This Achievement requires you to obtain 100 unique mounts. The reward is a Blue/Red Dragonhawk. Be warned! This achievement is not for the faint of heart! You will likely spend insane amounts of time, money and effort to gain this achievement.
Disclaimers: Your home faction will not require you to reach exalted in order to purchase their mounts. Additionally, mount prices may vary depending on your reputation and associated faction discounts. Estimated prices have been rounded up to the nearest gold.
Exalted reputation must be obtained with the following factions:
- Stormwind
- Ironforge
- Gnomeregan Exiles
- Darnassus
- Exodar
- Wintersaber Trainers
- Honor Hold (For Faction Discount, Not required to purchase)
- Kurenai
- Netherwing
- Cenarion Expedition
- Sha'tari Skyguard
- Wyrmrest Accord
- Sons of Hodir
- The Silver Covenant
- Kirin Tor (For Faction Discount, Not required to purchase)
- Exalted Argent Champion of the Alliance (Achievement required for purchase)
The List
Faction Reputation Mounts
Stormwind; Elwynn Forest (6 Mounts, 27g)
Stormwind; Elwynn Forest (6 Mounts, 27g)
Ironforge; Dun Morogh (6 Mounts, 27g)
Gnomeregan Exiles; Dun Morogh (7 Mounts, 28g)
- Blue Mechanostrider
- Green Mechanostrider
- Red Mechanostrider
- Unpainted Mechanostrider
- Swift Green Mechanostrider
- Swift Yellow Mechanostrider
- Swift White Mechanostrider
Darnassus; Teldrassil (7 Mounts, 28g)
- Spotted Frostsaber
- Striped Frostsaber
- Striped Nightsaber
- Striped Dawnsaber
- Swift Frostsaber
- Swift Mistsaber
- Swift Stormsaber
Exodar; Azuremyst Isle (6 Mounts, 27g)
Stormwind; Wetlands (1 Mount, 1g)
Wintersaber Trainers; Winterspring (1 Mount, 80g)
Honor Hold; Hellfire Peninsula (7 Mounts, 410g)
- Snowy Gryphon
- Golden Gryphon
- Ebon Gryphon
- Swift Red Gryphon
- Swift Blue Gryphon
- Swift Green Gryphon
- Swift Purple Gryphon
Kurenai; Nagrand (8 Mounts, 544g)
- Cobalt Talbuk
- Silver Talbuk
- White Talbuk
- Tan Talbuk
- Cobalt War Talbuk
- Tan War Talbuk
- White War Talbuk
- Silver War Talbuk
Netherwing; Shadowmoon Valley (6 Mounts, 1200g)
- Azure Netherwing Drake
- Cobalt Netherwing Drake
- Onyx Netherwing Drake
- Purple Netherwing Drake
- Veridian Netherwing Drake
- Violet Netherwing Drake
Cenarion Expedition; Zangarmarsh (1 Mount, 1600g)
Sha'tari Skyguard; Terokkar Forest (5 Mounts 800g)
Wyrmrest Accord; Dragonblight (1 Mount 1600g)
Sons of Hodir; Storm Peaks (2 Mounts, 8800g)
Kirin Tor; Dalaran (4 Mounts, 18,200g & 200 Emblems of Heroism)
The Argent Tournament
Tournament Grounds; Icecrown (12 Mounts, 775 Champion Seals, 2,000g)
Tournament Grounds; Icecrown (12 Mounts, 775 Champion Seals, 2,000g)
- Argent Warhorse
- Argent Hippogryph
- Swift Elwynn Steed
- Swift Ironforge Ram
- Swift Darnassian Mistsaber
- Great Azuremyst Elekk
- Gnomeregan Mechanostrider
- Swift Gray Steed
- Swift Moonsaber
- Swift Violet Ram
- Great Red Elekk
- Turbostrider
The Silver Covenant; Icecrown (2 Mounts, 250 Champion Seals)
PvP Mounts
Lieutenant Karter; Stormwind (5 Mounts, 150 WSG, AV and AB Tokens)
Lieutenant Karter; Stormwind (5 Mounts, 150 WSG, AV and AB Tokens)
Thanthaldis Snowgleam; Alterac Mountains (1 Mount, 50 Alterac Valley Tokens)
Aldraan; Nagrand (2 Mounts, 170 Halaa Battle Tokens and 35 Halaa Research Tokens)
Knight Dameron; Wintergrasp (1 Mount, 300 Stone Keeper Shards)
Crafted Mounts
Engineering BoE(1)
Engineering BoE(1)
- Mekgineer's Chopper (12,500g+ materials)
Achievement Mounts(3)
For the Alliance
For the Alliance
Leading the Cavalry
Glory of the Hero
Total Mounts: 95
Total Cost: Approx 47,845g
You will now need to get 5 more mounts from rare drops and other sources. Skip to Additions and Trades.
Total Cost: Approx 47,845g
You will now need to get 5 more mounts from rare drops and other sources. Skip to Additions and Trades.
Exalted reputation must be obtained with the following factions:
- Orgrimmar
- Thunder Bluff
- Undercity
- Silvermoon City
- Darkspear Trolls
- Ravasaur Trainers
- Thrallamar (For Faction Discount, Not required for purchase)
- The Mag'har
- Netherwing
- Cenarion Expedition
- Sha'tari Skyguard
- Wyrmrest Accord
- Sons of Hodir
- The Sunreavers
- Kirin Tor (For Faction Discount, Not required for purchase)
- Exalted Argent Champion of the Horde (Achievement required for purchase)
The List
Faction Reputation Mounts
Orgrimmar; Durotar (6 Mounts, 27g)
Orgrimmar; Durotar (6 Mounts, 27g)
Thunder Bluff; Mulgore (6 Mounts, 27g)
Darkspear; Durotar (6 Mounts, 27g)
- Emerald Raptor
- Turquoise Raptor
- Violet Raptor
- Swift Blue Raptor
- Swift Olive Raptor
- Swift Orange Raptor
Undercity (7 Mounts, 35g)
- Blue Skeletal Horse
- Brown Skeletal Horse
- Red Skeletal Horse
- Ochre Skeletal Warhorse
- Blue Skeletal Warhorse
- Green Skeletal Warhorse
- Purple Skeletal Warhorse
Silvermoon; Eversong Woods (7 Mounts, 28g)
- Blue Hawkstrider
- Purple Hawkstrider
- Red Hawkstrider
- Black Hawkstrider
- Swift Green Hawkstrider
- Swift Purple Hawkstrider
- Swift Pink Hawkstrider
Ravasaur Trainers (1 Mount, 80g Quest Reward)
Thrallamar; Hellfire Peninsula (7 Mounts, 410g)
- Tawny Wind Rider
- Blue Wind Rider
- Green Wind Rider
- Swift Yellow Wind Rider
- Swift Red Wind Rider
- Swift Green Wind Rider
- Swift Purple Wind Rider
The Mag'har; Nagrand (8 Mounts, 544g)
- Cobalt Talbuk
- Silver Talbuk
- White Talbuk
- Tan Talbuk
- Cobalt War Talbuk
- Tan War Talbuk
- White War Talbuk
- Silver War Talbuk
Netherwing; Shadowmoon Valley (6 Mounts, 1200g)
- Azure Netherwing Drake
- Cobalt Netherwing Drake
- Onyx Netherwing Drake
- Purple Netherwing Drake
- Veridian Netherwing Drake
- Violet Netherwing Drake
Cenarion Expedition; Zangarmarsh (1 Mount, 1600g)
Sha'tari Skyguard; Terokkar Forest (5 Mounts 800g)
Wyrmrest Accord; Dragonblight (1 Mount 1600g)
Sons of Hodir; Storm Peaks (2 Mounts, 8800g)
Kirin Tor; Dalaran (4 Mounts, 18,200g & 200 Emblems of Heroism)
The Argent Tournament
Tournament Grounds; Icecrown (12 Mounts, 775 Champion Seals, 2,000g)
Tournament Grounds; Icecrown (12 Mounts, 775 Champion Seals, 2,000g)
- Argent Warhorse
- Argent Hippogryph
- Swift Orgrimmar Wolf
- Swift Darkspear Raptor
- Swift Forsaken Warhorse
- Great Mulgore Kodo
- Swift Silvermoon Hawkstrider
- Great Golden Kodo
- Swift Burgundy Wolf
- Swift Purple Raptor
- Swift Red Hawkstrider
- White Skeletal Warhorse
The Sunreavers; Icecrown (2 Mounts, 250 Champion Seals)
PvP Mounts
Raider Bork; Orgrimmar (5 Mounts, 150 WSG, AV and AB Tokens)
Raider Bork; Orgrimmar (5 Mounts, 150 WSG, AV and AB Tokens)
Jekyll Flandring; Alterac Mountains (1 Mount, 50 Alterac Valley Tokens)
Coreiel; Nagrand (2 Mounts, 170 Halaa Battle Tokens and 35 Halaa Research Tokens)
Stone Guard Mukar; Wintergrasp (1 Mount, 300 Stone Keeper Shards)
Crafted Mounts
Engineering BoE(1)
Engineering BoE(1)
- Mechano-Hog (12,500g + materials)
Achievement Mounts(3)
For the Horde
For the Horde
Leading the Cavalry
Glory of the Hero
Total Mounts: 94
Total Cost: Approx 47,878g
You will now need to get 6 more mounts from rare drops and other sources. Skip to Additions and Trades.
Total Cost: Approx 47,878g
You will now need to get 6 more mounts from rare drops and other sources. Skip to Additions and Trades.
Additions and Trades
Any of the following mounts can also be included in your achievement.
Achievement Mounts
- Bloodbathed Frostbrood Vanquisher (Glory of the Icecrown Raider 10)
- Crusader's Black Warhorse (A Tribute to Immortality 25)
- Crusader's White Warhorse (A Tribute to Immortality 10)
- Icebound Frostbrood Vanquisher (Glory of the Icecrown Raider 25)
- Ironbound Proto-Drake (Glory of the Ulduar Raider 25)
- Rusted Proto-Drake (Glory of the Ulduar Raider 10)
- Violet Proto-Drake (What A Long Strange Trip It's Been)
Class Only Mounts
- Acherus Deathcharger (Deathknight)
- Winged Steed of the Ebon Blade (Deathknight)
- Argent Charger (Paladin)
- Charger (Alliance/Horde Paladin)
- Warhorse (Alliance/Horde Paladin)
- Dreadsteed (Warlock)
- Felsteed (Warlock)
Crafter Only Mounts
- Flying Machine (Engineering)
- Turbo-Charged Flying Machine (Engineering)
- Sea Turtle (Fished from Schools of Fish in Northrend)
- Flying Carpet (Tailoring)
- Frosty Flying Carpet (Tailoring)
- Magnificent Flying Carpet (Tailoring)
Dropped Mounts
- 5 Man Normal & Heroics
- Blue Drake (Drops from Cache of the Ley Guardian - Occulus Heroic (Random Dungeon Only))
- Blue Proto-Drake (Skadi the Ruthless - Utgarde Pinnacle Heroic)
- Deathcharger (Baron Rivendare – Stratholme)
- Raven Lord (Anzu - Sethekk Halls Heroic)
- Swift White Hawkstrider (Kael'thas Sunstrider - Magisters' Terrace Heroic)
Normal & Heroic Raids - Ashes of Al'ar (Kael'thas Sunstrider - Tempest Keep: The Eye)
- Azure Drake (Drops from Alexstrasza's Gift - The Eye of Eternity 10 & 25)
- Black Drake (Sarthaion - The Obsidian Sanctum 10, 3 Drakes)
- Blue Qiraji Resonating Crystal (Trash - Temple of Ahn'Qiraj)
- Bronze Drake (Infinite Corruptor - The Culling of Stratholme Heroic Timed Run)
- Fiery Warhorse (Attumen the Huntsman – Karazhan)
- Grand Black War Mammoth (Archavon - Vault of Archavon 10 & 25)
- Green Qiraji Resonating Crystal (Trash - Temple of Ahn'Qiraj)
- Invincible (The Lich King - Icecrown Citadel 25 Heroic)
- Mimiron's Head (Yogg-Saron - Ulduar 25, 0 Keepers)
- Onyxian Drake (Onyxia - Onyxia's Lair 10 & 25)
- Red Qiraji Resonating Crystal (Trash - Temple of Ahn'Qiraj)
- Swift Alliance Steed (Tribute To Insanity Chest Trial of the Grand Crusader 10/25, Alliance)
- Swift Horde Wolf (Tribute To Insanity Chest Trial of the Grand Crusader 10/25, Horde)
- Swift Razzashi Raptor (Bloodlord Mandokir - Zul'Gurub)
- Swift Zulian Tiger (High Priest Thekal - Zul'Gurub)
- Twilight Drake (Sarthaion - The Obsidian Sanctum 25, 3 Drakes)
- Yellow Qiraji Resonating Crystal (Trash - Temple of Ahn'Qiraj)
World Mob Drops - Time-Lost Proto-Drake (Time-Lost Proto-Drake – Stormpeaks)
Other - Crimson Deathcharger (1 Possible quest reward from Killing the Lich King with Shadowmourne)
- Green Proto-Drake ( Drop from Mysterious Egg - Revered with The Oracles)
- White Polar Bear (Drop from Hyldnir Spoils - Gretta the Arbiter's Daily Quests)
Seasonal Dropped Mounts
- Big Love Rocket (Love is in the Air SFK Boss)
- Great Brewfest Kodo (Brewfest BRD Boss)
- Swift Brewfest Ram (Brewfest BRD Boss)
- The Horseman's Reins (Hallow’s End SM Boss)
Trading Card Game Mounts
- Big Battle Bear
- Blazing Hippogryph
- Magic Rooster Egg
- Riding Turtle
- Spectral Tiger
- Swift Spectral Tiger
- Wooly White Rhino
- X-51 Nether Rocket
- X-51 Nether Rocket X-TREME
Specialty Mounts
- Big Blizzard Bear (Blizzcon 08)
- X-53 Touring Rocket (Recruit-a-Friend Promo)
- Celestial Steed (Purchased for $25 from the Blizzard Store)
Unknown Mounts (In the database but unknown purpose in game)
Cataclysm Mounts
- Abyssal Seahorse (Quest Reward in Vashj'ir)
- Alliance Guild Lion (Guild Achievement Reward)
- Az'Aqir (Archeaology Profession)
- Brown Riding Camel (Possibly Uldum Rep)
- Dark Pheonix (Guild Achievement Reward)
- Drake of the South Wind (Unknown)
- Drake of the North Wind (Unknown)
- Drake of the West Wind (Unknown)
- Golden King (Unknown)
- Grey Riding Camel (Possibly Uldum Rep)
- Exarch's Elekk (Draenei Paladin)
- Great Sunwalker Kodo (Tauren Paladin Epic)
- Great Exarch's Elekk (Draenei Paladin Epic)
- Horde Guild Thunder Lizard (Guild Achievement Reward)
- Phosphorescent Stone Drake (Possible Glory of the Cataclysm Raider)
- Tan Riding Camel (Possibly Uldum Rep)
- Spectral Steed (PvP Reward - Tol Barad)
- Spectral Wolf (PvP Reward - Tol Barad)
- Sunwalker Kodo (Tauren Paladin)
- Vitreous Stone Drake (Possible Glory of the Cataclysm Raider)
Mounts No Longer Available
- Amani War Bear (Pre 3.0 Zul Aman Timed Run)
- Ancient Frostsaber (Pre 1.4)
- Arctic Wolf (Pre 1.4)
- Black Proto-Drake (Pre 3.1 Heroic: Glory of the Raider)
- Black Ram (Pre 1.4)
- Black Qiraj Battle Tank (Ahn’Qiraj Gates Opening Event)
- Brewfest Ram (Brewfest Reward 07)
- Brutal Nether Drake (PvP Season 4)
- Deadly Gladiator's Frostwyrm (PvP Season 5)
- Fluorescent Green Mechanostrider (Pre 1.4)
- Frost Ram (Pre 1.4)
- Furious Gladiator's Frostwyrm (PvP Season 6)
- Green Kodo (Pre 1.4)
- Icy Blue Mechanostrider Mod A (Pre 1.4)
- Ivory Raptor (Pre 1.4)
- Merciless Nether Drake (PvP Season 2)
- Mottled Red Raptor (Pre 1.4)
- Nightsaber (Pre 1.4)
- Palamino (Pre 1.4)
- Plagued Proto-Drake (Pre 3.1 Glory of the Raider)
- Relentless Gladiator's Frostwyrm (PvP Season 7)
- Spotted Nightsaber (Pre 1.4)
- Swift Nether Drake (PvP Season 1)
- Swift Zhevra (Recruit-a-Friend Promo)
- Teal Kodo (Pre 1.4)
- Vengeful Nether Drake (PvP Season 3)
- White Mechanostrider Mod B (Pre 1.4)
- White Stallion (Pre 1.4)
- Wrathful Gladiator's Frostwyrm (PvP Season 8)
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