1. Travel to Zangarmarsh. |
| The path to enter Zangarmarsh is in the approx center of the western edge of the zone. |
2. Turn in The Cenarion Expedition. |
| Cenarion Refuge is the first town you will find as you enter Zangarmarsh by the road. There is no flight path in this town so don't waste time looking for one. |
3. Get Disturbance at Umbrafen Lake, Warden Hamoot, The Dying Balance, Plants of Zangarmarsh, The Umbrafen Tribe, Leader of the Darkcrest and Leader of the Bloodscale. |
| |
4. Turn in Warden Hamoot and get A Warm Welcome. |
| In the top of the tower. |
 | Opportunity Knocks! |
| Vendors, vendors everywhere with books and scrolls for ye! The following vendors sell recipes and books that can be resold at the Auction House for approx double or more of the cost of purchase.
- Naka the cooking trainer sells the Master Cookbook.
- Juno Dufrain sells the Master Fishing book as well as the Blackened Sporefish cooking recipe.
When Opportunity knocks, Answer! |
5. Travel to Telredor and get your flight path. |
 | Get on the road heading north and then northwest. Follow the signs. |
6. Set your hearthstone to the Inn. |
| |
 | Opportunity Knocks! |
| Vendors, vendors everywhere with books and scrolls for ye! The following vendors sell recipes and books that can be resold at the Auction House for approx double or more of the cost of purchase.
- Loolruna the Armorer sells the blacksmithing recipes for the Adamantite breastplate, bracers and gloves.
- Haalrun the Alchemy supplier sells the alchemy recipes for Major Defense, Major Frost Power and the Super Mana Potion.
When Opportunity knocks, Answer! |
| |
 | Sell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs. |
7. Get The Dead Mire, Unfinished Business, The Orebor Harborage, The Boha’mu Ruins, Fulgor Spores, Too Many Mouths to Feedand Menacing Marshfangs. |
| |
8. While doing the next steps keep all the Fertile Spores you loot until you have at least 6. Save them for a later quest. |
 | |
9. Complete Fulgor Spores and Menacing Marshfangs. |
| Green mushroom spores are found all around Telredor. So are the marshfangs. |
10. Complete The Dead Mire and Unfinished Business. |
| In the northeastern corner of the zone is a section of dried up swampland called the Dead Mire. Find a pile of dirt in a random place anywhere. On the southern side of the Dead Mire you'll find a large sporebat named Sporewing. Kill him. |
11. Turn in The Dead Mire and get An Unnatural Drought. |
| Back at Telredor. |
12. Turn in Unfinished Business and get Blacksting’s Bane. |
| |
13. Turn in Fulgor Spores. |
| |
14. Turn in Menacing Marshfangs and get Umbrafen Eel Filets. |
| |
15. Complete and turn in An Unnatural Drought. Keep any Bog Lord Tendrils that you may loot for a later quest. |
 | Go back to the Dead Mire in the northeast corner of the zone and kill the Bog Giants there. Back to Telredor to turn in. |
16. It’s likely that while you did the previous quest you got a Withered Basidium. Use it to get the quest Withered Basidium. |
| |
17. If you have it, turn in Withered Basidium and get Withered Flesh. |
| |
18. If you have it, complete and turn in Withered Flesh. |
| Back at the Dead Mire in the northeast corner of the zone. Kill Bog Giants and the Hydras. |
| |
 | Sell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs. |
 | Opportunity Knocks! |
| The naga that you will be killing a lot of in this chapter have a good drop rate for cash and cloth. Sell the cloth in the Auction House for a tidy profit! When Opportunity knocks, Answer! |
19. Head south and complete Disturbance at Umbrafen Lake. |
| On the southwest shore of Umbrafen Lake there is a large pump in a naga controlled area. You only need to get close enough to the pump to complete the quest. |
20. Complete The Umbrafen Tribe. |
| On the east side of Umbrafen Lake is the Umbrafen Village. You'll find all the mobs you need here. Kataru is on the top of the largest house on the south side of the village. |
21. When you are ready for the escort, get and complete Escape from Umbrafen. |
| In the approx center of the west side of the village you'll find a tauren trapped inside a hut. Escort her almost all the way back to Cenarion Refuge. |
22. Complete The Dying Balance. |
 | In the waterways near the eastern mountains between the Refuge and the Umbrafen village you'll find Boglash the stalker you need to kill. He can be solo'd but it's easier with help. |
23. Turn in The Umbrafen Tribe and get A Damp, Dark Place. |
| At Cenarion Refuge. |
24. Get Saving the Sporeloks and Safeguarding the Watchers. |
| |
25. Turn in The Dying Balance and Escape from Umbrafen. |
| |
26. Turn in Disturbance at Umbrafen Lake and get As the Crow Flies. |
| |
27. Complete and turn in As the Crow Flies. |
| |
28. Get Balance Must Be Preserved, Watcher Leesa’oh and Blessing of the Ancients. |
| |
29. Complete and turn in Blessing of the Ancients. |
| The Ancients are found in town, just talk to them and get their mark. Anytime you're in Cenarion Refuge, visit the trees again for another buff. It only works in Zangarmarsh but it's a nice boost for leveling. |
| |
 | Sell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs. |
30. Complete Umbrafen Eel Filets and Too Many Mouths to Feed. |
| Go west to Umbrafen Lake. Use your underwater breathing potion to kill all the eels underwater and loot them. The hydra you need are found all along the shoreline. |
31. While in the lake, head to the drain on the southwest side and use your Ironvine Seeds to disable the pump for the questBalance Must Be Preserved. |
| |
 | Opportunity Knocks! |
| The bog giants and bog lords all over Zangarmarsh have a chance to drop motes of life. 10 motes of life can be combined into a Primal Life. Depending on your server, Primal Life can sell for 5-40g. When Opportunity knocks, Answer! |
32. Go south to the Funggor Cavern to complete Saving the Sporeloks, A Damp, Dark Place and Safeguarding the Watchers. |
| Funggor Cavern is in the mountains directly south of Umbrafen Lake. To find Ikeyen's Belongings follow the right wall and look for a shelf with a small box. |
33. Head out of the cave and follow the mountain range west until you reach The Lagoon. Stop by the drain on the southeast side of the Lagoon and use your Ironvine seeds to disable the pump for the quest Balance Must Be Preserved. |
| |
34. It’s likely that while killing naga you loot a Drain Schematic. Use it to get the quest Drain Schematics. |
| |
35. Get some help and complete Leader of the Darkcrest. |
 | Rajah is in the naga camp that surrounds the pump on the southeast side of the Lagoon. This quest is extremely hard to solo so get some help. |
36. Continue following the southern mountains westward to the Boha’mu Ruins. |
| |
37. Complete The Boha’mu Ruins. |
| You have to enter the temple in the southern mountains at the Boha'mu Ruins in order to complete your quest. |
38. Head north and complete Blacksting’s Bane. |
| On the northwest side of the Feralfen Village you'll find a red colored stinger named Blacksting. Kill and loot him. The Feralfen Village surrounds the Boha'mu Ruins. |
39. It’s likely that by this time you have completed Plants of Zangarmarsh. |
| If you haven't completed it yet don't fuss. Complete it when you can. |
40. Use your hearthstone to return to Telredor. |
| |
| |
 | Sell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs. |
41. Turn in Blacksting’s Bane and Umbrafen Eel Filets. |
| |
42. Turn in Too Many Mouths to Feed and get Diaphanous Wings. |
| |
43. Turn in The Boha’mu Ruins and get Idols of the Feralfen. |
| |
44. Turn in Leader of the Darkcrest, Plants of Zangarmarsh, Saving the Sporeloks, A Damp, Dark Place and Safeguarding the Watchers. |
| Head back to Cenarion Refuge to turn in these. |
45. Travel back to Feralfen Village and complete Idols of the Feralfen. |
| Feralfen Village is located in the center of the southern side of the zone. |
46. Travel west to Quagg Ridge. Just north of the ridge you will find a large Marshfang named Count Ungula. Kill him to loot Count Ungula’s Mandible. Use it to get The Count of the Marshes. |
| Quagg Ridge is west of Feralfen Village. |
47. Head down the road to Cenarion Watchpost. |
| Go north until you find the road then follow it west southwest. |
48. Turn in Watcher Leesa’oh and get Observing the Sporelings. |
| |
49. Turn in The Count of the Marshes. |
| |
50. Get The Sporelings’ Plight and Natural Enemies. |
| Go west from Cenarion Watchpost and find the sporeling Fahssn. |
51. Head into the spawning glen and pick up 20 Mature Spore Sacs. |
| The Spawning Glen is west from Fahssn and Cenarion Watchpost in the southwest corner of the zone. |
52. If you don’t already have 12 Bog Lord Tendrils, kill bog giants and lords until you do. |
| |
53. Make sure you travel far enough into the Spawning Glen to complete Observing the Sporelings. |
| |
54. Turn in The Sporelings’ Plight and Natural Enemies. |
| Back at Fahssn between the Spawning Glen and the |
55. Get and turn in More Spore Sacs and More Tendrils! |
| |
56. Get Sporeggar. |
| |
57. While doing the next steps pick up all the Glowcaps you see until you have at least 10. |
| |
58. Turn in Observing the Sporelings and get A Question of Gluttony. |
| At Cenarion Watchpost. |
59. Complete and turn in A Question of Gluttony. |
| Quagg Ridge is northeast of Cenarion Watchpost. Look for the discarded mushrooms to loot. |
60. Get Familiar Fungi. |
| |
61. Turn in Sporeggar. |
| Sporeggar is a sporeling town on the southwest side of Marshlight Lake. Marshlight Lake is northwest of Cenarion Watchpost. |
 | Phat Lewts ! |
| Should you choose to grind out your Sporeggor rep you will get access to exclusive gear, recipes and the Tiny Sporebat pet. Many of the quests that you do for Sporeggor are repeatable up to a certain reputation. Keep in mind that the Sporeggor rep vendor only takes Glowcaps as the method of currency. |
62. Get Glowcap Mushrooms and Fertile Spores. |
| |
| |
 | Sell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs. |
63. Travel northeast to Orebor Harborage and get your flight path. |
 | From Sporeggar, travel northeast until you reach the road then follow it into town. |
 | Opportunity Knocks! |
| Vendors, vendors everywhere with books and scrolls for ye! The following vendors sell recipes and books that can be resold at the Auction House for approx double or more of the cost of purchase.
- Doba the cooking supplier sells the cooking recipes for Feltail Delight and Blackened Trout.
- Muheru the Weaver is the tailoring supplier who sells the coveted tailoring recipes for Imbued Netherweave boots and Imbued Netherweave pants.
When Opportunity knocks, Answer! |
64. Turn in The Orebor Harborage. |
| |
65. Get Ango’rosh Encroahment, Daggerfen Deviance, Wanted: Chieftan Mummaki and Secrets of the Daggerfen. |
| |
66. Use your hearthstone to return to Telredor. |
| |
67. Turn in Idols of the Feralfen and get Gathering the Reagents. |
| |
68. Complete Gathering the Reagents. |
| Sporebats and Fen Striders can be found all over the zone. Ones around the central and eastern parts of the zone have the higher droprates. |
69. Complete Leader of the Bloodscale. While you are here, use your Ironvine seeds to disable the pump for the quest Balance Must Be Preserved. |
 | To the northeast of Telredor and on the eastern shore of Serpent Lake is another naga drain and controlled area. In this area you can find Rajis to kill. Rajis is easier to solo than the other named naga but it's still hard and tons easier with help. |
70. Turn in Gathering the Reagents and get Messenger to the Feralfen. |
| Back at Telredor. |
| |
 | Sell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs. |
71. Fly to Orebor Harborage. |
 | |
72. Go south a little bit and complete Familiar Fungi, Ango’rosh Encroachment and Glowcap Mushrooms. |
| The Ango'rosh ogres control most of the northwestern section of the zone. Among them you'll find plenty of Glowcaps. |
73. Turn in Glowcap Mushrooms and Fertile Spores. |
| At Sporeggar. |
74. Get Now That We’re Friends… |
| |
75. Turn in Familiar Fungi and get Stealing Back the Mushrooms. |
| At Cenarion Watchpost. |
76. Head east to complete Messenger to the Feralfen. |
| At the Boha'mu Ruins in the southern mountains in the approx center of the zone. |
77. Return to Telredor and turn in Messenger to the Feralfen. |
| |
78. Fly to Orebor Harborage. |
 | |
79. Turn in Ango’rosh Encroachment and get Overlord Gorefist. |
| |
80. Complete Overlord Gorefist and Stealing Back the Mushrooms. |
| There's a floating island in the very northwest corner of the zone. A large chopped down mushroom acts as a bridge to the island. On this island you'll find everything you need. |
81. Complete Daggerfen Deviance, Secrets of the Daggerfen and Wanted: Chieftain Mummaki. |
| In the northwest corner of the zone, on the mainland there is a village of broken and lost ones. The Chieftan is at the top of the largest house on the southern side of the village. The manual you need is near the chieftan and the poison vial you need is on a table outside the Chieftan's house in between the three huts. |
82. Turn in Daggerfen Deviance, Secrets of the Daggerfen, Wanted: Chieftan Mummaki and Overlord Gorefist. |
| Back at Orebor Harborage. |
| |
 | Sell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs. |
83. Get Natural Armor, Stinger Venom, Lines of Communication and The Terror of Marshlight Lake. |
| |
84. Complete Drain Schematics and Natural Armor. |
| At the center of Serpent Lake, down in the water, you'll find the hydra. Just get close enough to the drain in the center of the lake to complete your other quest. Use any water breathing pots you may have. |
85. Turn in Natural Armor and get Maktu’s Revenge. |
| At Orebor haborage |
86. Complete and turn in Maktu’s Revenge. |
| The hydra you need to kill is on the north side of an island in the very southwest corner of Serpent Lake. |
87. Complete A Warm Welcome, Balance Must Be Preserved, Now That We’re Friends… and The Terror of Marshlight Lake. |
| The crab you need to kill is on the southernmost island in Marshlight Lake. The naga encampment with it's drain is located on the eastern shores of the same lake. |
88. Turn in Now That We’re Friends… |
| At Sporeggor on the western side of the lake. |
| |
 | Sell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs. |
89. Head back to Cenarion Watchpost and turn in Stealing Back Mushrooms. |
| |
90. Complete Lines of Communication. |
| All around the southwestern area of the zone you'll find the Marshfang Slicers you need to kill. |
91. Work your way north around the western, northern and southern edges of Marshlight Lake, killing all the Stingers you see until you have completed Stinger Venom and Diaphanous Wings. |
| |
  | Opportunity Knocks, there's Phat Lewts to be had! |
| Bogflayer Needlers that surround Serpent Lake, have a chance to drop a highly coveted, rare pet called a Captured Firefly. You can keep it for yourself or sell it for a sizable profit. Depending on your server this pet will sell for 500-2000g. Be warned though, the drop rate on this pet is 1 in 1500. While it may take some time to farm for it, it's definately worth it for the amount of gold you can aqquire. So remember when opportunity knocks...answer! |
92. Turn in Lines of Communication, The Terror of Marshlight Lake and Stinger Venom. |
| At Orebor Harborage. |
93. Get A Message to Telaar and Concerns About Tuurem. |
| |
94. Use your hearthstone to return to Telredor. |
| |
95. Turn in Diaphanous Wings. |
| |
96. Turn in Balance Must Be Preserved. |
| Back at Cenarion Refuge. |
97. Turn in Drain Schematics. |
| |
98. Get Warning the Cenarion Circle and What’s Wrong at Cenarion Thicket? |
| |
99. Turn in Leader of the Bloodscale and A Warm Welcome. |
| In the top of the tower. |
100. Go turn in Warning the Cenarion Circle and get Return to the Marsh. |
| Back at Cenarion Post in Hellfire Peninsula. |
101. Turn in Return to the Marsh. |
| Back to Cenarion Refuge in Zangarmarsh. |
| |
 | Sell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs. |
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