The Flame Keeper / The Flame Warden
Complete all the achievements listed. Rewards 10 achievement points and the title <Flame Keeper>(Horde) or <Flame Warden>(Alliance).
- To Honor/Desecrate a Flame/Fire simply get close enough to it to use it. At max level, you can get close enough to use most bonfires without aggroing the guards.
- Stealing a fire is more difficult than honoring/desecrating a fire. Dodge city guards, get close enough to the large blue bonfire in the major city and then use it to get a fire. Use the fire to get a quest.
- Desecrating a fire or stealing a flame will flag you for PvP.
- This Torch Juggling Video (0:35 sec into the vid) can help you learn to juggle
- *** Indicates where you should have completed an achievement.
- Northrend fires are not a part of the achievement but have their own section if you wish to do them.
- Tip! When riding ships of the opposite faction for speedier travel, find the highest perk like the top of the mast or above the ballon. The guards won't aggro you there and you'll ride safe and free!
The Flame Keeper (Horde)
- Start in Orgrimmar. Get The Spinner of Summer Tales from any commoner.
- Turn in to the Festival Talespinner.
- Get Incense for the Summer Scorchlings.
- Get, complete and turn in Torch Tossing. To do this, you must stand close enough to the bonfire so that your torches will light properly. Hotkey your torch then hit it to get the targeting circle. Throw the torch at the braziers that have a hunter’s mark showing above them. Note: You can do this in any major city.
- Get, complete and turn in Torch Catching. To do this, you must stand close enough to the bonfire so that your torches will light properly. Use your torch to toss it in the air then attempt to catch it. I recommend looking at the shadow of the torch on the ground and standing on it to catch it. If you miss, be careful because you’ll get a DoT. Note: You can do this in any major city.
- Get, complete and turn in More Torch Tossing and More Torch Catching. Note: These quests are dailies that you can do for more Burning Blossoms.
- Speak with the Earthen Ring Elder and get the quest Unusual Activity.
- Purchase at least 20 Juggling Torches from the Midsummer Supplier. Get a few more if you’re not confident in your ability to juggle. Save these for later.
- Travel to Razor Hill in Durotar and Honor the Flame.
- Nearby you will find a Scorchling to complete and turn in Incense for the Summer Scorchlings.
- Fly to Everlook in Winterspring. Honor the Horde ’s Flame and Desecrate the Alliance ’s Fire.
- Travel to Lor'Danel in Darkshore. Desecrate the Fire.
- Travel to Darnassus and Steal the Flame.
- Go to Dolanaar in Teldrassil and Desecrate the Fire.
- Travel to Ruth'eran Village and take the northern boat to the Exodar.
- Enter the Exodar and Steal the Flame in the Crystal Hall.
- Travel to Azure Watch in Azuremyst and Desecrate the Fire..
- Desecrate the Fire at Blood Watch in Bloodmyst.
- Fly to Zoram'Gar Outpost in Ashenvale and go to the Blackfathom Deeps area.
- Kill Twilight mobs there until you complete Unusual Activity. Use your Totemic Beacon to summon the NPC you need to turn in to.
- Get An Innocent Disguise. Go to the beach northwest of BFD, use the orb to turn into a crab and wait for the naga to finish speaking to get your quest completion.
- Use your Totemic Beacon to turn in An Innocent Disguise. Get Inform the Elder.
- Fly to Silverwind Refuge and Honor the Flame.
- Travel to Forest Song in Ashenvale and Descrate the Fire.
- Fly to Sunrock Retreat and Honor the Flame.
- Fly to Nijel’s Point to Descrate the Fire.
- Fly to Shadowprey Village and Desecrate the Fire.
- Fly to Stonemaul Hold in Feralas then travel to Feathermoon Stronghold and Desecrate the Fire.
- Fly to Camp Mojache in Feralas to Honor the Flame.
- Fly to Cenarion Hold in Silithus. Honor the Horde ’s Flame and Desecrate the Alliance ’s Fire.
- Fly to Gadgetzan in Tanaris. Honor the Horde’s Flame and Desecrate the Alliance’s Fire.
- Fly to Brackenwall Village in Dustwallow Marsh and Honor the Flame.
- Travel to Theramore and Desecrate the Fire.
- Fly to Desolation Hold in Southern Barrens and Honor the Flame.
- Travel east to Fort Triumph in Southern Barrens and Desecrate the Fire. ***Extinguishing Kalimdor complete!***
- Travel to Bloodhoof Village in Mulgore and Honor the Flame.
- Fly to Northern Barrens and Honor the Flame at the Crossroads. ***Flame Keeper of Kalimdor complete!***
- Go to Ratchet in Northern Barrens and take the boat to Booty Bay. Desecrate the Alliance’s Fire and Honor the Horde’s Flame.
- Fly to Grom'gol Base Camp to the northwest and Honor the Flame.
- Travel to Fort Livingston in Northern Stranglethorn and Desecrate the Fire.
- Fly to Dreadmaul Hold in the Blasted Lands then go to Nethergarde Keep in the Blasted Lands and Desecrate the Fire.
- Fly to Bogpaddle in Swamp of Sorrows. Honor the Horde’s Flame and Desecrate the Alliance’s Fire.
- Travel to Lakeshire in Redridge Mountains and Desecrate the Fire.
- Travel to Darkshire in Duskwood and Desecrate the Fire.
- Travel to Moonbrook in Westfall and Desecrate the Fire.
- Travel to Goldshire in Elwynn Forest and Desecrate the Fire.
- Enter Stormwind to Steal the Flame in the Canal District between Trade, Mage and the Park near the Stockades.
- Travel to Morgan’s Vigil and Desecrate the Fire.
- Fly to Flame Crest in Burning Steppes and Honor the Flame.
- Fly to Kargath in the Badlands and Honor the Flame.
- Travel to Thelsamar in Loch Modan and Desecrate the Fire.
- Travel to to Kharanos in Dun Morogh and Desecrate the Fire.
- Enter Ironforge and Steal the Flame in the Hall of Explorers.
- Travel to Menethil Harbor in the Wetlands and Desecrate the Fire.
- Travel to Refuge Pointe in Arathi and Desecrate the Fire.
- Go to Hammerfall and Honor the Flame.
- Fly t o Revantusk Village and Honor the Flame.
- Travel to Aerie Peak in the Hinterlands and Desecrate the Fire.
- Fly to Tarren Mill in Hillsbrad and Honor the Flame.
- Fly to the Sepulcher in Silverpine to Honor the Flame.
- Fly to Brill in Tirisfal Glades and Honor the Flame.
- Fly to Andorhal in Western Plagulands then travel to Chillwind Camp and Desecrate the Fire. ***Extinguishing Eastern Kingdoms complete!***
- Fly to Tranquillien in the Ghostlands and Honor the Flame.
- Travel to North Sanctum in Eversong Woods and Honor the Flame. ***Flame Keeper of Eastern Kingdoms complete!***
- Return to Orgimmar. (Hearthstone or take the port to Undercity and the zepp to Org)
- Turn in Inform the Elder.
- Get Striking Back. This quest is different depending on your level. Complete it and turn it in at your convenience.
- Get Ahune, the Frost Lord.
- Queue up for Ahune anytime now. When you enter, turn in Ahune, the Frost Lord.
- Get and turn in Ahune is Here!
- Get, complete and turn in Summon Ahune. Tatics: Ahune is a two-phase fight. Ahune does not need to be tanked. During the first phase, have your tank pick up the largest add and have most of your DPS focus on it. One DPS should be designated to picking up and killing the other little adds. Mainly to keep them off the healer. Phase two will begin when you get a raid warning that says something like ‘Ahune has retreated’. He will change forms and become vulnerable to damage so all DPS needs to focus on him until phase 1 begins again. Note that Ahune will drop different loot depending on if the instance is normal or heroic. ***Ice the Frost Lord complete!***
- Loot Ahune’s Ice Chest to get the Shards of Ahune item. Use it to get the quest Shards of Ahune. Turn it in to Luma in the Slave Pens.
- Turn in Stealing the Exodar’s Flame, Stealing Ironforge’s Flame, Stealing Stormwind’s Flame and Stealing Darnassus’ Flame. (Reminder: You must use the flames you stole in order to get the quests to turn in.)
- Complete and turn in A Thief’s Reward. ***King of the Fire Festival complete!***
- Visit the Midsummer Supplier and purchase a Mantle of the Fire Festival, Vestment of Summer and Sandals of Summer.
- Equip your recently acquired summer garb and use a Ribbon Pole to dance for at least 60 seconds. ***Burning Hot Pole Dance complete!***
- Travel to Dalaran and complete The Torch Juggler. To do this, use the Juggling Torches that you purchased earlier in the guide. Find a quiet corner in Dalaran where you have open space and have the least amount of lag. Tips: Bind your Torches to a hotkey (1 for this example). Press 1 to get the targeting circle and aim directly beneath yourself. Throwing them at yourself this way will allow you to catch them as fast as you can throw them. There is no global cooldown on the torches so you can spam away until you complete this achievement. ***Torch Juggler complete!***
- If you want to do the Northrend fires now would be a good time to do it but it is not currently part of the achievement. See the Northrend section for directions. When you're done, return to Orgrimmar via the portal in Dalaran.
- Take the portal to the Blasted Lands in the Cleft of Shadow in Orgrimmar.
- Enter the Dark Portal. While in Outland, I don't recommend using the flight masters and flight paths. This guide assumes you will use your own flying mount for direct flying routes that are faster.
- Fly to Thrallamar to Honor the Flame.
- Travel to Honor Hold and Desecrate the Fire.
- Fly due south (yes, you can cross the twisting nether) to Honor the Flame at Shadowmoon Village in Shadowmoon Valley.
- Go to Wildhammer Stronghold to Desecrate the Fire.
- Travel to Allerian Stronghold and Desecrate the Fire.
- Travel to Stonebreaker Hold and Honor the Flame.
- Fly to Telaar in Nagrand and Desecrate the Fire.
- Fly to Garadar in Nagrand and Honor the Flame.
- Fly to Zabra’jin in Zangarmarsh and Honor the Flame.
- Fly south to Zangarmarsh and go to Telredor and Desecrate the Fire.
- Fly west to Sylvannar in Blade's Edge Mountains and Desecrate the Fire.
- Fly to east to Thunderlord Stronghold and Honor the Flame.
- Fly to Area 52 in Netherstorm. Honor the Horde’s Flame and Desecrate the Alliance’s Fire. ***Extinguishing Outlands, Desecration of the Alliance, Flame Keeper of Outlands, and The Fires of Azeroth complete!***
- Return to Shattrath and take the Orgrimmar Portal.
Congrats! You are now a Flame Keeper!
The Flame Warden (Alliance)
- Start in Stormwind. Get The Master of Summer Lore from any commoner and go turn in.
- Get Incense for the Summer Scorchlings.
- Get, complete and turn in Torch Tossing. To do this, you must stand close enough to the bonfire so that your torches will light properly. Hotkey your torch then hit it to get the targeting circle. Throw the torch at the braziers that have a hunter’s mark showing above them. Note: You can do this in any major city.
- Get, complete and turn in Torch Catching. To do this, you must stand close enough to the bonfire so that your torches will light properly. Use your torch to toss it in the air then attempt to catch it. I recommend looking at the shadow of the torch on the ground and standing on it to catch it. If you miss, be careful because you’ll get a DoT. Note: You can do this in any major city.
- Get, complete and turn in More Torch Tossing and More Torch Catching. Note: These quests are dailies that you can do for more Burning Blossoms.
- Speak with the Earthen Ring Elder and get the quest Unusual Activity.
- Purchase at least 20 Juggling Torches from the Midsummer Supplier. Get a few more if you’re not confident in your ability to juggle. Save these for later.
- Go south to Goldshire in Elwynn Forest and Honor the Flame.
- Nearby you will find a Scorchling to complete and turn in Incense for the Summer Scorchlings.
- Fly to Moonbrook in Westfall and Honor the Flame.
- Travel to Darkshire in Duskwood and Honor the Flame.
- Fly to Nethergarde Keep in the Blasted Lands and Honor the Flame.
- Fly to Bogpaddle in Swamp of Sorrows. Honor the Alliance’s Flame and Desecrate the Horde’s Fire.
- Fly to Lakeshire in Redridge Mountains and Honor the Flame.
- Fly to Morgan’s Vigil and Honor the Flame.
- Travel to Flame Crest in Burning Steppes and Desecrate the Fire.
- Travel to Kargath in the Badlands and Desecrate the Fire.
- Travel to Thelsamar in Loch Modan and Honor the Flame.
- Fly to to Kharanos in Dun Morogh and Honor the Flame.
- Fly to Menethil Harbor in the Wetlands and Honor the Flame.
- Fly to Refuge Pointe in Arathi and Honor the Flame.
- Go to Hammerfall and Desecrate the Fire.
- Fly to Aerie Peak in the Hinterlands and Honor the Flame.
- Go to Revantusk Village and Desecrate the Fire.
- Travel to Tarren Mill in Hillsbrad and Desecrate the Fire.
- Travel to the Sepulcher in Silverpine to Desecrate the Fire.
- Go northward to Brill in Tirisfal Glades and Desecrate the Fire.
- Enter The Undercity to Steal the Flame in the Ruins of Lordaeron.
- Travel to Chillwind Camp in Western Plaguelands and Honor the Flame.
- Travel to Tranquillien in the Ghostlands and Desecrate the Fire.
- Travel to North Sanctum in Eversong Woods and Desecrate the Fire.
- Enter Silvermoon City and Steal the Flame from the Court of the Sun.
- Hearth or otherwise return to Stormwind.
- Travel to Darnassus. Go to Dolanaar in Teldrassil and Honor the Flame.
- Return to Darnassus and take the Exodar portal in the Temple of the Moon.
- Travel to Azure Watch in Azuremyst and Honor the Flame.
- Honor the Flame at Blood Watch in Bloodmyst.
- Return to the Exodar and take the Darnassus Portal in the Vault of Lights.
- Travel to Lor'Danel in Darkshore. Honor the Flame.
- Fly to Everlook in Winterspring. Honor the Alliance’s Flame and Desecrate the Horde’s Fire.
- Fly to Ashenvale and go to the Blackfathom Deeps area.
- Kill Twilight mobs there until you complete Unusual Activity. Use your Totemic Beacon to summon the NPC you need to turn in to.
- Get An Innocent Disguise. Go to the beach northwest of BFD, use the orb to turn into a crab and wait for the naga to finish speaking to get your quest completion.
- Use your Totemic Beacon to turn in An Innocent Disguise. Get Inform the Elder.
- Fly to Forest Song in Ashenvale and Honor the Flame.
- Fly to Star Dust Spire in Ashenvale then go to Silverwind Refuge and Desecrate the Fire.
- Fly to Windshear Hold in Stonetalon Mountains then go west to Sunrock Retreat and Desecrate the Fire.
- Fly to Nijel’s Point to Honor the Flame.
- Fly to Thargad's Camp then travel west to Shadowprey Village and Desecrate the Fire.
- Fly to Feathermoon Stronghold in Feralas and Honor the Flame.
- Fly to Shadebough and then travel north to Camp Mojache in Feralas to Desecrate the Fire.
- Fly to Cenarion Hold in Silithus. Honor the Alliance’s Flame and Desecrate the Horde’s Fire.
- Fly to Gadgetzan in Tanaris. Honor the Alliance’s Flame and Desecrate the Horde’s Fire.
- Fly to Theramore and Honor the Flame.
- Travel to Brackenwall Village in Dustwallow Marsh and Desecrate the Fire.
- Fly to Fort Triumph in Southern Barrens and Honor the Flame. ***Flame Warden of Kalimdor complete!***
- Travel west to Desolation Hold and Descrate the Fire.
- Travel to Bloodhoof Village in Mulgore and Desecrate the Fire.
- Enter Thunder Bluff and Steal the Flame on Spirit Rise.
- Travel to Northern Barrens and Desecrate the Fire at the Crossroads.
- Travel to Razor Hill in Durotar and Desecrate the Fire. ***Extinguishing Kalimdor complete!***
- Enter Orgrimmar to Steal the Flame in the Valley of Wisdom.
- Go to Ratchet in Northern Barrens and take the boat to Booty Bay. Desecrate the Horde’s Fire and Honor the Alliance’s Flame.
- Fly to Fort Livingston in Northern Stranglethorn and Honor the Flame. ***Flame Warden of Eastern Kingdoms complete!***
- Travel to Grom'gol Base Camp to the northwest and Desecrate the Fire. ***Extinguishing Eastern Kingdoms complete!***
- Return to Stormwind and turn in Inform the Elder.
- Get Striking Back. This quest is different depending on your level. Complete it and turn it in at your convenience.
- Get Ahune, the Frost Lord.
- Queue up for Ahune anytime now. When you enter, turn in Ahune, the Frost Lord.
- Get and turn in Ahune is Here!
- Get, complete and turn in Summon Ahune. Tatics: Ahune is a two-phase fight. Ahune does not need to be tanked. During the first phase, have your tank pick up the largest add and have most of your DPS focus on it. One DPS should be designated to picking up and killing the other little adds. Mainly to keep them off the healer. Phase two will begin when you get a raid warning that says something like ‘Ahune has retreated’. He will change forms and become vulnerable to damage so all DPS needs to focus on him until phase 1 begins again. Note that Ahune will drop different loot depending on if the instance is normal or heroic. ***Ice the Frost Lord complete!***
- Loot Ahune’s Ice Chest to get the Shards of Ahune item. Use it to get the quest Shards of Ahune. Turn it in to Luma in the Slave Pens.
- Turn in Stealing Silvermoon’s Flame, Stealing the Undercity’s Flame, Stealing Orgrimmar’s Flame and Stealing Thunder Bluff’s Flame. (Reminder: You must use the flames you stole in order to get the quests to turn in.)
- Complete and turn in A Thief’s Reward. ***King of the Fire Festival complete!***
- Visit the Midsummer Supplier and purchase a Mantle of the Fire Festival, Vestment of Summer and Sandals of Summer.
- Equip your recently acquired summer garb and use a Ribbon Pole to dance for at least 60 seconds. ***Burning Hot Pole Dance complete!***
- Travel to Dalaran and complete The Torch Juggler. To do this, use the Juggling Torches that you purchased earlier in the guide. Find a quiet corner in Dalaran where you have open space and have the least amount of lag. Tips: Bind your Torches to a hotkey (1 for this example). Press 1 to get the targeting circle and aim directly beneath yourself. Throwing them at yourself this way will allow you to catch them as fast as you can throw them. There is no global cooldown on the torches so you can spam away until you complete this achievement. ***Torch Juggler complete!***
- If you want to do the Northrend fires now would be a good time to do it but it is not currently part of the achievement. See the Northrend section for directions. When you're done, return to Stormwind via the portal in Dalaran.
- Take the portal to the Blasted Lands in the Mage Quarter of Stormwind.
- Enter the Dark Portal. While in Outland, I don't recommend using the flight masters and flight paths. This guide assumes you will use your own flying mount for direct flying routes that are faster.
- Travel to Honor Hold and Honor the Flame.
- Travel to Thrallamar to Desecrate the Fire.
- Fly due north (yes, you can cross the twisting nether) to Area 52 in Netherstorm. Honor the Alliance’s Flame and Desecrate the Horde’s Fire.
- Fly to west into Blade's Edge Mountains then go to Thunderlord Stronghold and Desecrate the Fire.
- Fly west to Sylvannar and Honor the Flame.
- Fly south to Zangarmarsh and go to Telredor and Honor the Flame.
- Fly to Zabra’jin in Zangarmarsh and Desecrate the Fire.
- Fly to Garadar in Nagrand and Desecrate the Fire.
- Fly to Telaar in Nagrand and Honor the Flame.
- Travel to Stonebreaker Hold and Desecrate the Fire.
- Fly to Allerian Stronghold and Honor the Flame.
- Desecrate the Fire at Shadowmoon Village in Shadowmoon Valley. *Extinguishing Outland & Desecration of the Horde complete!***
- Go to Wildhammer Stronghold to Honor the Flame. ***Flame Warden of Outland & The Fires of Azeroth complete!***
- Return to Shattrath and take the Stormwind Portal.
Congrats! You’re now a Flame Warden!
This section will show you where the Northrend fires are located. They are not currently part of the Flame Keeper/Warden achievement which is why they are not included in the above sections.
- From Dalaran, fly to K3 in Storm Peaks. Honor/Desecrate the Horde and Alliance flames.
- Travel southwest to Sunreaver's Command to Honor/Desecrate the Horde flame.
- Go south to Windrunner's Overlook to Honor/Desecrate the Alliance flame.
- Fly to the Argent Stand in Zul'Drak. Honor/Desecrate the Horde and Alliance flames.
- Travel to Fort Wildervar in Howling Fjord to Honor/Desecrate the Alliance flame.
- Go west to Camp Winterhoof to Honor/Desecrate the Horde flame.
- Travel to Amberpine Lodge in Grizzly Hills to Honor/Desecrate the Alliance flame.
- Go west to Conquest Hold to Honor/Desecrate the Horde flame.
- Travel west to Wintergarde Keep in Dragonblight to Honor/Desecrate the Alliance flame.
- Continue westward to Agmar's Hammer to Honor/Desecrate the Horde flame.
- Travel to Fizzcrank's Airstrip in Borean Tundra to to Honor/Desecrate the Alliance flame.
- Go northwest to Bo'gorok Outpost to Honor/Desecrate the Horde flame.
- Fly to River's Heart in Sholazar Basin. Honor/Desecrate the Horde and Alliance flames.
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