelisk in the road again. Note that it is leaning to the west and points you directly to Bangalash in some hills on the west side of the road. While all of these are possible to solo, they are much much easier with a group.
55. Turn in The Captain’s Chest and Cracking Maury’s Foot.
Return to Booty Bay.
56. Get Stoley’s DebtTran'rek and Whiskey Slim’s Lost Grog.
57. Fly to the Rebel Camp.
58. Turn in Mai’Zoth and Big Game Hunter.
At the Rebel Camp and Nesingwary's Camp.
59. HearthstoneUse your hearthstone to return to Booty Bay, take the boat to Ratchet and fly to Theramore.
60. Turn in Akiris by the Bundle(2).
Groy is on the docks.
61. HearthstoneFly to Gadgetzan in Tanaris and set your hearthstone to the Inn.
62. Turn in Tran'rek.
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
63. Get your Accept-Quest-button-finger ready! Get Gadgetzan Water SurveyThistleshrub ValleyWANTED: Caliph Scorpidsting,WANTED: Andre FirebeardHandle With Care,Water Pouch Bounty and Wastewander Justice.
All in Gadgetzan
64. Travel to Steamwheedle Port and get Pirate Hats Ahoy!Screecher Spirits and Southsea Shakedown.
Follow the road east to Steamwheedle.
65. Turn in Stoley’s Debt and get Stoley’s Shipment.
66. Complete and turn in Water Pouch Bounty and Wastewander Justice.
Southwest from Steamwheedle you'll find large windmills and many camps of thieves and bandits for your quests. Turn in at Gadgetzan.
67. Get More Wastewander Justice.
68. Complete More Wastewander Justice and WANTED: Caliph Scorpidsting
Caliph wanders among the windmill machines.
69. Complete Pirate Hats Ahoy!Southsea ShakedownStoley’s Shipment and WANTED: Andre Firebeard.
Go east until you reach the coast. Follow the coast south until you find a tunnel. Go through the tunnel to enter the pirate controlled area. Inside the fenced area you'll find Stoley's shipment in the house on the northwest side. Andre is inside the fenced area at the fire in the center.
70. Turn in WANTED: Andre FirebeardSouthsea ShakedownStoley’s Shipment and Pirate Hats Ahoy!
At Steamwheedle port to the north.
71. Get Deliver to MacKinley.
72. HearthstoneUse your hearthstone to return to Gadgetzan.
73. Turn in More Wastewander Justice and WANTED: Caliph Scorpidsting
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
74. Complete and turn in Gadgetzan Water Survey.
Travel to the only small body of water to the west of Gadgetzan. When you use your water tap, immediately run away from the bugs that spawn. They're not worth the effort to kill them.
75. Get Noxious Lair Investigation.
76. HearthstoneFly to Feathermoon Stronghold and set your hearthstone to the Inn.
77. Get The Mark of QualityThe Missing Courier(1)The Ruins of SolarsalThe High Wilderness and In Search of Knowledge.
78. Turn in The Missing Courier(1) and get The Missing Courier(2).

Opportunity Knocks!

The Naga you will be killing in the next few steps will drop clams. Before selling them, be sure you open them to extract any pearls they might have. Sell the pearls in the Auction House and you stand to make a small profit! When opportunity knocks...answer!
79. Turn in The Ruins of Solarsal and get Return to Feathermoon Stronghold.
Go to the southwest corner of the island to a naga controlled area and look for a gazebo you can use.
80. Turn in Return to Feathermoon Stronghold.
Head north back to Feathermoon
81. Get and turn in Against the Hatecrest(1).
82. Get, complete and turn in Against the Hatecrest(2).
Return to the naga controlled area in the southwest corner of the island and kill the naga there.
83. Get and complete Against Lord Shalzaru.
To find Lord Shalzaru travel south and swim across the channel to the second island. Continue going south on the island until you find a cave. Deep inside the cave you'll find Lord Shalzaru.
84. HearthstoneUse your hearthstone to return to Feathermoon.
85. Turn in Against Lord Shalzaru.
86. Get and turn in Delivering the Relic.
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
87. Turn in The Missing Courier(2) and get Boat Wreckage.
Travel to the mainland and then go south down the coast and look for some small boat wreckage on the shore. Then go to the water's edge and use the submerged boat wreckage.
88. Complete Screecher Spirits.
You can find wind serpents all along the coastline.
89. Complete The Mark of Quality and The High Wilderness.
From the docks, follow the road east up the hill then take the right (south) fork. Continue follow the road until it curves and heads east again. Now leave the road and travel southeast to the cave controlled by the yetis you need to kill.
90. Get, complete and turn in Freedom For All Creatures.
Head north until you reach the road again and follow it east. When you get to a small bridge over a river, leave the road and go north until you hit the northern mountains. Follow the side of the mountain east and you'll discover a path leading to a pair of NPC night elves. When you accept the quest, an event will start. Protect the night elves and the sprite darters as they escape.
91. Get, complete and turn in Doling Justice(1).
In the area around the night elves you'll find the grimtotem tauren that you need to kill.
92. Get Doling Justice(2).
93. HearthstoneUse your hearthstone to return to Feathermoon.
94. Turn in The Mark of Quality and get Improved Quality.
95. Turn in The High Wilderness.
96. Turn in Boat Wreckage and get The Knife Revealed.
97. Turn in The Knife Revealed and get Psychometric Reading.
98. Turn in Psychometric Reading and get The Woodpaw Gnolls.
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
99. Fly to Rut’theran Village. This flight will take some time so sit back and relax.
100. Turn in Handle with Care and get Favored of Elune?
Inside the only house in the village.
102. Turn in In Search of Knowledge and get Feralas: A History.
103. Turn in Feralas: A History and get The Borrower.
104. Go to Darnassus.
Through the roots of the glowing purple tree thing.
105. Go to the Auction House and purchase 2 Elixirs of Fortitude.
Go ShoppingSave for LaterIf you can't find them here, you may be able to find them in a nuetral AH like in Gadgetzan or Booty Bay. Or you can purchase the materials which are 2 Wild Steelbloom and 2 Goldthorn and 2 Leaded Vials then find an alchemist to craft the potions for you.
106. Turn in Doling Justice(2).
At the Temple of the Moon on the southern side of Darnassus.
107. HearthstoneUse your hearthstone to return to Feathermoon. If it's not available yet you will need to fly.
108. Get and turn in An Orphan Looking For a Home.
Go back to the elves that are north of the small lake in the Grimtotem controlled camp. Turn in at the racetrack in Thousand Needles.
109. Get and turn in A Short Incubation.
You should already have the 2 elixirs of fortitude you need.
110. Do not yet take the timed quest that is next. Return to Gadgetzan in Tanaris.
111. Turn in The Borrower and get The Super Snapper FX.
112. Get, complete and turn in The Thirsty Goblin.
This quest will be slightly above your level. It will be difficult but do-able if you are careful. In the very southwest corner of the zone is an area called Thistleshrub Valley. You only need to kill Thistleshrub Dew Collectors until you get the gland then return to Gadgetzan.
113. Get and turn in In Good Taste.
Sprinkle is outside a house on the northwest side of town.
114. Get Sprinkle's Secret Ingredient.
Sprinkle is outside a house on the northwest side of town.
115. Turn in Screecher Spirits.
In Steamwheedle port on the coast.
116. Now return to the racetrack in Thousand Needles. When you are ready for the timed quest get The Newest Member of the Family.
Don't take this quest if you don't have about a half hour to devote to the next few steps.
117. Fly to Theramore and take the boat to Menethil. Then fly to Southshore.
118. Travel to the Hinterlands.
Follow the road north out of town then take the east road at the fork. Follow it to the ruins of Durnholde Keep. Behind Durnholde, to the north you will find the mountain pass leading to Aerie Peak in the Hinterlands.
119. Turn in The Newest Member of the Family and get Food for Baby.
120. HearthstoneGet your flight path and set your hearthstone to the Inn.
Flight PathThe flight master is at the top of the town.

121. Get Skulk Rock Clean-upTroll Necklace BountyWitherbark CagesPreying on the PredatorsA Gesture of Goodwill andFeatherbeard’s Endorsement.
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.

Opportunity Knocks!

The trolls of the Hinterlands are a good source of cloth and cash, especially in the area of Shadra'Alor and Jintha'Alor. Sell the cloth in the Auction House for a decent amount of money. When opportunity knocks, answer!
122. Turn in Featherbeard’s Endorsement and get In Pursuit of Featherbeard.
In the house just to the south of town.
123. While questing in the Hinterlands pick up any feathers you find for Favored of Elune?
124. Complete Preying on the PredatorsWitherbark CagesA Gesture of Goodwill and Troll Necklace Bounty.
The wolves you need are just a little east of Aerie Peak. The trolls and cages can be found at various troll ruins around the western half of the zone. To the south of plaguemist ravine you'll find Hiri'Watha and a cave wherein you will find the troll and spider you need to kill.
125. Turn in In Pursuit of Featherbeard and get Reclaiming the Eggs.
East of Hiri'Watha you'll find Shadra'Alor. There are three temple pyramids here. Featherbeard's body is on top of the eastern one.
126. Complete Reclaiming the Eggs.
Eggs are all over Shadra'Alor.
127. Turn in Preying on the PredatorsA Gesture of GoodwillReclaiming the EggsTroll Necklace Bounty and Witherbark Cages.
Back at Aerie Peak.
128. Get The Altar of Zul.
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
129. Complete Skulk Rock CleanupFood for BabyThe Super Snapper FX and Whiskey Slim’s Lost Grog.
The slimes you need to kill can be found in a cave in the middle north side of the zone. The wolves you need to kill are stealthed around the eastern half of the zone. The turtle you need to take a picture of wanders up and down the coast of the zone and the whiskey bottles you need are also strewn along the coast.
130. Complete The Altar of Zul and Sprinkle’s Secret Ingredient.

You can find the purple mushrooms you need at the bottom of Valor lake, which is the largest lake in the center of th zone. To complete the Altar of Zul you only need to get to the top of the pyramid in the southern center of the zone.
Phat Loot!

Phat Lewts!

The Mallet of Zul'Farrak is a rare quality item that is fairly easily obtained in this zone. At the top of the Altar of Zul there are several named trolls. If you wish to get this mace you will need to kill them and loot it then go to the top of Jintha'Alor and use the mallet at the altar there to make it into Phat Lewts!
131. Make sure you have completed Favored of Elune?
132. HearthstoneUse your hearthstone to return to Aerie Peak.
133. Turn in Skulk Rock Clean-up.
134. Turn in Food for Baby and get Becoming a Parent.
135. Turn in Becoming a Parent.
136. Turn in The Altar of Zul.
The rest of this questline is not covered in this guide.
137. HearthstoneFly to Menethil Harbor and take the boat to Theramore. Set your hearthstone to the Inn.
FlyThe next few steps involve a lot of travel. Setting your hearthstone here will cut the travel time down a little bit so don't forget!
138. Fly to Ratchet and take the boat to Booty Bay.
139. Turn in Whiskey Slim's Lost Grog and Deliver to MacKinley.
140. Fly to Stormwind and take the boat to Auberdine then fly to Rut'theran Village.
141. Turn in The Super Snapper FX and get Return to Troyas.
142. Turn in Favored of Elune?
143. HearthstoneUse your hearthstone to return to Theramore then fly to Tanaris.
144. HearthstoneSet your hearthstone to the Inn in Gadgetzan.
145. Turn in Sprinkle’s Secret Ingredient and get Delivery for Marin.
146. Turn in Delivery for Marin.
147. Get and turn in Noggenfogger Elixir.
148. Get The Dunemaul Compound.
149. Get Gahz’ridian.
Go south from Gadgetzan until you find some ruins called the Broken Pillar in the center of the zone.
150. While doing the next few steps, be working on getting Gahz’ridian Ornaments for the quest Gahz’ridian.
You can put on your helmet to see the Gahz'ridian on the radar or just look for 'bumps' of sand. The troll ruins around the desert are the best places to find them.
151. Complete The Dunemaul CompoundNoxious Lair Investigation,and Thistleshrub Valley.
Southwest of the Broken Pillar you will find the Dunemaul Compound with all the ogres you need to kill. West of the compound you'll find the Noxious Lair infested with bugs you need to kill. South and slightly west of the Lair you'll find Thisleshrub Valley with the elementals you need to kill.
152. Turn in Noxious Lair Investigation and get The Scrimshank Redemption.
153. Turn in Thistleshrub Valley and The Dunemaul Compound.
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
154. Complete and turn in Gahz’ridian.
At the broken pillar in the center of the zone.
155. Complete The Scrimshank Redemption.
In the southeastern corner of the zone you'll find another Silithid (bug) infested area. Start down the spiral ramp opening and head into the first tunnel entrance you come to. Take a left and continue along until you reach a round-shaped room, from the round room take another left and you will end up in a large "moth-shaped room". The gear you need is located against the western wall of the "moth-shaped" room (the tip of the left wing if you think of it as a moth).
156. HearthstoneUse your hearthstone to return to Gadgetzan.
157. Turn in The Scrimshank Redemption.
158. Get and turn in Insect Part Analysis(1).
159. Get and turn in Insect Part Analysis(2).
160. Get Rise of the Silithid.
161. HearthstoneFly to Feathermoon Stronghold and set your hearthstone at the Inn.
162. Turn in Return to Troyas and get The Stave of Equinex.
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
163. Complete Improved Quality.
Take the boat to the mainland. Follow the road up the hill and then go north. As you come up the hill, hug the eastern mountain range and you'll find the cave where the yetis are that you need to kill and loot.
164. Get The Giant Guardian.
Northwest of the yeti cave across the road and into the wilderness. You'll know you're getting close when you start seeing crystals.

Opportunity Knocks!

The harpies you will kill in the next few steps are a good source of cloth and cash. Sell the cloth in the Auction House for a decent amount of money. When opportunity knocks, answer!
165. Complete and turn in The Stave of Equinex and get The Morrow Stone.
There are four flames in the harpies area. Collect them then find the Monolith. Stand next to the Monolith and right click the Stave in your inventory. Turn in to the stone.
166. Turn in The Giant Guardian and when you are ready to escort get Wandering Shay.
167. Complete and turn in Wandering Shay.
Don’t forget to grab Shay’s Bell from the chest and use it to call her back to you. For this escort quest, she follows you, you don't follow her.
168. Get Zapped Giants and Fuel for Zapping.
Go back to the docks on the coast.
169. Complete Zapped Giants and Fuel for Zapping.
Up and down the coast you'll find every mob you need.
170. Turn in Zapped Giants and Fuel for Zapping.
At the docks on the western shore of the mainland.
171. Turn in The Woodpaw Gnolls and get The Writhing Deep. When you accept this quest, you will get an item called an Undelivered Parcel. Use it to get the quest Thalanaar Delivery.
Follow the road that leads east across the zone. Just before you reach the horde town turn south and you'll find the gnoll encampments. Find the one that is against a large tree. The pack you are looking for is hanging on the tree.
172. Turn in The Writhing Deep and get Freed from the Hive.
South from the Gnolls is the Writhing Deep, another silithid (bug) controlled area. Go into the western spiral and enter the southwestern cave. Hug the right wall when it forks and you'll find the hatchery room. Use the large pod in the center of the room.
173. Run to Thalanaar and turn in Thalanaar Delivery.
Head east across the zone. Thalanaar is on the border of the zone on the south side.
174. HearthstoneUse your hearthstone to return to Feathermoon.
175. Turn in Freed from the Hive.
176. Get and turn in A Hero’s Welcome.
178. Get Rise of the Silithid.
179. Turn in The Morrow Stone and Improved Quality.
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
180. Make sure you have 15 Silk Cloth for a later quest. If you need to purchase some, stop by Ironforge while doing your traveling in the next step.
Go ShoppingSave for Later
181. Fly to Theramore then take the boat to Menethil. Fly to Loch Modan then travel through the Badlands and into Searing Gorge.
FlyThe entrance to the Badlands is in the southwest corner of Loch Modan. The mountain pass into Searing Gorge from the Badlands is on the western side of the zone, just south of the Horde town of Kargath.
182. Upon entering the zone, go south and pick up the quest Caught!
Follow the road south to the Grimslit Dig site. Up on the hill to the southeast of the digsite there is an outhouse and the NPC stuck inside will give you this quest.
183. When you are ready, get, and complete the escort quest Suntara Stones(1).
The escort NPC is passed out at the bottom of the Grimslit Dig site. Clear the area before accepting the quest and it will be a lot easier.
184. Turn in Suntara Stones(1) and get Suntara Stones(2).
At the end of the escort, the NPC is sniped. Near his body is a piece of paper you can use.
185. Complete and turn in Caught!
Go back to the Grimslit Dig site and kill mobs there until you complete your quest. Mobs at the site will sometimes drop silk cloth if you do not have enough.
186. Kill a thunderlizard named Margol the Rager. Loot him to get Margol’s Horn. Use the horn to get the quest The Horn of the Beast.
Margol is usually in a cave in the very southeast corner of the zone. If he's not there, he's patroling around the mountains near the cave.
187. Run northwest and get your Thorium Point, Searing Gorge flight path.
Flight PathThorium Point is located towards the center north side of the zone up in the mountains. The flight master for the Alliance is on the southeast side of the small town.
188. Fly to Loch Modan and turn in The Horn of the Beast.
FlyFollow the road south all the way to the bottom of the zone in the Valley of Kings.
189. Get Proof of the Deed.
190. Fly to Ironforge and turn in Proof of the Deed.
FlyAt the library in the Hall of Explorers.
191. Get At Last!
192. Turn in Suntara Stones(2) and get Dwarven Justice.
193. Fly to Loch Modan and turn in At Last!
194. Fly to Thorium Point, Searing Gorge.
195. Get the quests What the Flux?Incendosaurs? Whateverosaur is More Like ItCurse These Fat FingersFiery Menace,WANTED: Overseer MaltoriusSTOLEN: Smithing Tuyere and Lookout’s SpyglassJOB OPPORTUNITY: Culling the Competition.
All at Thorium Point.
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
196. Get, complete and turn in Divine Retribution.
Just south of Thorium Point you'll find the quest NPC.
197. Get, complete and turn in The Flawless Flame.
You can find golems, magma elementals and fire elementals all over the zone.

Opportunity Knocks!

The elementals you've been killing have a good chance of dropping Essence of Fire and Essence of Earth, which is used in many professions. Keep any of them that you get and sell them in the Auction House for a decent amount of money. When opportunity knocks, answer!
198. Get Forging the Shaft.
199. While doing the next few steps, kill all the Steamsmiths you find until you get a Smithing Tuyere for the quest STOLEN: Smithing Tuyere and Lookout’s Spyglass.
The drop rate is really low and the respawn isn't so hot either. So it may take some time to find this item. It's best to make the rounds and kill them while you're doing other quests.
200.While doing the next few steps, kill all the Slavers and Taskmasters you run across for the quest JOB OPPORTUNITY: Culling the Competition and Forging the Shaft.
201. Turn in Dwarven Justice and get Release Them.
Find the lift hole just south of the flight point and carefully jump down into the Slag Pit. Once inside, go in an easterly direction until you reach a large room with a inert golem laying on the floor in the middle.
202. Complete WANTED: Overseer Maltorius and What the Flux?
GroupFrom the golem, if you face south and look up you'll see the ledge where the Overseer stands. Make your way up there and kill him. The plans are on a seat behind him. It's possible to solo him but easier with help.
203. Complete Incendosaurs? Whateverosaur is More Like It.
From Maltorius go south across the bridge then jump down to the dirt path near the lava pools. Continue eastward and you'll very soon find the Incendosaurs you need to kill.
204. Complete JOB OPPORTUNITY: Culling the Competition and Forging the Shaft.
Throughout the slag pit you should be killing the mobs you need.
205. Complete Fiery Menace and Curse These Fat Fingers.
The golems you need to kill around on the northern side of the Slag Pit. The spiders you need are on the western side of the zone.
206. Turn in Forging the Shaft and get The Flame’s Casing.
207. Turn in WANTED: Overseer MaltoriusCurse These Fat FingersFiery MenaceIncendosaurs? Whateverosaur is More Like ItJOB OPPORTUNITY: Culling the Competition and  What the Flux?
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.

Opportunity Knocks!

The Twilight mobs you will kill in the next few steps, are an excellent source of cash and cloth. Sell the cloth in the Auction House for a decent amount of money. When opportunity knocks, answer!
208. Get, complete and turn in Prayer to Elune(1).
The NPC for this quest is located in the mountains to the west of Thorium Point. To get up there you'll need to go to the cave in the northwest corner of the zone then look for the mountain path to the east of the cave's entrance.
209. Get Prayer to Elune(2).
210. Complete Release Them.
Jump into the pool of lava and stand in the center. Grab the Mysterious Artifact.
211. Complete Prayer to Elune(2) and The Flame’s Casing.
Any of the twilight mobs have a chance to drop the items you need.
212. Turn in The Flame’s Casing and get The Torch of Retribution.
213. Turn in The Torch of Retribution by picking up the green glowing torch in front of Kalaran Windblade.
214. Get and turn in Squire Maltrake.
215. Get Set Them Ablaze.
216. Complete Set Them Ablaze and STOLEN: Smithing Tuyere and Lookout’s Spyglass.
Around the Slag Pit you'll find towers. Climb the towers and look for the small braziers on the corner of each tower. Equip the Torch of Retribution and light the braziers with it. The towers are surrounded by Lookouts that you can kill for the Spyglass. Steamsmiths are located among the camps on the north side of the slag pit.
217.  Turn in Set Them Ablaze.
218. Get and turn in Trinkets…
Save for LaterYou will recieve a Black Dragonflight Molt. Save it for a later quest.
219. Turn in STOLEN: Smithing Tuyere and Lookout’s Spyglass.
At Thorium Point.
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
220. Turn in Release Them
Inside the Slag pit back at the golem room.
221. When you are ready, get and complete Rise, Obsidion.
GroupIt's possible to solo this quest but easier with a group.
222. Return to Thorium Point and Fly to Ironforge.
223. Turn in Rise, Obsidion.
In the library in the Hall of Explorers

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