Molten WOW Guide: Chapter Eight - Storm Peaks


Chapter Eight - Storm Peaks

Level 80If you are Level 80 by this point, Congrats! You will have no need of this chapter for leveling purposes. If you haven't been getting rested xp throughout the leveling process and/or you've been skipping group quests you will likely need just a bit more to get to Level 80. This chapter will take you through a small portion of Storm Peaks that will give you the estimated boost you need. It does not cover all the quests in Storm Peaks.
1. Travel to Dalaran.
Flight Path

You will likely need to get your connecting flight points before being able to fly from Sholazar to Dalaran. There is a trail leading up to Borean Tundra on the southwestern side of the zone. Follow the roads and trails to get your Fizzcrank's Airstrip flight point. Valiance Keep flight point and your Unu'pe flight point. Then fly to Dalaran.
2. Get Luxurious Getaway!
In the Sewers of Dalaran.
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
3. Travel to K3 in Storm Peaks and turn in Luxurious Getaway!
Flight Path
Fly to Windrunner's Overlook then head north. Just west of Sunreaver's Command (horde town) you will find a road leading into Storm Peaks. Follow it to K3 and get your flight point.
4. Get Reclaimed RationsExpression of GratitudeClean UpEquipment Recovery and They Took Our Men!
5. Complete and turn in Reclaimed RationsExpression of Gratitude and Clean Up.
The wreckage you need is around the crater just outside of town.
Follow the road leading west. When it turns to go down to Crystalsong, leave the road and continue northwest to the gnoll encampments. Gnarlhide is in the western-most camp.
6. Get Just Around the Corner and Ample Inspiration.
7. Complete and turn in Just Around the Corner.
Straight west from K3 (not on the road, south of it) is the Minefield. You can't fly in or you'll be shot down. You need to find the safe path through the mines to the center to retrieve the tools. Find Bellinger and Baily on the eastern side of the field. To their right is a Danger sign and to the left and further away is another Danger sign. The left Danger sign marks the start of the safe path through the field.
8. Get and turn in Slightly Unstable.
9. Get, complete and turn in A Delicate Touch.
Northeast of K3 you'll find some Danger signs and lazer turrets. Go lay your mines where the attackers are charging in from.
10. Get Moving In and Ore Repossession.
North of K3 there is a large cave. Outside the cave to the east is Tore.
11. Get Only Partly Forgotten.
Inside the cave there are several goblins offering this quest. It doesn't matter which you take it from or which you turn in to.
12. Complete Moving InOre Repossession and Only Partly Forgotten.
The Ore is found of kobolds in a small kobold enclosed area in the caves. The venom sack comes from different colored spiders deep inside the caves.
13. Turn in Only Partly Forgotten.
14. Get and complete Bitter Departure.
Escort the goblin to the exit.
15. Turn in Moving In and Ore Repossession.
16. Complete Ample Inspiration.
Use the rocket dispenser next to Tore and race off westward to find a mammoth. Run up to it and blow it up with the rocket. The rocket has a very short timer so you must be quick. Collect the meat from the blown-up mammoth.
17. Turn in Ample Inspiration and Bitter Departure.
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
18. Get, complete and turn in Opening the Backdoor.
From K3 head east, hugging the mountainside. You'll find the power cell you need and if you continue east, past the big cave, you'll find the teleporter. You can now use this teleporter to move back and forth from K3 to Garm's Rise.
19. Get Know No Fear.
At K3.
20. Get A Flawless Plan.
Step on the Teleporter to go back to Garm's Rise.
21. Complete Know No Fear and A Flawless Plan.
Enter the cave. I recommend you get all your kills first before blowing up the place. Hug the right wall and take the ramp all the way up. Place your dynamite at the altar and that will summon Frostgut.
22. Turn in A Flawless Plan and get Demolitionist Extraordinaire.
23. Turn in Know No Fear and Demolitionist Extraordinaire.
Step back on the teleporter to K3.
24. Get, complete and turn in Overstock.
Just like Step 9. Go northeast and lay mines.
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
25. Get When All Else Fails.
Don't ride the rocket to Frosthold yet.
26. Complete Equipment Recovery and They Took Our Men!
In the mountains to the north of K3 is Sifreldar Village. Kill the vrykul ladies for keys to cages and loot the boxes of supplies around the town.
27. Turn in Equipment Recovery and They Took Our Men!
At K3.
28. Get and turn in Leave No Goblin Behind.
Go back to Sifreldar Village and enter the cave on the northeast side of the village. Hug the left.

Opportunity Knocks!

The mine here has a lot of Captive Vrykul. These mobs have an insanely fast respawn rate. They drop good amounts of grey scraps which sell well to a vendor. They also drop cash and cloth. Most importantly they have about a 50% drop rate on Relics of Ulduar which are used for Sons of Hodir rep, making them very valuable. When Opportunity Knocks...answer!
29. Get, complete and turn in The Crone’s Bargain.
Go up the ramp into the central part of the mine. Overseer Syra patrols this area.
30. Get and turn in Mildred the Cruel.
In the central part of the mine.
31. Get, complete and turn in Discipline.
Use your rod on Vrykul miners who are sitting down.
32. Get, complete and turn in Examples to be Made.
East of Mildred in the next room is Garhal whom you need to kill.
33. Get and turn in A Certain Prisoner.
Go back to the western end of the mine.
34. Get and turn in A Change of Scenery.
Travel to the eastern side of the mine and go outside and look to the right.
35. Get, complete and turn in Is That Your Goblin?
To the east is Agnetta and Zeev. Challenge Agnetta and kill her.
36. Get, complete and turn in The Hyldsmeet.
Talk to the crone.
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
37. Get, complete and turn in Taking on All Challengers.
Walk around the village and look for Victorious Challengers (blue ladies who are not dueling). Challenge and defeat them.
38. Get and turn in You’ll Need a Bear.
Brijana is just outside the village to the east.
39. Get, complete and turn in Going Bearback.
Mount up on the bear and use your abilities to complete the quest.
40. Get, complete and turn in Cold Hearted.
East from the Village is the Dun Nifflem, a large ice structure. At the top of the area are chained Proto-drakes. Hop on one and then go pick up three Vrykul ladies who are frozen on the ice steps below. Be sure to dodge the snow maces being thrown at you. When you have three passengers go west toward the village. Your drake will auto-fly once you reach a certain point. Repeat two more times.
41. Get and turn in Deemed Worthy.
Go to the cliffside building on the southwestern edge of the village.
42. Get, complete and turn in Making a Harness.
In the hills and cliffs south of the village you'll find yeti to kill and loot.
43. Get, The Last of Her Kind and The Slithering Darkness.
44. Complete The Slithering Darkness.
Just a tad north of the 'e' in Village on your map is a cave. Enter the cave and kill the Jormungar there.
45. Complete and turn in The Last of Her Kind.
When you enter the cave, if you hug the left wall you'll find the Matriarch. Hop on and return to the village.

Opportunity Knocks!

This cave is a really good place for skinning leather and gathering worm meat for cooking! When Opportunity Knocks...answer!
46. Turn in The Slithering Darkness.
47. Get, complete and turn in The Warm-Up.
On the southeast side of the village is a chained yeti. Charge in and attack him. When your charge timer is available, hit knockback and charge again.
48. Get, complete and turn in Into the Pit.
Ride your bear and enter the pit in the center of the village. Use the same tactics you learned in the previous steps to defeat the other ladies on bears.
49. Get and turn in Prepare for Glory.
Go back to the mine's entrance.
50. Get Lok’lira’s Parting Gift.
51. Get AberrationsOff With Their Black Wings and Yulda’s Folly.
In the cliffside houses on the western side of the village.
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
52. Turn in Lok’lira’s Parting Gift.
Gretta is standing near the houses on the northeastern side of the village.
53. Get, complete and turn in The Drakkensryd.
You will be put on a proto-drake and flown up to the Temple of Storms. Use your harpoon to jump onto other proto drakes with vyrkul lady riders on them (Don't harpoon to ones that don't have riders or have other players! You'll fall!) Defeat the riders. When you're finished, harpoon a light fixture on the Temple above.
54. Get, complete and turn in Sibling Rivalry.
Talk to Thorim. The rest of this quest chain is not covered in this guide.

Phat Lewts!

Continuing this questline will unlock the Sons of Hodir daily quests. Not only is it a great source for gold but the Sons of Hodir have cornered the market on the shoulder enchants for Wrath of the Lich King. They also have decent gear available when you reach appropriate reputation levels. Grinding this rep will ensure you get the best shoulder enchants currently in game. Show everyone you have Phat Lewts with your shiny chants!
55. Turn in When All Else Fails.
Flight PathYou can return to K3 to ride the rocket to Frosthold if you want to but it's much faster just to fly down to the southwest and turn in at Frosthold. Get your flight path too.
56. Get Valkyrion Must Burn.
Valkyrion is due west of the Temple of Storms. North-northwest of Frosthold. Enter the largest building on the south side to get this quest.
57. Complete and turn in Valkyrion Must BurnAberrationsOff With Their Black Wings and Yulda’s Folly.
Yulda is inside the largest building on the south side where you got the quest in the previous step.
Use the harpoon guns on the northeast side of town and set fire to any haystacks you see. Kill the Val'kyr flying about and the Valkyrion Aspiriants. Loot the frost oil and go to the orange glowing pool. Use the oil on the eggs to freeze and destroy them.

Opportunity Knocks!

The Nascent Val'kyr have a 100% drop rate on Dissolved Soul Essence. Stacks of 20 sell for 13g to a vendor making it equivlent in value to a level 80 daily quest. The Val'kyr will always have a certain number spawned in the village so it's respawn can be extremely fast making them an ideal place to farm for gold. Additionally they have to drop a BoP Jewelcrafting design. Lastly they have a very small chance to drop the Tears of Bitter Anguish, a BoE trinket worth quite a bit of cash. The drop rate is very low so keep that in mind should you decide to farm for it! When Opportunity Knocks...answer!

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