Molten WOW Guide: Chapter Seven - Hellfire Peninsula


Chapter Seven - Hellfire Peninsula

MountIn Patch 3.2 you will be able to purchase a flying mount at level 60. If you are viewing this guide before Patch 3.2 you will not be able to make your purchase until level 70. In step #, go get your flying mount. If you can’t afford it yet, purchase it the moment you can afford it.
1. Go to the Dark Portal and get Through the Dark Portal.
Southern side of the Blasted Lands....very large portal with a stone frame. Can't miss it. The NPC is in the camp, standing in front of it.
2. Go through the Portal and turn in Through the Dark Portal.
3. Get and turn in Arrival in Outland.
Turn left(south) and talk to the flight master.
4. Get Journey to Honor Hold.
Flight PathThis will award you this flight point as well as your Honor Hold and Shattrath(Patch 3.2) flight paths.
5. Fly to Honor Hold and set your Hearthstonehearthstone to the Inn.

Opportunity Knocks!

Vendors, vendors everywhere with books and scrolls for ye! The following vendors sell recipes and books that can be resold at the Auction House for approx double or more of the cost of purchase.
  • Alchemist Gribble is the Master Alchemy Trainer who sells the Recipe: Elixir of Camouflage.
  • Tatiana is the Master Jewelcrafting Trainer who sells 12 jewelcrafting recipes. The recipes are fairly common so think carefully about whether or not you will try to buy and resell them.
  • Sid Limbardi the Innkeeper sells a Ravager Dog cooking recipe.
  • Lebowski the Master Engineering Trainer sells Ultra Spectropic Detection Goggles Schematics and the Cogspinner Goggles Schematics.
When Opportunity knocks, Answer!
6. Turn in Journey to Honor Hold and get Force Commander Danath.
7. Turn in Force Commander Danath.
In the barracks on the south side of town.
8. Get The Legion Reborn and Know your Enemy.
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
9. Turn in The Legion Reborn and get The Path of Anguish.
Get on the road going east out of town. On the right(south) you'll see some wagons and supplies where you'll find Altumus.
10. Complete and turn in The Path of Anguish and get Expedition Point.
East of Altumus is a ravine controlled by the demons you need to kill.
11. Turn in Expedition Point and get Disrupt Their Reinforcements.
East of Altumus, past the path of anguish, you'll find a broken down fel reaver getting scrapped for parts by the Alliance.
12. Complete and turn in Disrupt Their Reinforcements.
To the north of Expedition Point you'll find the demons and gateways. To destroy the gateways, kill demons until you have 4 demonic runestones for each gate (8 total) then use the primer while standing inside the gateway to destroy it.
13. Get, complete and turn in Mission: the Murketh and Shaadraz Gateways.
Talk to the wing commander and he'll put you on a gryphon. Find the bombs in your packs and use them to destroy the gateways you will fly around.
14. Get and turn in Shatter Point.
Talk to the wing commander and have him send you to Shatter Point.
15. Get your flight path.
Flight Path
16. Get and turn in Wing Commander Gryphongar.
Inside the tower.
17. Get, complete and turn in Mission: The Abyssal Shelf.
Behind the flight master is another wing commander who will give you some bombs and put you on a gryphon to the Abyssal Shelf. Use the bombs to destroy the demons and cannons.
18. Get Go to the Front.
19. HearthstoneUse your hearthstone to return to Honor Hold.
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
20. Get An Old Gift and The Longbeards.
21. Turn in Know your Enemy.
Go to the northwest scout tower just outside of Honor Hold.
22. Get Fel Orc ScavengersUnyielding SoulsWaste Not, Want NotA Job for an Intelligent Man and When This Mine’s a Rockin’.
23. Complete and turn in When This Mine’s a Rockin’.
Enter the mine and kill the mobs you need.
24. Get, complete and turn in The Mastermind.
At the very bottom of the mine.

Opportunity Knocks!

The orcs that you will be killing a lot of in this chapter have a good drop rate for cash and cloth. Sell the cloth in the Auction House for a tidy profit! When Opportunity knocks, Answer!
25. Complete and turn in Waste Not, Want Not and Fel Orc Scavengers.
North of Honor Hold is the Path of Glory, which is a large road leading to the Dark Portal. On the south side of the Path of Glory you'll find the ruins of large machines that are swarming with fel orcs. In this area you'll find the scraps you need to collect and plenty of orcs to kill.
26. Get Laying Waste to the Unwanted and Ill Omens.
27. Get The Path of Glory.
In the barracks in Honor Hold.
28. Complete The Path of Glory and Laying Waste to the Unwanted.
Go to the Path of Glory, north of Honor Hold. Find the skeleton piles along the path to use your water on then go to the north side of the Path. Use your torch to set fire to all four of the catapults.
29. Turn in Laying Waste to the Unwanted and The Path of Glory.
At the Northwest scout tower and inside the barracks at Honor Hold.
30. Get The Temple of Telhamat.
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
31. Fly to Shatter Point then fly to Honor Point.
FlyAfter reaching Shatter Point, talk to the wing commander behind the flight master. She'll send you to Honor Point.
32. Turn in Go to the Front and get Disruption – Forge Camp: Mageddon.
33. Complete and turn in Disruption – Forge Camp: Mageddon.
To the west of Honor Point is Fore Camp: Mageddon with the mobs you need to kill.
34. Get, complete and turn in Enemy of my Enemy…
At Forge Camp: Mageddon there are cannons you can kill. No need to go to the further camp to get them when they are more easily killed here.
35. Get and complete Invasion Point: Annihilator.
From Honor Point, go north to the mountainside then follow the mountainside westward until you reach Invasion Point: Annihilator. Kill the Warbringer, loot his key then stand inside the demon gateway to use it and close it.
36. When you loot the Warbringer, you will get a Burning Legion Missive. Use it to get the quest The Dark Missive.
37. Get the quest Outland Sucks!
This quest comes from a Goblin near the mine just north of the horde town of Thrallamar. It's west of Forge Camp: Annihilator. Be careful to avoid the horde guards as you go to get this quest.
38. While doing the next four steps, be sure to kill all the Crust Bursters you see for the quest A Job for an Intelligent Man.
Crust Bursters can be found by looking for bouncing rocks on the ground. Walk up to them and a worm will pop out for you to kill.
39. Complete and turn in Outland Sucks!
Go west from the goblin to a ravine that runs north/south. All along this small ravine you'll find the boxes you need.
40. Get, complete and turn in How to Serve Goblins.
Go back to the small ravine and follow it southwest until you see the walls of Hellfire Citadel. Among the camps along these walls you'll find the caged peons you need to free.
41. Get, complete and turn in Shizz Work.
Use the felhound whistle and start killing any helboars in the area. Be sure to kill them near the felhound so the felhound will eat the boar and take a dump. Search the pile of poo for the keys you need. Continue until you get them.
42. Get, complete and turn in Beneath Thrallamar.
Enter the mine and make your way to the very end where you'll find the mob you need to kill.
43. Turn in Invasion Point: Annihilator.
Return to Honor Point to the east of the Thrallamar mine.
44. HearthstoneUse your hearthstone to return to Honor Hold and turn in The Dark Missive.
45. Get The Heart of Darkness and Overlord.
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
46. Get Ravager Egg Roundup and In Case of Emergency…
Leave Honor Hold using the southwest path then go west-southwest to the Zepplin Crash site to get these quests.
47. While doing the next steps pick up all the Zepplin Debris you find for In Case of Emergency… but don't worry about finishing it until step 95.
48. Complete and turn in Ravager Egg Roundup.
To the west of the Zepplin you'll find a road. Follow it westward and it will lead you to a thorny, ravager controlled area. You can loot the eggs from anywhere in this area or you can kill the large ravagers and loot eggs from them.
49. Get Hellboar, the Other White Meat.
Back at the Zepplin crash.
50. Complete An Old Gift and Unyielding Souls.
South of the Zepplin crash you'll find the Expedition Armory controlled by undead. South of the southern wall you'll find a house and on the step of the house you'll find the book you need.
51. Complete A Job For An Intelligent Man.
Go north. There's a good sized ravine that runs between honor hold and the southern rampart wall of Hellfire Citadel. This ravine is a good place to look for those bouncing rocks. Walk up to them and a worm will pop out for you to kill.
52. While doing the above step you will get an Eroded Leather Case. Use it to get the quest Missing Missive.
53. Turn in A Job For An Intelligent Man and Unyielding Souls.
At the mine and scout tower northwest of Honor Hold.
54. Get, complete and turn in Looking to the Leadership.
Back to the Expedition Armory on the southern edge of the zone. The mage you need to kill is on the west side. The captain you need to kill is on the south side.
55. Turn in An Old Gift.
Back at Honor Hold.
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
56. Go Westward and find the Longbeards to turn in The Longbeards.
The Longbeards are at a small camp to the south-southwest of the blood elf town of Falcon Watch. Follow the road that leads west across the zone and you'll see the blood elf tower in the distance after you pass Hellfire Citadel and cross a bridge.
57. Get and turn in Gaining Mirren’s Trust.
You should already have a Nethergarde Bitter from the end of the previous chapter.
58. Get The Finest DownThe Arakkoa Threat and Rampaging Ravagers.
59. Complete The Finest Down and The Arakkoa Threat. While doing this, kill the named mob, Avruu and loot him to get Avruu’s Orb.
South of the Longbeards is an arakkoa controlled area called the Den of Haal'esh. Avruu patrols the top of the cliff on the west side.
60. Use Avruu’s Orb to get the quest Avruu’s Orb.
61. Complete and turn in Avruu’s Orb.
On the very south side of the Den of Haal'esh you'll find an orb you can use to summon and defeat an air elemental.
62. Turn in The Arakkoa Threat and The Finest Down.
Back at the Longbeard's camp.
63. Complete and turn in Rampaging Ravagers.
To the north of the Longbeards there's another thorny area controlled by Ravagers. Find the large, dark green ones wandering around and kill them.
64. Go to the Temple of Telhamat and get your flight path.
Flight PathNearly straight north from the Longbeards against the northern mountains.

Opportunity Knocks!

Vendors, vendors everywhere with books and scrolls for ye! The following vendors sell recipes and books that can be resold at the Auction House for approx double or more of the cost of purchase.
  • Berco is the Medic vendor who sells the First Aid training books.
  • Vodesiin is the Reagents vendor who sells the enchanting recipe for a Runed Adamantite Rod.
When Opportunity knocks, Answer!
65. Turn in The Temple of Telhamat.
66.Get The Pools of AggonarHelping the Cenarion PostAn Ambitious PlanDeadly PredatorsCruel TaskmastersThe Rock Flayer Matriarch and In Search of Sedai.
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
67. Turn in In Search of Sedai.
Go back to the flight master. Walk off the cliff straight east and keep going until you find Sedai's body. If your graphics are good, you can actually see his glowing body from the flight master so he's not very far at all.
68. Get and turn in Return to Obadei.
Back at the temple.
69. Get, complete and turn in Makuru’s Vengeance.
East of the temple and up into the mountains is the Mag'har Post. Kill the orcs there and loot them for their beads.
70. Get and turn in Atonement.
71. Get Sha’naar Relics.
72. Go to Cenarion Post.
From the Temple, go south to the road then follow it west until you see a small encampment of Cenarion NPCs on the left(south) side of the road.
73. Turn in Helping the Cenarion Post and get Demonic Contamination.
74. Turn in Missing Missive.
75. Get Colossal MenaceThe Cenarion Expedition and Keep Thornfang Hill Clear!
76. Complete and turn in Demonic Contamination.
Helboars around and to the east of Cenarion Post will yield the blood you need.
77. While doing the above quest, pick up all the Tainted Helboar Meat you come across. Use your Purification Mixture on it in the attempt to get Purified Helboar Meat until you complete Helboar, the Other White Meat.
78. Get, complete and turn in Testing the Antidote.
Find a helboar, any of them near the Post will do. Use your 'antidote' on it and kill it.
79. Head to the Ruins of Sha’naar and get Naladu.
Go directly south from Cenarion Post. There are four NPCs in houses all over the town who will offer you this quest.
80. Turn in Naladu and get A Traitor Among Us.
Naladu is inside a hut at the very very very south point in the Ruins of Sha'naar.
81. Complete and turn in A Traitor Among Us.
Go north from Naladu and enter the house in the center of this area. Don't go down the stairs or you're in the wrong area. Loot the chest inside the house.
82. Get, complete and turn in The Dreghood Elders.
The Dreghood Elders are in various houses around the Ruins of Sha'naar. Find them and talk to them. There are two on the west side and one on the east.
83.  Complete Cruel Taskmasters and Sha’naar Relics.
As you may have already noticed, the ruins are infested with demons and their enslaved broken draenei. Kill the demons and loot all the urns you can find around the city...usually guarded by the demons.
84. Get, complete and turn in Arzeth’s Demise.
The large elite demon that patrols north and south through the center of the ruins is your target. Use the staff on him to make him loose his eliteness and defeat him.
85. Go turn in Cruel Taskmasters and Sha’naar Relics.
At the Temple of Telhamat.
86. Get, complete and turn in The Seer’s Relic.
Go back to Sedai's body, east of the flight master and use the relic to find out how he died then return to Telhamat.
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
87. HearthstoneUse your hearthstone to return to Honor Hold then head back to the Zepplin Crash and turn in Helboar, the Other White Meat.
If you still need meat, any of the Helboars in the area will do nicely.
88. Get Smooth as Butter.
89. Complete Smooth as Butter and In Case of Emergency…
East of the Zepplin crash and south of Honor Hold you'll find a ravine full of the parts you need and the birds you need to kill.
90. Complete and turn in Ill Omens.
South of Honor Hold is the fel orc controlled area of Zeth'Gor. Kill any of the orcs in the area and loot them for a talisman. Go east of Zeth'Gor to the Expedition Point to turn in.
91. Get Cursed Talismans and Zeth’Gor Must Burn!
92. Complete and turn in Cursed Talismans and Zeth’Gor Must Burn!
There are several towers in and around Zeth'Gor. Use your smoke signal at the towers to signal the bombing birds. Kill any of the fel orcs to get the talismans you need.
93. Get, complete and turn in Warlord of Bleeding Hollow.
In the southwest corner of Zeth'Gor is the barracks. Inside you'll find the warlord you need to kill.
94. Get Return to Honor Hold.
95. Turn in Smooth as Butter and In Case of Emergency…
At the Zepplin Crash, southwest of Honor Hold.
96. Get Voidwalkers Gone Wild.
97. Complete Voidwalkers Gone Wild and An Ambitious Plan.
South and southwest of the Zepplin crash are large voids in space that spew out a fairly constant stream of voidwalkers that you need to kill. When you get a Uncontrolled Voidwalker, remember to use your crystal on it and loot the gem that appears.
98. Turn in Voidwalkers Gone Wild.
At the Zepplin Crash southwest of Honor Hold.
99. Go to Honor Hold.
Northeast of the Zepplin Crash.

Opportunity Knocks!

The voidwalkers in the Warp Fields as well as at Void Ridge on the eastern edge of the zone (east of Zeth'Gor but before the dark portal) have a decent drop rate on motes of shadow. 10 of these can be turned into a Primal Shadow which sell for between 20g-40g depending on your server. Consider farming them now or just note where they are at so you can farm them when you're higher level. When Opportunity knocks, Answer!
100. Turn in Return to Honor Hold.
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
101. Get Fel Spirits and Digging for Prayer Beads.
102. From vendors at Honor Hold, purchase a Silken Thread and a Maiden’s Anguish. Use those items to purchase a Fei Fei Doggy Treat from Warrant Officer Tracy Proudwell.
Go Shopping
103. Talk to Fei Fei and give him the dog treat you purchased. Follow Fei Fei around and check all the dirt piles he leaves behind until you get the Draenei Prayer Beads.
104. Turn in Digging for Prayer Beads.
105. Complete and turn in Fel Spirits.
From Honor Hold, go west until you reach the southern rampart wall of Hellfire Citadel. Follow the wall south to nearly it's end. Just before you reach the road you'll see an orc encampment with prisoners in cages. This is the place you need to set down your quest item and kill the fel orcs. Be warned that once you kill them, their spirits will appear and you have to kill them again. Solo-able but can be difficult if you're not careful.
106. Get, complete and turn in The Exorcism of Colonel Jules.
Put the prayer beads on your hotbar or just be ready to use them as often as you can. When there are 2-3 mobs up (slimes and floating skulls), select one and use your beads while standing on top of the Anchorite. It will kill all the mobs. If the Anchorite gets below 75% health, use the beads on him to heal him.
107. Get and turn in Trollbane is Looking for You.
In the barracks at Honor Hold.
108. Get, complete and turn in Drill the Drillmaster.
GroupThe Drillmaster is located on the southeast side of Hellfire Citadel. You will need help.
109. Go west and complete Deadly Predators and The Rock Flayer Matriarch.
West of Honor Hold, past Hellfire Citadel is a large, sunken and sandy area controlled by rock flayers that you need to kill. The Rock Flayer Matriarch is in the cave in the approx center of the area.
110. Go north to the Pools of Aggonar and complete The Pools of AggonarThe Heart of Darkness and Overlord.
GroupNorth-northwest of Hellfire Citadel is a demon and slime controlled place called the Pools of Aggonar. Kill the slimes and demons here. The Overlord is on a platform in the northeast corner of the Pools of Aggonar and is the only one among the three quests in this step where you will need a group to complete.
111. Go to the Temple of Telhamat.
112. Turn in An Ambitious PlanDeadly PredatorsThe Rock Flayer Matriarch and The Pools of Aggonar.
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
113. Get, complete and turn in Cleansing the Waters.
Go back to the Pools of Aggonar and make your way to the north area. Stand right in front of the large skeleton and use your cleansing vial to summon and slay a demon. Return to the Temple when done.
114. HearthstoneUse your hearthstone to return to Honor Hold.
115. Turn in The Heart of Darkness and Overlord.
116. Complete and turn in Keep Thornfang Hill Clear!
Go back to the Temple. Go south to the road then follow it west until you reach yet another thorny ravager controlled area.
117. Complete and turn in Colossal Menace.
GroupTo the north of Cenarion Post is a large red crystal surrounded by giants. Get some help and kill the giants.
118. While doing the above step you will get a Crimson Crystal Shard. Use it to get Crimson Crystal Clue.
119. Turn in Crimson Crystal Clue and get The Earthbinder.
At Cenarion Post.
120. Turn in The Earthbinder and get Natural Remedies.
GroupKill the giant that gets summoned in order to get the next part.
121. Complete and turn in Natural Remedies.
GroupGet a group and travel north to the large red crystal. On the north side of the crystal is a green rune circle. Clear the area so you have plenty of room then use the seed on the crystal while standing in the green circle. This will summon another giant that will need killing.

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