The Arena is a marvelous place full of interesting and unique strategies. However, you’ll never become a pro without a good solid foundation of the basics. Even if you are really good, it never hurts to look back at some fundamental tips that are good for everyone.
Basic Arena Strategies and Tactics
• The arena is all about class combinations, talent builds, and the overall makeup of the team. Come up with a plan before hand to maximize the potential of both players. However, even with a strong combination remember that skill with almost always trump group design.
• Gear is important. The Arena PvP gear will mostly serve you better than a full set of PvE gear. Be sure that your gear matches your build and your enchants/jewels are set for exactly what you need. Preparation.
• Never charge in against the enemy. See what they are and adjust your tactics depending on what classes they are. Never charge in unless you’re burst DPS and your goal is just to take them down fast.
• Keep up with what’s popular in the arena. Follow the community and see trends. Speculate or assume what your enemy will have.
• In a 3v3 or 5v5 it’s safe to focus fire down certain pets, like the Felhunter, which can single handily take down your team.
• Make sure you have plenty of bandages before going into battle. While not always the best course of action, using bandages can sometimes save you in the midst of battle. They’re one of the few consumables allowed.
• Before the match, make sure to create anything like Health Stones that will aid you in battle. While you can’t trade them, they can certainly help you a lot.
• Don’t be afraid to talk about what your groups goal is in battle. Work out strategies and tactics with your team before going to fight. What are you going to do and what are they going to do?
• Make sure you have plenty of offense. Offense is always the best defense. If you can kill the enemy before they can kill you then there is no need to defend yourself.
• Don’t be afraid to spend mana to get someone dead. The arena matches rarely last out long enough that your mana supply will become essential. However, do not waste mana. If the fight lasts long enough for your entire mana bar to be gone then you’ll be in trouble. Especially if they have plenty of mana left.
• Don’t attack Warriors first. Warriors not only are rather beefy, but attacking them just gives them rage. Take down another class first, if possible. Weaker targets like Priests are good choices.
• If your trinket is up, use it to break the first fear. After the first fear the next ones will begin just rolling off of you.
• Avoid Hunter traps and being kited. Don’t let them kill you while you’re trying to catch up to them. Work with your team mates to form a strategy to keep someone still long enough to catch up.
• Avoid “cookie cutter” builds. If your enemy can instantly assume what your talent builds are and what your tactics will be then you’ll have a much harder time defeat them.
• Use some form of VoIP to talk with your team mates. WoW’s upcoming in-game voice chat, Ventrilo, or Teamspeak are all good choices.
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