Molten WOW Guide: Chapter Four - All


Chapter Four - All

1. Fly to Ironforge.
2. Turn in Sully Baloo’s Letter and get Sara Baloo’s Plea.
Sara Baloo is standing on the balcony of a house in the Military Ward.
3. Turn in Sara Baloo’s Plea and get A King’s Tribute(1).
The King of Ironforge is in the throne room on the south side of the Great Forge in the center of Ironforge.
4. Turn in A King’s Tribute(1) and get A King’s Tribute(2).
The Master Mason is in a house on the south side of Ironforge just one house west of the 'I' in 'Ironforge' on the map.
5. Fly to Stormwind.
6. Turn in Cleansing the Eye.
Benedictus is inside the Cathedral of Light in the Cathedral District.
7. Get the quest James Hyal(1).
Connor is in the Blue Recluse on the south end of the Mage Quarter.
8. Turn in Blessed Arm and get Armed and Ready.
Grimand Elmore is in a house on the north side of the Dwarven District.
9. Return to Darkshire and turn in the quest The Missing Diplomat(4).
FlyBackus patrols along the north road leading out of Darkshire.
10. Get The Missing Diplomat(5).
11. HearthstoneSet your hearthstone to the Inn in Darkshire.
12. Complete and turn in Worgen in the Woods(3).
Travel straight south of town and you will find a mine with all the worgen you need to kill for this quest.
13. Get, and turn in Worgen in the Woods(4).
Jonathan is inside the house behind Calor.
14. Complete A Noble Brew and The Legend of Stalvan(13).
Follow the north road out of town and take the first road that branches to the right(east). The flower you need is in the farm field near the house. Stalvan is in the house.
15. Turn in The Legend of Stalvan(13).
Eva is inside the house on the north side of town.
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
16. As you travel across the zone for the next step, stop take the southern road in the center of the zone and go get your Rebel Camp, Stranglethorn Vale flight path. Then Fly to Westfall and go east back to Darkshire and to Sven's Camp.
Flight Path
17. Turn in Armed and Ready and get Morbent Fel.
Sven is at a camp in the very northwest corner of the zone.
18. Complete and turn in Morbent Fel.
Travel east from Sven's Camp. Morbent Fel is inside the house in the northwest corner of the graveyard. Don't forget to equip and use Morbent's Bane on him.
19. Complete Bride of the Embalmer and Mor’Ladim.
Travel east to the northeast side of the graveyard, Behind Abercrombie's shack there is a grave that you can use to summon and kill Eliza.
Mor'Ladim wanders the northwestern side of the cemetery.
20. Complete The Missing Diplomat(5).
Go south from Raven Hill Cemetery and across the road until you reach Addle's Stead. Loot the chest that is inside the building on the south side of the farm.

Opportunity Knocks!

The Defias Enchanters at Addle's Stead have a chance to drop a highly coveted tailoring pattern called the Robes of Arcana. Warlocks require these robes to complete one of their class quests. You can sell the pattern or if you're a tailor you can use the pattern and sell the robes. Either way, you stand to make a good chunk of money should you choose to answer when opportunity knocks!
21. HearthstoneUse your hearthstone to return to Darkshire.
22. Turn in The Missing Diplomat(5) and get The Missing Diplomat(6).
Backus patrols the north road out of Darkshire.
23. Turn in Bride of the Embalmer and Mor’Ladim.
Ello is inside the town hall. Althea is just outside the town hall.
24. Get and turn in The Daughter Who Lived.
Watcher Ladimore patrols the town square.
25. Get and turn in A Daughter’s Love.
Return to the Raven Hill Cemetery. Morgan Ladimore's grave is north of the house on the northwest corner of the cemetery.

Opportunity Knocks!

Up and down the area east from Raven Hill Cemetery you will find spiders. They have a chance at dropping Spider Silk which is used in many professions at low levels and sells for a decent amount at Auction. Bring in a little cash for not a whole lot of work! When opportunity knocks, answer!
26. Travel to Stormwind and turn in The Missing Diplomat(6) and get The Missing Diplomat(7).
FlyElling Trias is in the Trias Cheese Shop in the Trade District.
27. Head over to Old town to turn in The Missing Diplomat(7) and get The Missing Diplomat(8).
In the center of Old Town you will find Dashel Stonefist.
28. Complete and turn in The Missing Diplomat(8).
Defeat Dashel and his cronies will go away.
29. Get and turn in The Missing Diplomat(9).
Elling Trias is in the Trias Cheese Shop in the Trade District.
30. Get The Missing Diplomat(10).
31. Turn in A Noble Brew(1) and get A Noble Brew(2).
Zardeth is located in the basement of the Slaughtered Lamb shop in the Mage Quarter with the Warlock trainers.
32. Turn in A Noble Brew(2).
Lord Baurles is in the Stormwind Keep. When you enter the keep, take the first right and you will find Baurles.
33. Visit the Auction House and purchase a Bolt of Wool Cloth and a Hillman's Cloak. Then visit a Tailoring supplier and purchase 1Fine thread.
Go ShoppingSave for LaterSave them all for a later quest.
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
34. Fly to Menethil Harbor in the Wetlands.
35. Turn in The Missing Diplomat(10).
Mikhail is inside the Inn.
36. Get, complete and turn in The Missing Diplomat(11).
GroupBe quick and defeat Slim before he makes it too far away from the Inn. It's very difficult to solo him so be sure to get some help!
37. Get and turn in The Missing Diplomat(12).
Mikhail is inside the Inn.
38. Get The Missing Diplomat(13).
39. Turn in James Hyal(1) and get James Hyal(2).
Vincent is on the southern dock in Menethil.
40. HearthstoneFly to Southshore and set your hearthstone to the Inn.
41. Turn in Southshore and get Preserving Knowledge.
Loremaster Dibbs is standing outside a house on the northeast side of town.
42. Collect the quests Bartolo’s Yeti Fur CloakMissing CrystalsDown the Coast and Soothing Turtle Bisque.
43. Complete and turn in Down the Coast and get Farren’s Proof(1).
You can find murlocs on the coast to the southwest of Southshore.
44. Complete and turn in Farren’s Proof(1).
You can find murlocs on the coast to the southwest of Southshore.
45. Get, complete and turn in Farren’s Proof(2).
Marshal Redpath is standing outside the town hall on the southwest side of town.
46. Get, complete and turn in the last Farren’s Proof(3).
Farren is inside the Inn on the southeast side of town.
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
47. Get, complete and turn in Stormwind Ho!
You will find naga on the coast to the southeast of Southshore.
48. Get Reassignment.
49. Complete Soothing Turtle Bisque and Missing Crystals.
Go east of town to the river. The turtles you need to kill are all along the river. As you follow the river north you will run into a wooden bridge. At that point, follow the road west until you see a scout tower. In the scout tower you will find the crystals you need.
50. Complete Bartolo’s Yeti Fur Cloak and A King’s Tribute(2).
Straight north from Southshore (west-northwest from the scout tower) you'll find the hills of the Alterac Mountains as well as a large cave full of Yetis. Kill the Yetis and loot them and look around in the cave for sparkling chunks of rock to loot.
51. HearthstoneUse your hearthstone to return to Southshore.
52. Turn in Bartolo’s Yeti Fur CloakSoothing Turtle Bisque and Missing Crystals.
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
53. Run to Refuge Point in Arathi Highlands. Get your flight path.
Flight PathFollow the road east out of Hillsbrad and into Arathi Highlands.

Opportunity Knocks...twice!

In the friendly controlled area of Stromgarde you will find a vendor by the name of Deneb Walker. He sells the Expert First Aid book, Heavy Silk Bandage book, and the Mageweave Bandage book. You can purchase all three for under 2g but you can resell them in the Auction House for 5g+ each. Doing easy resales like this makes it a breeze to answer when opportunity knocks.
If you are a miner, inside the Kobold Cave in the eastern mountains you will find Lesser Bloodstone Ore. Mine it and sell it in stacks of 4 Ore at the Auction House. Keep 4 for yourself for a later quest. When Opportunity knocks, answer!
54. Turn in Plea to the Alliance.
Captain Nials is standing in front of the tents.
55. Fly to Ironforge.
56. Purchase the Green Hills of Stranglethorn pages 146810111416182021242526 and 27. Try to pay no more than 75s a page. If it takes you more than one shopping trip to get all the pages don’t worry. But you will need all the pages before heading to STV. Also purchase 4 Lesser Bloodstone Ore which you will need before STV too. If you don’t have another means of water breathing (warlock, druid ect) consider purchasing 2 Elixirs of Water Breathing.
Go ShoppingSave for LaterPut all these items in your bank to save for later. Money Tip: Don't worry too much about the money you will spend now. As you level in STV you will get more pages which you can resell to earn back what you spent!
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
57. Turn in A King’s Tribute(2) and get A King’s Tribute(3).
The Master Mason is in a house on the south side of Ironforge just one house west of the 'I' in 'Ironforge' on the map.
58. Turn in A King’s Tribute(3).
The King of Ironforge is in the throne room on the south side of the Great Forge in the center of Ironforge.
59. Fly to Menethil Harbor and take the boat to Theramore.
FlyThe Theramore boat is on the south dock.
60. Turn in the quests James Hyal(2) and The Missing Diplomat(13).
Lendry is inside the Keep on the east side of town. Commander Samaul is also inside the Keep.
61. Get The Missing Diplomat(14).
62. Be sure you get your flight path in Theramore then jump off the docks and swim south. Hug the mountainside as you swim and use your last swim speed potions to hasten your journey. Once you are in Tanaris, make your way west to Gadgetzan. This zone is higher level than you are so use caution as the wildlife will try to chew on you. This journey should take you about 10-15 minutes depending on how many potions you have and use.
Flight Path
63. Get your flight path in Gadgetzan.
Flight Path
64. Run north to the Thousand Needles race track.
Phat Loot!

Phat Lewts!

On the west side of the racetrack near the bleachers there is a vendor by the name of Magus Tirth. He sells a vanity pet called an Ancona Chicken for 1g. Sometimes this pet can be re-sold at Auction for a small profit. But if you choose to keep it for your collection, you'll be able to show people you have Phat Lewts!
65. Get, complete and turn in A Bump in the RoadLoad LighteningSalt Flat VenomRocket Car Parts and Hardened Shells.
Everything you need for the above quests can be found all over the slat flats area.
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
66. Collect quests Wharfmaster DizzywigHemet Nesingwary Jr., Encrusted Tail Fins and Goblin Sponsorship(1).
67. Run west and get your Thalanaar, Feralas flight path.
Flight PathThalanaar is on the southern border between Thousand Needles and Feralas.

Opportunity Knocks!

The Grimtotem Geomancers, near the Great Lift, have a chance to drop a highly coveted tailoring pattern called the Robes of Arcana. Warlocks require these robes to complete one of their class quests. You can sell the pattern or if you're a tailor you can use the pattern and sell the robes. Either way, you stand to make a good chunk of money should you choose to answer when opportunity knocks!
68. Fly to Theramore.
69. Run north along the coast and get your flight path in Ratchet.
Flight PathThe flight master is on the northwest side of town.
70. Turn in Goblin Sponsorship(1) and get Goblin Sponsorship(2).
Gazlowe is in the house on the north side of town.
71. Turn in Wharfmaster Dizzywig and get Parts for Kravel.
Dizzywig is on the docks.
72. Turn in Goblin Sponsorship(2) and get Goblin Sponsorship(3).
Take the boat from Ratchet to Booty Bay in Stranglethorn Vale. Lozgil is on the dock.
73. Turn in Goblin Sponsorship(3) and get Goblin Sponsorship(4).
Baron Revilgaz is at the top of the Inn on the east side of town.
74. Get and turn in The Haunted Isle and accept the next part The Stone of the Tides.
Krazek is near the top of the Inn on the east side of town. Revilgaz is near him.
75. Collect the quests Bloodscalp EarsHostile TakeoeverSupplies to Private ThorsenInvestigate the CampSinging Blue Shardsand Supply and Demand.
76. Stop by the bank and pick up all the Strangethorn pages you purchased earlier.
Save for Later
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.

Opportunity Knocks!

Through your ventures in Stranglethorn Vale you will be looting more Stranglethorn pages. Don't vendor them! Auction them for 50s-1g and make back the money you spent buying pages. When opportunity knocks, anwer!
77. HearthstoneSet your hearthstone to the Inn in Booty Bay.

78. Get your flight path then fly to the Rebel Camp.
Flight Path
The Flight Master is at the top of the town on the east side.
79. Turn in Supplies to Private Thorsen.
Thorsen is on the west side of camp.
80. Get The Second RebellionBad Medicine and Krazek’s Cookery.
81. Run to the Nesingwary Expedition, that should complete Investigate the Camp.
Follow the road south from the Rebel Camp. After you cross the first rope bridge take a right and go down to the river. Follow the river west until you find a campsite with a small dock.
82. Get Welcome to the Jungle.
83. Turn in Hemet Nesingwary Jr., and Welcome to the Jungle.
84. Get and turn in The Green Hills of StranglethornChapter IChapter IIChapter III and Chapter IV.
85. Get Panther Mastery(1)Tiger Mastery(1) and Raptor Mastery(1).
86. Complete Tiger Mastery(1)Panther Mastery(1) and Supply and Demand.
Young Stranglethorn Tigers are found all around Nesingwary's Camp. Young Panthers are found east and across the river from Nesingwary's Camp, near Kurzen's Compound. The Crocs you need to kill are found in the river and on the riverbanks around Nesingwary's Camp.
87. Turn in Tiger Mastery(1) and Panther Mastery(1).
At Nesingwary's Camp
88. Get Tiger Mastery(2) and Panther Mastery(2).
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
89. This chain will be marked by star. If you don't want to do this chain, skip the marked quests. If you have time, wait at the rebel camp for Private Thorsen to start walking down the road. He’ll go about every 30-60 minutes. Follow him. He will stop off to the left of the road and get attacked by Kurzen Thugs. Kill the thugs and keep him alive and he will give you the quest Jungle Secrets.
90. Turn in starJungle Secrets and get starBookie Herod.
91.  Complete The Second Rebellion and Bad Medicine.
From the Rebel Camp, go south. Before you reach the rope bridge, head due east to Kurzen's Compound. Here you will find everything you need.
92. Turn in starBookie Herod and get starThe Hidden Key.
There is a two story house on the west side of Kurzen's Compound. Inside and upstairs you'll find a pile of books to use.
93. Complete and turn in Tiger Mastery(2) and get Tiger Mastery(3).
South and east of Kurzen's Compound you will find Stranglethorn Tigers to kill.
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
94. Complete Panther Mastery(2)Raptor Mastery(1), and Singing Blue Shards.
From Nesingwary's Camp go west until you reach some hills. In these hills you will find Panthers to kill. Also in the hills you will find some Troll Ruins. South of the ruins you will find the raptors you need to kill. South and west of the raptors you will find the basilisks you need to kill and loot.
95. Complete The Stone of the Tides.
Swim out to the largest island on the northwest coast. Walk around the island until you complete your objective.
96. Turn in Raptor Mastery(1) and get Raptor Mastery(2).
At Nesingwary's Camp
97. Turn in Panther Mastery(2) and get Panther Mastery(3).
At Nesingwary's Camp
98. Turn in The Second Rebellion and Bad Medicine.
At the Rebel Camp
99. Get Special Forces and Kurzen’s Mystery.
100. HearthstoneUse your hearthstone to return to Booty Bay.
101. Go to the bank and get your 4 Bloodstone Ore and your underwater breathing potions if you purchased some.
Save for LaterYou should have purchased the ore by now. If you were not able to find it in the Alliance AH, try the Neutral AH near the Booty Bay bank.
102. Turn in Supply and Demand and get Some Assembly Required.
Drizzlik is in a house on the east side of town.
103. Turn in Singing Blue Shards.
Crank Fizzlebub is inside the Inn.
104. Turn in Investigate the Camp and Krazek’s Cookery.
Krazek is inside the Inn.
105. Get and turn in Favor for Krazek.
106. Get Return to Corporal Kaleb.
107. Turn in The Stone of the Tides and get Water Elementals.
Revilgaz is at the top of the Inn.
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
108. Fly back to the Rebel Camp.

109. Turn in Return to Corporal Kaleb.
Kaleb is at the Rebel Camp
110. Complete Hostile Takeover and Goblin Sponsorship(4).
From the Rebel Camp travel south to the first rope bridge. Head east and follow the river to the lake. On the east side of the lake you will find a large platform. Towards the top you will find Foreman Cozzle. Kill him and loot his key. Use his key on a chest in the house on the south side of the lumbermill. Kill goblins in the area and loot them for the crystals you need too.
111. Complete Some Assembly Required.
Kill the Crocs in and around the lake.
112. Complete and turn in Raptor Mastery(2) and Tiger Mastery(3).
On the west side of the lake you will find the Raptors you need to kill. Once done, go west across the road and you will find the Elder Stranglethorn Tigers.
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
113. Get Raptor Mastery(3) and Tiger Mastery(4).
114. Complete Bloodscalp Ears. While you are doing this quest be sure to get the two Troll Legends for Kurzen’s Mystery.
Go west from the Nesingwary Camp. Up in the hills you will find some large ruins. Kill the trolls here and loot their ears. You will find one of the Legends in the ruins on the north side and one on the southwest side.
115. Complete Encrusted Tail Fins.
Go to the largest island on the northwest coast. Find an anchor that is on the shore. Now is the time to use one of your underwater breathing potions. From the anchor, swim straight east and down to some underwater ruins. You will find them infested with murlocs. Murlocs and the Large Clams are found all around the coastline.

Opportunity Knocks!

Looting Large Clams that are under the water will yield Clam Meat and Blue Pearls. The meat is used for cooking and the pearls are used for other quests. You will not be needing the pearls with this guide but others might need them! Sell at the Auction House for the lazy quest-goers. When opportunity knocks, answer!
116. Pick up another Troll Legend while you’re in the water for Kurzen’s Mystery.
On the north side of the underwater ruins you will find the Legend you need.
117. Complete Water Elementals.
On the largest island on the northwest coast you will find the water elementals you need to kill and loot.
118. Go get the last Troll Legend to complete Kurzen’s Mystery.
East of the island on the coast you will find more troll ruins. In them you will find the last Legend you need.
119. Complete and turn in Tiger Mastery(4).
Sin'Dall is on a lone hill in the center of all the Elder Stranglethorn Tigers, just northeast from the ruins on the beach. If no one has killed him in a while he sometimes walks down from his hill and patrols around it.
120. Turn in Kurzen’s Mystery and get Troll Witchery.
At the Rebel Camp.
121. HearthstoneUse your hearthstone to return to Booty Bay.
122. Turn in Some Assembly RequiredHostile Takeover and Bloodscalp Ears.
123. Turn in Goblin Sponsorship(4) and get Goblin Sponsorship(5).
124. Turn in Water Elementals and get Magical Analysis.
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
125. Travel back to Shimmering Flats in Thousand Needles.
Take the boat to Ratchet. Fly to Gadgetzan, Tanaris. Run north to the racetrack in Thousand Needles.
126. Turn in Encrusted Tail FinsParts for Kravel and Goblin Sponsorship(5).
127. Get and turn in The Eighteenth Pilot.
128. Get Razzeric’s Tweaking.
129. Get and turn in Delivery to the Gnomes.
130. Get The Rumormonger.
131. HearthstoneUse your hearthstone to return to Booty Bay.
132. Turn in The Rumormonger.
Inside the Inn.
133. Fly to Stormwind and turn in Reassignment.
FlySamuelson is inside the Stormwind Keep.
134. Get The Perenolde Tiara.
Also inside the Stormwind Keep.
135. Get Morgan Stern.
Go to the Mage Quarter and visit the Blue Recluse on the south side near the mage tower.
136. Fly to Southshore and set your hearthstone to the Inn.
137. Get the quests Costly MenaceCrushridge Bounty and Syndicate Assassins.
138. Complete Costly Menace and Syndicate Assassins.
After exiting the cave, take a left then start heading north again. When you reach the Alterac Valley cave, go east and you'll find all the Syndicate guys you need to kill. All around the Alterac Valley cave you will find the mountain lions you need to kill as well.
139. While you are in the hills get the quests Encrypted Letter and Foreboding Plans.
At the camp in the center of the Syndicate mobs you will find a table with some papers on it. Use them.
140. Turn in Costly MenaceEncrypted Letter and Foreboding Plans.
Go back south to Southshore to turn in these quests.
141. Get Noble Deaths and Letter to Stormpike.
142. Fly to Ironforge.
143. Turn in Letter to Stormpike and get Further Mysteries.
Stormpike is in the Library in the Hall of Explorers.
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
144. HearthstoneUse your hearthstone to return to Southshore.
145. Turn in Further Mysteries and get Dark Council.
146. Head to the Ruins of Dalaran to turn in Magical Analysis and get Ansirem’s Key.
Go straight northwest of Southshore. When you enter Alterac Mountains you'll soon see a large purple dome in the distance. That is the Ruins of Dalaran. Ansirem is standing near the road on the south side of the dome.
147. Go east to the road then head north toward Strahnbrad. Kill all the ogres you see on the way and loot them until you complete Crushridge Bounty.
148. While looting Ogres you will also be looting Recovered Tomes for the quest Preserving Knowledge.

Opportunity Knocks!

The Ogres in Alterac are an excellent source of money and cloth. Sell the cloth in the Auction House for a decent amount of money. When opportunity knocks, answer!
149. Complete Noble Deaths. While doing this you also need to kill 4 Argus Shadow Mages for the quest Dark Council.
Always move carefully and slowly through Strahnbrad. Most mobs here are stealthed and you can quickly get into trouble if you get more than one or two at a time.
150. Kill Nagaz for the quest Dark Council.
GroupFrom Strahnbrad go straight west until you reach the lake. On the lakeshore you will find a farmstead. In the farmhouse you will find Nagaz. Be cautious in this area as well because there are stealthed mobs here too. It's possible to solo him but easier with help.
151. Loot the chest next to where Nagaz was standing and get a parchment. Use it to get the quest The Ensorcelled Parchment.
Nagaz has a fairly quick respawn timer, as do the mobs around him. Loot the chest quickly then get out of there.
152. Go back toward Strahnbrad and continue following the road north into Western Plaguelands to get your flight path.
Flight PathThe Flight Master is on the left side of the road right as you enter Western Plaguelands.
153. Fly back to Southshore.
154. Turn in The Ensorcelled Parchment and get Stormpike’s Deciphering.
155. Turn in Crushridge BountyNoble Deaths and Dark Council.
156. Get Crushridge Warmongers.
157. 157. Complete Crushridge Warmongers, The Perenolde Tiara and Preserving Knowledge.
158. Turn in Crushridge Warmongers and Preserving Knowledge.
159. Get Return to Milton.
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
160. HearthstoneFly to Ironforge and set your hearthstone to the Inn.
161. Turn in Stormpike’s Deciphering.
Stormpike is in the Library in the Hall of Explorers.
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
162. Fly to Stormwind and turn in Return to Milton and The Perenolde Tiara.
163. Get Tabetha’s Task.
In the Mage Quarter.
164. HearthstoneUse your hearthstone to return to Ironforge then fly to Menethil Harbor and take the boat to Theramore.
165. HearthstoneSet your hearthstone to the Inn in Theramore.
166. Turn in Morgan Stern and get Mudrock Soup and Bugs.
Morgan is inside the Inn on the north side of town.
167. Get This Old Lighthouse and Traitors Among Us.
Sergeant Amelyn patrols around the south side of town on a horse. Calia is in front of one of the ten pavilions on the southeast side of town.
168. Complete and turn in Traitors Among Us.
Around town you'll find the Agitators. Talk to them. Some of them you may have to fight.
169. Get, complete and turn in Propaganda War.
In the ship on the southernmost dock you will find boxes you can use in the captain's quarters.
170. Get, complete and turn in Discrediting the Deserters.
Talk to the Theramore Guards all around town.
171. Get The End of the Deserters.
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
172. Turn in This Old Lighthouse and get Thresher Oil.
Jump off the eastern dock and swim over to the lighthouse.
173. Complete Thresher Oil.
Head southeast towards the boat in the distance. Kill and loot all the threshers you see.
174. Complete The End of the Deserters.
Defeat Gavis Grayshield inside the ship that is in the distance to the southeast of the lighthouse.
175. Turn in Thresher Oil and get Dastardly Denizens of the Deep.
176. Turn in The End of the Deserters.
177. Turn in Dastardly Denizens of the Deep and get Is it Real?
"Dirty" Michael is on the docks.
178. Complete and turn in The Missing Diplomat(14) and get The Missing Diplomat(15).
Head north on the road out of town. Stop at the first watch tower.
179. Get The Orc ReportMarsh Frog Legs and What’s Haunting Witch Hill?
Follow the road north from the scout tower and watch for a path marked with torches that leads off to the east(right). Swamplight manor is right there.
180. Complete and turn in Marsh Frog Legs and get Jarl Needs Eyes.
Frogs are found a'hoppin all around the Swamplight Manor.
181. Complete and turn in What’s Haunting Witch Hill? and get The Witch’s Bane.
In the swamps surrounding the manor you will find vairous undead. Kill them.
182. Complete and turn in The Witch’s Bane.
In the swamps surrounding the manor you'll find large flowery plants. Loot them.
183. Get, complete and turn in Cleansing Witch Hill.
Use your torch at the end of the dock in front of the manor and kill the gargoyle that is summoned.
184. Turn in The Missing Diplomat(15) and when you are ready to fight Hendel, get The Missing Diplomat(16).
Hendel is at a campsite just north of the second guard tower if you continue to follow the main road leading north.
185. Complete The Missing Diplomat(16) and turn it in. Talk to Jaina to turn in the last part.
Jaina & Co will appear nearby. Talk to them quickly before they go back to Theramore.
186. HearthstoneUse your hearthstone to return to Theramore.
187. Turn in The Orc Report and get Captain Vimes.
Lieutenant Aden is on a horse on the north side of Theramore.
188. Turn in Captain Vimes.
Captain Vimes is inside the southern barracks on the east side of town.
189. Get Inspecting the Ruins.
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
190. Get and turn in A Disturbing Development.
Lieutenant Aden is on a horse on the north side of Theramore.
191. Get and complete Defias in Dustwallow?
Captain Wymor is at the first scout tower if you follow the road north out of town.
192. Turn in Defias in Dustwallow? and get Renn McGill.
193. Complete Jarl Needs Eyes.
From the scout tower, go west until you see the horde town of Brackenwall. North of the town you will find Darkmist cavern.
194. Turn in Inspecting the Ruins.
Go southeast until you reach the road. Follow the road west now across the zone. Continue to follow the signs that will lead you to the Barrens and the Shady Rest Inn.
195. Use the Suspicious Hoofprint to get the quest Suspicious Hoofprints.
They're near the guard.
196. Use the Black Shield to get the quest The Black Shield(1).
Above the fireplace.
197. Use the Theramore Guard Badge to get the quest Lieutenant Paval Reethe(1).
On one of the beams of wood on the floor.
198. Get Hungry!
Head back into Dustwallow Marsh, taking the road that leads northeast. Keep an eye out for a small campsite with an ogre to the right(east).
199. Go to Mudsprocket and get your flight path.
Flight PathFollow the road back west to the fork then go south into Mudsprocket.
200. Fly to Theramore.

201. Turn in Suspicious HoofprintsLieutenant Paval Reethe(1) and The Black Shield(1).
All in the southern barracks on the east side of town.
202. Get Lieutenant Paval Reethe(2) and The Black Shield(2).
203. Turn in Lieutenant Paval Reethe(2) and get Daelin’s Men.
204. Turn in Daelin’s Men and get The Deserters(1).
205. Turn in The Black Shield(2) and get The Black Shield(3).
In the blacksmith on the west side of town.
206. Turn in The Black Shield(3).
Back to the barracks.
207. Get Tabetha’s Farm.
Guard Byron near the Inn.
208. Get Mission to Mudsprocket.
209. Turn in Jarl Needs Eyes.
North on the road and look for Swamplight Manor on the right(east).
210. Get Jarl Needs a Blade.
211. Complete Mudrock Soup and Bugs.
In the water, up and down the east coast you will find the turtles you need to kill and loot.
212. Turn in Renn McGill and get Secondhand Diving Gear.
From Swamplight Manor, go directly east to the coast and then swim to the small island just off the coast. Renn McGill is in the water on the northeast side of the island.
213. Complete and turn in Secondhand Diving Gear.
On the same island, among the defias, you will find what you need.
214. Get Recover the Cargo!
215. Complete and turn in Recover the Cargo!
In the ocean you will find burning pieces of wood. Beneath them, you will find the cargo you need to collect.
216. Get Jaina Must Know.
217. Complete Hungry! and Jarl Needs a Blade.
Go west to the coast and follow it northward until you reach the first murloc controlled area. Look to the south for an orange colored murloc. Kill it and loot it. Kill all the other murlocs too and loot them.
218. Turn in Jarl Needs a Blade.
At Swamplight Manor to the west.
219. Turn in Hungry!
Mudcrush the ogre is south of the horde town of Brackenwall.
220. Turn in The Deserters(1) and get The Deserters(2).
From Mudcrush go south until you find the road then follow it south until you find a scout tower that is taken over by Theramore deserters. Make your way inside the tower and defeat Barlos Jacken.
221. Turn in Mudrock Soup and Bugs.
Return to Theramore. Turn in at the Inn. Do not take the next part.
222. Turn in Jaina Must Know and get Survey Alcaz Island.
Jaina is in the tower in the center of town.
223. Turn in The Deserters(2) and get A Grim Connection.
In the southern barracks on the east side of town.
224. Complete and turn in Survey Alcaz Island.
Near the gryphon master on the south side of town. Turn in at Jaina in the tower in the center of town.
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
225. Turn in A Grim Connection.
Head north on the road to the second scout tower.
226. Get Confirming the Suspicion and Arms of the Grimtotems.
227. Get, complete and turn in Raptor Captor.
Sergeant Lukas is at the second guard tower to the north. The raptors you need are directly north of the tower.
228. Get Unleash the Raptors and Prisoners of the Grimtotems.
229. When you are ready, get and complete Stinky’s Escape.
Go north, up the road from the scout tower. When you see the first tauren totem tower, head northeast and you'll see Stinky.
230. Complete and turn in Unleash the RaptorsPrisoners of the GrimtotemsConfirming the Suspicion and Arms of the Grimtotems.
Go back to the north point scout tower and head north along the road until you reach the Grimtotem encampment.
231. Get and turn in Tabetha’s Assistance.
Follow the road back to Tabetha's Farm.
232. Turn in Tabetha’s Farm and Tabetha’s Task.
Go south until you hit the road again and continue to follow it in a southwardly direction. When the road curves east and then forks, continue to follow the east road. Look for a house on the north(left) side of the road.
233. Get Direhorn Raiders and The Zepplin Crash.
234. Get Raze Direhorn Post.
235. Get, complete and turn in The Grimtotem Weapon.
Crocs can be found all around Tabetha's farm. Please note if you have some kind of pet helping you to kill things you must put it on passive. The pet cannot help you kill the crocs for this quest or it will bug and not count for you.
236. Complete and turn in The Reagent Thief.
To the north, northeast and northwest of the farm you will find the spiders you need to kill and loot.
237. While doing the next couple steps, kill Apothecary Cylla to get an item called a Sealed Letter. Use it to get the quest The Apothecary’s Letter.
238. Complete Raze Direhorn Post and Direhorn Raiders.
Direhorn Post is north of Tabetha's farm.
239. Turn in Raze Direhorn Post and get Justice for the Hyals.
240. Turn in Direhorn Raiders and The Apothecary’s Letter.
241. Travel to Beezil’s Wreck and turn in The Zepplin Crash.
Get back on the road and follow it east. It's not so much a road anymore but just continue following the torches until you reach the crash site.
242. Complete Razzeric’s Tweaking.
There's a box you can use on the south side of the crash site.
243. Get, complete and turn in Corrosion Prevention and Secure the Cargo!
244. Get Delivery for Drazzit.
245. Turn in Is it Real? and get Nat’s Bargain.
Nat Pagle is on an island east of Beezil's Wreck.
246. Complete and turn in Nat’s Bargain.
Slather yourself with shark bait and swim west to the shipwreck and wait for a shark to appear. Kill it and return to Nat.
247. Get Oh, It’s Real.
248. Travel to Mudsprocket and turn in Delivery for Drazzit.
Go west past the shipwreck and up the cliff then travel westward to Mudsprocket. (There's a path up the cliffs directly south of the shipwreck.)
249. Turn in Mission to Mudsprocket.
250. Get Bloodfen FeathersWANTED: Goreclaw the Ravenous and Catch a Dragon by the Tail.
251. Complete and turn in Catch a Dragon by the Tail.
Southeast of Mudsprocket you'll enter dragon country. Look for little balls of roots on the ground all over the place.
GoldPhat Loot!

Opportunity Knocks, there's Phat Lewts to be had!

The Searing Whelps in the Wyrmbog have a chance to drop a highly-coveted non-combat pet called a Dark Whelpling. Should you get one, they make a really cool pet. Or you can choose to sell it in the Auction House. Depending on your server, you can get anywhere between 100g and 1000g for it. Be warned though, the drop rate for the whelpling is 1 in 1000. While it may take some time to farm for it, it's definately worth it for the amount of gold you can aqquire. So remember when opportunity knocks...answer!
252. Complete and turn in Bloodfen Feathers and WANTED: Goreclaw the Ravenous.
Northwest of Mudsprocket you'll find all the raptors you need to kill.
253. Get, complete and turn in Banner of the Stonemaul and The Essence of Enmity.
From Mudsprocket go north along the road. Soon you will see what used to be an ogre mound and cave but has been taken over by dragons. Inside the cave you'll find the banner you need. Kill the dragons you need an use the totem on their corpses.
254. Get, complete and turn in Spirits of Stonemaul Hold.
From Mudsprocket follow the road north and look to your right(east) as you go. Soon you will see an encampment directly east of the dragon controlled ogre mound. Go to this encampment and find the large bones laying around. Use the bones to summon ogre spirits and defeat them.
255. Get, complete and turn in Challenge to the Black Flight.
Directly east and a little south of Mudsprocket you'll find the entrance to Onyxia's Lair. It looks like a giant dragon head with it's mouth open. Drop the banner and defeat the dragon.
256. HearthstoneUse your hearthstone to return to Theramore.
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
257. Turn in Stinky’s Escape.
Morgan Stern is in the Inn on the north side of town.
258. Turn in Oh, It’s Real.
On the docks.
259. When you are ready, get, complete and turn in Take Down Tethyr!
Run around the docks using the cannons on Tethyr until he dies.
260. Turn in Justice for the Hyals and get Peace at Last.
In the southern barracks on the east side of town.
261. Complete and turn in Peace at Last.
At the graveyard just outside of town on the north side.

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