Molten WOW Guide: Chapter Eight - Howling Fjord


Chapter Eight - Howling Fjord

1. HearthstoneGo to Shattrath and take the portal to Ironforge. Fly to Menethil Harbor and take the boat to Howling Fjord. Set your Heartstone to the Inn at Valgarde.
Flight Path
Grab your flight path too!

Opportunity Knocks!

Mindri Dinkles the Inscription trainer upstairs in the Inn sells a limited quantity item called a Scribe's Satchel. This item is helpful to Inscriptionists and only costs 10s. Oftentimes it can be re-sold at the AH for a tidy profit. When Opportunity Knocks...answer!
2. Get and turn in Hell Has Frozen Over…
Turn in near the shoreline just north of the dock.

Opportunity Knocks!

The Vrykul in this zone are an excellent source of cash and cloth. Especially if you're a tailor with Northern Cloth Scavenging. Sell the cloth at the AH for a profit! When Opportunity Knocks...answer!
3. Get, complete and turn in If Valgarde Falls…
The mobs you need to kill are outside the gates to the north.
4. Get, complete and turn in Rescuing the Rescuers.
Outside Valgarde to the north and across the river you'll see a wooded area wherein you will find NPCs with spears stuck in them. Use the spear to free them.
5. Get Prisoners of WyrmskullThe Human LeagueInto the World of Spirits and The Path to Payback.
6. Get, complete and turn in Daggercap Divin’.
Swim out into the bay east from Valgarde. Dive down to a shipwreck about in the middle of the deeper parts of the water and you'll find the NPC. All around the NPC and the shipwrecks you'll find the crates you need. Don't forget to put on the water breathing helm he gave you.
7. Complete and turn in Into the World of Spirits.
Among the shipwrecks underwater you'll find the Reagent pouch you need. It spawns in several different places so just keep looking.
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
8. Get The Echo of Ymiron.
9. Get Fresh Legs.
Go north out of Valgarde to the small river, follow it west and look for an NPC on the cliff near the waterfall.
10. Turn in The Human League and get Zedd’s Probably Dead.
North of Valgarde is Wyrmskull village. Pulroy is in a house on the southeast side.
11. Turn in Zedd’s Probably Dead and get And Then There Were Two…
Northwest from Pulroy, across the village is a pit with a lot of Worgs. You'll find Zedd hanging from a hook in the center of the pit.
12. Complete Prisoners of the Wyrmskull.
All the Vrykul in Wyrmskull village have a chance to drop keys. Use them on cages around the village.
13. Turn in And Then There Were Two… and get The Depths of Depravity.
Look up at the massive Utgarde Keep and you'll notice there are two large skulls on the right and left side of the front entrance. As you face the keep, you will find the entrance to the Catacombs undernearth the left skull. Down inside the catacombs you'll find Glorenfeld.
14. Complete The Depths of Depravity.
You'll find tablets all over the catacombs.
15. Complete The Path to Payback.
As you enter the catacombs, hug the right wall until you find an altar. There's a book on the floor near the altar that you can loot.
16. Get, complete and turn in The Shining Light.
From the guy on the altar. Go straight down the hall, down the stairs, left and down the stairs again into the undead controlled area. Hug the right wall to the sword you need to loot then head back to the guy on the altar.
17. Get Guided by Honor.
18. Turn in The Depths of Depravity and get The Ring of Judgement.
Go back down the first set of stairs and enter the large arena room.
19. Turn in The Ring of Judgement and get Stunning Defeat at the Ring.
20. Complete and turn in Stunning Defeat at the Ring.
Defeat the waves of mobs.
21. HearthstoneGet Return to Valgarde and use your hearthstone then go turn in.
22. Get The Explorers’ League Outpost.
23. Turn in Prisoners of Wyrmskull and get Dragonflayer Battle Plans.
24. Turn in The Path to Payback and get Locating the Mechanism.
25. Turn in Guided by Honor.
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
26. Complete Dragonflayer Battle PlansLocating the Mechanism and The Echo of Ymiron.
The Battle Plans are located in the cave in the worg pit on the northwest side of the Wyrmskull village. The Mechanism can be looted from any of the Harpooner Vrykul on east side of the village. Use the dust when you're ready and go inside the towering house on the very northeast corner of the village where you will find a mother and father vrykul with their baby. Wait for the scene to play out and that should give you the complete.
27. Turn in Fresh Legs.
Look up at the massive Utgarde Keep and you'll notice there are two large skulls on the right and left side of the front entrance. As you face the keep, the NPC you're looking for is underneath the right skull.
28. Turn in Dragonflayer Battle Plans and get To Westguard Keep!
29. Turn in The Echo of Ymiron and get Anguish of Nifflevar.
30. Turn in Locating the Mechanism and get Meet Lieutenant Icehammer.
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
31. Talk to Mcgoyver for a ride to the Explorers’ League Outpost.
FlyMcgoyver is standing at the water's edge north of the docks, next to the airplane.
32. Turn in The Explorers’ League Outpost.
33. Get and turn in Problems on the High Bluff.
34. Get Tools to Get the Job Done and Trust is Earned.
35. Complete and turn in Trust is Earned.
All around this section of Howling Fjord you'll find small rocks that you can use. Using them will give you one or more worms.
Phat Loot!

Phat Lewts !

In the next step you will be shown a place that has a lot of turkeys on a very fast respawn. This makes it the perfect place to get your Friend or Fowl achievement!
36. Get, complete and turn in The Ransacked Caravan.
Find the rocks and use them for worms. You'll need 5. From the outpost, follow the road west until you reach a crossroads that has plenty of turkeys. Select and turkey then use your bird cage to send the bird to get the turkey.
37. Get Falcon Versus Hawk.
38. Get Out of My Element?
Go north past the lift to another excavation area. On the southern side of the pit is a tent where you'll find this questgiver.
39. Complete Tools to Get the Job Done and Out of My Element?
The tools you need are on the boardwalk on the west side of the statue that's being unearthed. The mobs you need to kill are everywhere.
40. Turn in Out of My Element?
41. Complete and turn in Falcon Versus Hawk.
In between the excavation and the outpost you'll find lots of hawks flying around and on rocks and trees. You'll need to have some worms in order to use your bird to attack them. They always come in twos so you can either kill the second one or run away because you can't use your falcon in combat.
42. Get, complete and turn in There Exists No Honor Among Birds.
Go to the cliff near the lift to the southeast. Use your bird to control it and fly around the cliff's edge and collect Eagle eggs.
43. Turn in Tools to Get the Job Done.
44. Get We Can Rebuild It and We Have the Technology.
45. HearthstoneUse your hearthstone to return to Valgarde.
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
46. Talk to Guard Captain Zorek on top of the boxes near the dock and fly out to meet Icehammer.
47. Turn in Meet Lieutenant Icehammer and get Drop It then Rock It!
48. Complete Drop It then Rock It!
To the north of where you landed is a small vrykul town called Baleheim. Find the bonfire in town, drop your banner and defend it until complete.
49. Get a rope in Baleheim and if you don’t get a Steel Ribbing by the time you finished the previous quest, continue to kill mobs around the area until you get it.
50. Turn in Drop It then Rock It! and get Harpoon Master Yavus.
Back at Icehammer inside a vrykul building to the south with an alliance flag out front.
51. Complete Anguish of Nifflevar and Harpoon Master Yavus.
Nifflevar is just to the south. The Harpoon master is inside the southern-most cliffside building. When you're ready use your sleep dust stuff and find the large crowd in the center of town. Go stand next to the king on the hill. Wait for the scene to play out and that should give you your complete.
52. Pick up a Large Barrel while you are in Nifflevar.
53. Turn in Harpoon Master Yavus and get It Goes to 11…
Back to Icehammer to the north.
54. Complete and turn in It Goes to 11…
Hug the cliffs as you re-enter Nifflevar to the south. On the balcony of the first cliff-side building is a harpoon. Use your key to take control of it and fire at the buildings across the lake in front of Utgarde Keep.
Tips: Turn up your View Distance in your graphics to see the buildings better. They can sometimes be finicky so always aim for the center beam in the roof. After destroying a building, wait a min for the drakes to come and kill them before destroying the next building. Otherwise you can quickly get overwhelmed by them.
55. Get, complete and turn in Let’s Go Surfing Now.
Go back to Nifflevar to the south. On the balcony of the southern-most cliff-side building is a harpoon gun with a lever. Pull the lever.
56. Turn in Anguish of Nifflevar.
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
57. Talk to McGoyver and get your Ingots you need, then take the flight back to the Explorers’ League Outpost.
58. Kill and loot Shoveltusks until you have a pristine hide.
Shoveltusks are all over the place.
59. Turn in We Can Rebuild It and We Have the Technology.
60. Get, complete and turn in Iron Rune Constructs and You: Rocket Jumping.
Use the work bench to become a construct. Step on the glowing rune next to the workbench and use your rocket jump ability.
61. Get, complete and turn in Iron Rune Constructs and You: Collecting Data.
Use the work bench to become a construct. Walk over to the blue crystal near the wagon and use your Data collection ability.
62. Get, complete and turn in Iron Rune Constructs and You: The Bluff.
Use the work bench to become a construct. Go stand on the rug across the fire and use your Bluff ability.
63. Get, complete and turn in Lightning Infused Relics and The Delicate Sound of Thunder.
Use the work bench to become a construct. Go southwest to the Excavation site. Data crystals are all over the place. And if dwarves start talking to you, use the bluff to make them go away.
Hug the left side and go to the elevator to the east. Take it down as far as it will go. Enter the cave entrance just a little to the northwest. Inside the cave you'll eventually find a projection of Loken speaking to dwarves. Wait for the complete.
64. Get, complete and turn in News From the East.
FlyWee, flying!
65. Turn in To Westguard Keep!
66. HearthstoneGet your flight path and set your hearthstone to the Inn.
Flight Path
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
67. Get The Clutches of Evil and Shoveltusk Soup Again?
68. Get, complete and turn in Break the Blockade.
Hop aboard the zepplin when it arrives at the docks. Stand near the edges or on the prow and throw your bombs down on the pirate ships. If anyone else is on the zepp with you I recommend grouping up so you're not competing for kills.
69. Get One Size Does Not Fit All and Orfus of Kamagua.
70. Complete One Size Does Not Fit All and Shoveltusk Soup Again?
In the forests surrounding Westgaurd you'll find plenty of shoveltusks and all the cannonballs you need.
71. Get Root Causes.
Southwest of Westguard is Ember Clutch. On the edges of this area are Ancients who will give you this quest.
72. Complete The Clutches of Evil and Root Causes.
Whelps spawn where-ever you see proto drakes spitting fire. Eggs are found at the bases of the trees. The Vrykul you need to kill are on the southeastern side of Ember Clutch.
73. Turn in Root Causes.
74. Turn in One Size Does Not Fit All and Shoveltusk Soup Again?
75. Turn in The Clutches of Evil and get Mage-Lieutenant Malister.
76. Turn in Mage-Lieutenant Malister and get Two Wrongs…
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
77. Complete and turn in Two Wrongs…
Go back to Ember Clutch to the southeast. Use the wand you were given to shoot the proto-drakes in the air and bring them to the ground so you can kill them.
78. Get and turn in Report to Scout Knowles.
Follow the road east out of town. Continue on it in an east-southeast direction until you reach a scout tower on the road. Scout Knowles is here.
79. Get, complete and turn in Mission: Eternal Flame.
To the east is Halgrind. The Forsaken have four plague machines all around Halgrind. Use your torch to destroy them.
80. Get, complete and turn in Mission: Package Retrieval.
Inside Halgrind is a small pond. On the eastern side of the pond near the road you'll find the body of the Apothecary and the small package that you can use.
81. HearthstoneGet Mission: Forsaken Intel. Use your hearthstone and turn it in.
Inside the inn.
82. Get, complete and turn in Absholutely…Thish Will Work!
Go inside the keep and downstairs into the dungeon. Use the mixture on the Vrykul and wait for the complete.
83.  Get and turn in You Tell Him…Hic!
Back to the keep and upstairs.
84. Get, complete and turn in Mission: Plague This!
Speak with the flight master to get a bombing run ride. Blow up the plague wagons in the horde town.
85. Get Operation: Skornful WrathEverything Must Be ReadySend Them Packing and Danger! Explosives!
86. Complete and turn in Send Them Packing and Danger! Explosives!
North of Westguard is whisper gulch. Do /raise while standing near a mule to make it go home. Use the explosives on mineral veins to blow them up and loot the ore and gems.
87. Get My Daughter.
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
88. Turn in My Daughter and get See to the Operations.
North of Westguard, beyond Whisper Gulch you will find the Steel Gate.
89. Get Where is Explorer Jaren?Scare the Guano out of Them! and The Cleansing.
90. Turn in See to the Operations.
91. Get, complete and turn in I’ve Got A Flying Machine!
Use the flying machine on the platform. Use the hook to grab large bags and take them to the alliance lift at the top of the Steel Gate area. Alliance is on the south, horde is on the north.
92. Get, complete and turn in Steel Gate Patrol.
Use the flying machine on the platform to shoot down the gargoyles at Steel Gate.
93. Turn in Where is Explorer Jaren? and get And You Thought Murlocs Smelled Bad!
From Steel Gate go west to the cliffs then follow them south until you find the path leading down. Near the bottom of the path is Jaren.
94. Complete and turn in And You Thought Murlocs Smelled Bad.
Head up the coast to kill the scourge you need.
95. While doing the above quest you will loot a Scourge Device. Use it to get the quest It’s a Scourge Device.
96. Get Trident of the Son.
This quest giver is a murloc. If you look at your map you'll see a little house on the coastline. He's west of the house, across the water on the island.
97. Turn in And You Thought Murlocs Smelled Bad and It’s a Scourge Device.
98. Get Bring Down Those Shields.
99. Complete Trident of the Son.
Rotgill is on the coast to the south near the wrecked ship.
100. Complete Bring Down Those Shields.
Along the coastline are scourge crystals. Use your device to bring down the shield and then attack the crystal until it breaks.
101. Turn in Trident of the Son.
102. Turn in Bring Down Those Shields.
103. Turn in Operation: Skornful Wrath.
Go back up the cliffside to Steel Gate then follow the road east. Continue along any forks leading in an easterly direction. When you pass a tower at a fork start looking south for the Vrykul town of Skorn. Use your amulet to summon your quest NPC when you are in Skorn.
104. Get, complete and turn in Towers of Certain DoomGruesome, But Necessary and Burn Skorn, Burn.
Use your flare on towers, your torch on buildings and as you kill Vrykul, use your knife on the bodies.
105. While doing the above quest you will loot a quest item called the Vrykul Scroll of Ascension. Use it to get the quest Stop the Ascension!
106. Complete Stop the Ascension!
On the south end of town is a large building with a bonfire in front. Use your scroll at the fire and defeat the Hafdan.
107. Get All Hail the Conquerer of Skorn!
108. HearthstoneUse your hearthstone to return to Westguard and turn in Stop the Ascension! and All Hail the Conquerer of Skorn!
109. Get Of Keys and CagesOf Traitors and Treason and Dealing With Gjalerbron.
110. Turn in Of Traitors and Treason but do NOT yet take the next quest. If you oopsed and did, don’t turn in the quest and just fly back to Westguard Keep.
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.

111. Complete Scare the Guano Out Of Them!
North of Westguard and north of Steel Gate is Rivenwood. If you look up in the trees you'll see bats flying around. Throw a firecracker near the tree to scare the poo out of it...
112. Complete Dealing with Gjalerbron and Of Keys and Cages.
Gjalerbron is just north of Rivenwood. You'll find keys on the mobs there and the cages are all over the place.
113. While doing the above quest you will loot a quest item called a Gjalerbron Attack Plans. Use it to get the quest Gjalerbron Attack Plans.
114. Turn in Scare the Guano Out Of Them!
Back to Westguard
115. Turn in Gjalerbron Attack Plans and get The Frost Wyrm and it’s Master.
116. Turn in Dealing With Gjalerbron and get Necro Overlord Mezhen.
117. Turn in Of Keys and Cages and get In Service to the Light.
118. Get Sleeping Giants.
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
119. Complete Sleeping GiantsIn Service to the LightNecro Overlord Mezhen and The Frost Wyrm and it’s Master.
GroupOn the south end of Gjalerbron are two vents with green glowing lights. Near them, just to the north is the entrance to the catacombs where you'll find the Wights you need to kill. Kill the vrykul and loot them for the wands. Use the wands on the sleeping vrykul. Back outside you'll find Mezhen on the northwestern platform. Vile is on the northeastern platform. Kill and loot him. Use the horn to summon Glacion. It's all solo-able but easier with help.
120. When you kill and loot Mezhen you’ll get a quest item called Mezhen’s Writings. Use it to get the quest The Slumbering King.
121. Complete The Slumbering King.
On the north end of Gjalerbron is a castle in the mountain. Inside is the queen. Kill her.
122. HearthstoneUse your hearthstone to return to Westguard and turn in The Slumbering KingSleeping GiantsIn Service to the Light,Necro Overlord Mezhen and The Frost Wyrm and it’s Master.
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
123. Turn in Everything Must Be Ready and get your flight point.
Flight PathTravel to Fort Wildervar which is located on the north side of the eastern lake at the top of the zone. The flight master is on the northwest side of town.
124. Get I’ll Try Anything!Down to the WirePreying Upon the Weak and The Yeti Next Door.
125. Complete and turn in I’ll Try Anything!
Jump into the water where you'll find bushes you can use. This can be a tedious quest because the likelyhood of you getting the right mob from the bush is pretty low.
126. Get, complete and turn in The One That Got Away.
Go back into the water to the center and deepest part. Use the bait near the sunken boat in the middle of all the rocks.
127. Complete The Cleansing and on your way up the mountain kill rams until you have 4 Tough Ram meat.
Go west out of town then follow the road north. After you cross a bridge and when you see a frozen waterfall to the north, look east for a mountain trail and follow it all the way to the top. Use the altar and defeat yourself.
128. Combine your tough meat into a Yeti meal and go complete and turn in The Yeti Next Door.
Go back down to Fort Wildervar. The Yeti is in the cave on the northwest side of town.
129. Get The Enigmatic Frost NymphsThe Book of Runes and March of the Giants.
130. Complete and turn in Down to the Wire and Preying Upon the Weak.
You can find feathers and small traps with animals in them all over the woods to the southwest of Fort Wildervar.
131. Get, complete and turn in We Call Him Steelfeather.
Type /tar Steelfeather and keep doing that until you get him targeted then use your staff.
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
132. Turn in The Enigmatic Frost Nymphs and get Spirits of the Ice.
Go to the Frozen Glade directly south from Fort Wildervar.
133. Complete and turn in Spirits of the Ice.
The ice elementals surround the glade.
134. Get, complete and turn in The Fallen Sisters and Wild Vines.
Go west to the road and then continue to follow it west until you pass a tower. Then leave the road and go southwest to The Vibrant Glade. Kill the little flowers and attack the nymphs until they're weak enough for you to use the necklace on them.
135. Get, complete and turn in Spawn of the Twisted Glade and Seeds of the Blacksouled Keepers.
From the Frozen Glade travel directly northwest to the Twisted Glade. Spores and Creepers are all over the Glade. Kill the spores and use the core to freeze them.
136. Get, complete and turn in Keeper Witherleaf.
From the Frozen Glade travel directly northwest to get back to the Twisted Glade. Keeper Witherleaf patrols around the center of the glade.
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
137. Complete and turn in The Book of Runes and March of the Giants.
GroupFollow the lake around to the southeastern side where you'll find Giant's Run. Kill dwarves in this area for pages. Combine the pages for the book. Get some help then find Runed Stone Giants to kill and use your pick on. It's extremely difficult to solo the giants.
138. Get, complete and turn in Mastering the Runes and The Lodestone.
On the northern side of Giant's Run (where the dots of a trail begin on your map) you'll find a broken tablet you can use. The tools you need can spawn in several different places around Giant's Run but they are usually found under one of the tents.
139. Get, complete and turn in The Rune of Command and Demolishing Megalith.
GroupMegalith patrols the hills north of Giant's Run. You will need help as he is extremely difficult to solo. Use the Rune of Command on a Stone Giant to make it into your temporary pet. Use him to kill Binder Muradis on the south side of the area.
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
140. HearthstoneUse your hearthstone to return to Westguard then go turn in The Cleansing and get In Worg’s Clothing.
Back to Steel Gate, north of Westguard.
141. Turn in In Worg’s Clothing and get Brother Betrayers.
Go north until you get to the road and follow it west then north as if you were going to Grizzly Hills. When you reach a couple burned out wagons in the road go northeast toward a cave in the hills. Don't forget to put on your worg costume in order to speak with the quest giver and get past the worgs.
142. Complete and turn in Brother Betrayers.
Bjomolf spawns almost directly south from the cave near the horde Apothecary Camp. Varg spawns southeast of Steel Gate.
143. Get, complete and turn in Eyes of the Eagle.
Get back on the road and follow it south until you get to the bridge just before Whisper Gulch. Climb down the cliff and go to the waterfall on the east side where you'll find a nest. Use the eggs to summon the eagle.
144. Get, complete and turn in Alpha Worg.
Make sure you have your eyes of the eagle buff. Garwal patrols around the woods directly south from the cave.
145. HearthstoneUse your hearthstone to return to Westguard and go turn in Orfus of Kamagua and get The Dead Rise!
Follow the cliffside southward to the Ancient Lift.
146. Complete and turn in The Dead Rise!
Follow the road south then take the fork leading toward New Agamand. Continue past New Agamand until just before you reach a bridge. On the south side of the road is a graveyard. Find the four Vrykul graves that have been dug up. Return to the Ancient Lift to turn in.
147. Get and turn in Elder Atuik and Kamagua.
Flight PathTake the lift down to Kamagua. Go north to the village and grab your flight path.
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
148. Get Grezzix Spindlesnap and Feeding the Survivors.
149. Complete and turn in Feeding the Survivors.
Shoveltusks are all around the island. Kill wolves too to help the respawn cause wolves like to kill the shoveltusks.
150. Get, complete and turn in Arming Kamagua.
You can find Chimeras south of Kamagua.
151. Get Avenge Iskaal.
152. Turn in Grezzix Spindlesnap and get Street ‘Cred’
Go to the fish nets on the ice on the southwest edge of the town. Jump into the water and follow the iceflow southwest to the small pirate dinghy.
153. Talk to Lou the Cabin Boy to get a ride to Scalawag Point and turn in Street ‘Cred’.

Opportunity Knocks!

"Silvermoon" Harry sells items of clothing that is generally worn as the starter gear for each class. Oftentimes these items can sell for a small profit on the AH. Consider investing some copper to get some gold returns. When Opportunity Knocks...answer!
154. Get and complete ’Scoodles’ and Forgotten Treasure.
Scoodles is in the bay to the south. The treasure you want is found on the sunken ships to the south.
155. Turn in Forgotten Treasure and get The Fragrance of Money.
156. Turn in ’Scoodles’ and get The Staff of Storm’s FuryThe Frozen Heart of IlsuldofThe Lost Shield of Aesirites and The Ancient Armor of the Kvaldir.
157. Get, complete and turn in Gambling Debt.
Defeat Harry and collect his debt.
158. Get, complete and turn in Jack Likes His Drink.
Talk to the wench to get her to drug Jack's drink. Loot his body.
159. Get Dead Man’s Debt and Swabbin’ Soap.
160. Complete Swabbin’ Soap and The Fragrance of Money.
North of Scalawag you'll find plenty of bears to kill and loot. On the northwest side of the island , in the water, you'll find Big Roy.
161. Turn in The Fragrance of Money and get A Traitor Among Us.
162. Turn in A Traitor Among Us and get Zeh’gehn Sez.
163. Turn in Zeh’gehn Sez and get A Carver and a Croaker.
164. Complete and turn in A Carver and a Croaker.
Pick up a frog and purchase a knife from Harry.
165. Get, complete and turn in ’Crowleg’ Dan.
Dan is at the helm of the ship on the southern dock.
166. Get and turn in Meet Number Two.
Inside the house.
167. Get The Jig is Up.
168. Turn in Swabbin’ Soap.
169. Complete The Jig is Up and The Frozen Heart of Ilsuldof.
GroupYou'll probably need help for these quests. It's possible to solo but difficult. On the north side of the island is a cave. Inside the cave you'll find Jonah. Attack him until he jumps down and gets eaten by his bear. Go down and kill the bear. Up the path behind the bear you'll find the Heart.
170. Turn in The Lost Shield of Aesirites and get Mutiny on the Mercy.
Swim to a small island to the northeast of Scalawag Point where a ghost is pathing. Wait for the ship and hop aboard.
171. Complete and turn in Mutiny on the Mercy.
Go down into the hold of the ship and kill the zombies there.
172. Get, complete and turn in Sorlof’s Booty.
Use the big cannon at the front of the ship to shoot at Sorlof, when he dies, jump into the water and go pick up the booty. Go back to the island and wait for the boat again so you can turn in.
173. Get The Shield of Aesirites.
174. Complete Avenge Iskaal and The Staff of Storm’s Fury.
On the south eastern shore of Kamagua's island is the small town of Iskaal where a pirate ship is parked. Sneak aboard the pirate ship, careful to avoid the captain and go down into the hold. Loot the staff. Go back outside and kill the pirates in Iskaal.
175. Complete Dead Man’s Debt.
Make your way up the cliffs until you are directly north of Iskaal on a plateau where there are Forlorn souls patroling around. Use the mound of dirt in the center.
176. Turn in Avenge Iskaal.
In Kamagua on the northwest side of the island.
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
177. Get The Way to His Heart… and Travel to Moa’ki Harbor.
178. Complete The Way to His Heart…
In the waters between Scalawag Point and Kamagua's island you'll find fish pools. Use your net on the pools and collect 10-12 fish. Go to the north end of Scalawag and throw fish at the Reef Bulls to lure them across the channel to Kamagua island where the Reef Cows are.
179. Turn in The Jig is Up and Dead Man’s Debt.
At Scalawag Point.
180. Complete The Ancient Armor of Kvaldir.
Speak to the lady at the docks to get a ride to a wrecked ship. Enter the ship and go down to the hold to loot the armor. Use the plane to get back.
181. Turn in The Way to His Heart…
Back to Kamagua.
Phat Loot!

Phat Lewts !

The Way to His Heart…is one of only three daily quests that give Kalu'ak reputation as a reward. The Kalu'ak quartermaster sports many fine and coveted items, recipes and most notably, the Penguin vanity pet!
182. Turn in The Ancient Armor of KvaldirThe Frozen Heart of IlsuldofThe Shield of Aesirites and The Staff of Storm’s Fury.
Take the lift back to the mainland.
183. Get, complete and turn in A Return to Resting.
Go back to the Vrykul graveyard past New Agamand and put each of the items back in their respective graves.
184. Get, complete and turn in Return to Atuik.
Go back to Kamagua.
185. HearthstoneUse your hearthstone to return to Westguard Keep. Get High Commander Halford Wyrmbane and take the flight to Wintergarde to turn in.
Flight PathGet your flight path!

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