Molten WOW Guide: Hallowed Be Thy Name

Hallowed Be Thy Name (Horde/Alliance)

Complete the Hallow's End achievements listed below. Rewards 10 Achievement Points and the title <the Hallowed>.
As you travel during this guide, you ought to work on several achievements that will take you time to complete.
  • G.N.E.R.D. Rage – As soon as you get some GNERD candies from trick or treating, starting queuing up for battlegrounds. Remember, you will need to eat a candy after every death to re-apply the gnerd buff. Also, note that you don't need to participate in the kill in order for it to count. You only need to be in the vicinity of the action.
  • The Masquerade - Pay attention to general and trade chat for people who are giving away, trading, or selling wand costumes. You will be getting wands when you trick or treat so you can generally be trading costumes with people. You cannot put a costume on yourself.
  • Check Your Head – You need to throw a pumpkin head at every race. Good places to do this are while you're in battlegrounds and major cities.
  • Sinister Calling – You need to get both the Hallowed Helm and the Sinister Squashling. The Headless Horseman has a chance to drop them and you have a chance to get them from Treat bags from Innkeepers. Watch your debuff timer for trick or treating so you can do it as often as possible in order to complete this achievement.
  • That Sparkling Smile - Toothpicks can be looted from treat bags. As soon as you get one, open it.


  1. Start in Orgrimmar. From a commoner, get the quest Masked Orphan Matron.
  2. Visit the Orphan home in the Valley of Honor and get Hallow’s End Treats for Spoops!
  3. Visit the Inn in the Valley of Strength and get the quest Flexing for Nougat. Target the innkeeper and /flex then turn in the quest.
  4. PumpkinSpeak with the Innkeeper again to Trick-or-Treat. Be sure to Trick-or-Treat at any Innkeeper as often as you can. Open the treat bags and you’ll have a chance to receive a number of items needed for your achievements. The Hallowed Helm, a Sinister SquashlingToothpicks, Masks, Wands, and various candy or money.
  5. Use the Candy Bucket nearby to get some candy. ***Trick or Treat complete!***
  6. Travel to Razor Hill and turn in Masked Orphan Matron.
  7. Get, complete and turn in Fire Training. There are burning wickermen nearby. Use the trough of water on the ground to get a bucket of water.  Right click the bucket to get a targeting circle and toss it on the fire. Repeat until complete.
  8. Get, complete and turn in Let the Fires Come! The Headless Horseman will routinely attack Razor Hill and set the buildings on fire. Use the water troughs to get buckets to put the fire out just like in the step above. You can toss the buckets to other players too to start a faster bucket brigade for putting out fires. This quest becomes a daily quest should you desire to do it for more treats or pumpkins. ***The Savior of Hallows End complete!***
  9. When you’ve successfully defended a town the Headless Horseman will land for you to kill. When he dies, he drops a large pumpkin that will give you the daily quest, Smash the Pumpkin. Turn it in once you have it. Please note that everyone can use the head so you do not need to get the kill or tag on the Headless Horseman.
  10. Get The Headless Horseman.
  11. Visit the Inn in Razor Hill and use the Candy Bucket.
  12. Head south to the Sen’Jin Village and get the quest Incoming Gumdrop. Target Kali and /train then turn in the quest.
  13. Return to Orgrimmar and fly to Everlook in Winterspring. Use the Candy Bucket at the inn.
  14. Fly to Splintertree Post in Ashenvale and use the Candy Bucket.
  15. Fly to Sunrock Retreat in Stonetalon and use the Candy Bucket at the inn.
  16. Fly to Shadowprey Village in Desolace and find the Candy Bucket.
  17. Fly to Camp Mojache in Feralas and use the Candy Bucket at the inn.
  18. Fly to Cenarion Hold in Silithus and use the Candy Bucket.
  19. Fly to Gadgetzan in Tanaris and use the Candy Bucket at the inn.
  20. Fly to Freewind Post in Thousand Needles and get your Candy Bucket.
  21. Fly to Camp Taurajo in the Barrens and use the Candy Bucket.
  22. Travel to Bloodhoof Village in Mulgore and use the Candy Bucket at the inn.
  23. Continue onward to Thunder Bluff and use the Candy Bucket at the inn on Lower Rise.
  24. Get the quest Dancing for Marzipan. Target the innkeeper and /dance then turn in the quest.
  25. Fly to Mudsprocket in Dustwallow Marsh and use the Candy Bucket.
  26. Travel to Brackenwall Village and use the Candy Bucket there.
  27. Fly to the Crossroads in the Barrens and use the Candy Bucket.
  28. Fly to Ratchet and use the Candy Bucket at the Inn. ***Tricks and Treats of Kalimdor complete!***
  29. Take the boat to Booty Bay and go use the Candy Bucket at the inn.
  30. Fly up to Grom’gol and use the Candy Bucket there.
  31. Fly to Stonard in Swamp of Sorrows and find the Candy Bucket.
  32. Fly to Kargath in the Badlands and use the Candy Bucket.
  33. Fly to Hammerfall in the Arathi Highlands and use the Candy Bucket.
  34. Fly to Revantusk Village in the Hinterlands and use the Candy Bucket.
  35. Fly to Light’s Hope Chapel in Eastern Plaguelands and use the Candy Bucket.
  36. Fly to Tranquillen in the Ghostlands and use the Candy Bucket at the inn.
  37. Fly to Fairbreeze Village in Eversong Woods and use the Candy Bucket there.
  38. Fly to Silvermoon City and locate the Candy Bucket at the inn in the Bazaar.
  39. You’ll find another Candy Bucket at the inn in the Royal Exchange.
  40. Head over to the Ruins of Silvermoon and find the Candy Bucket at Falconwing Square.
  41. Return to Silvermoon and travel to the Undercity. Find the Candy Bucket at the inn in the Trade Quarter.
  42. Get the quest Chicken clucking for a Mint. Target the innkeeper and /cluck then turn in the quest.
  43. Head outside to the Wickerman Festival area (west as you exit). Find Yanka and get the quests Rotten Eggs and Stinking Up Southshore.
  44. Travel to Brill and use the Candy Bucket at the inn.
  45. Use the Dungeon Finder to queue up for the Headless Horseman.
  46. Use the pumpkin to turn in The Headless Horseman and get Call the Headless Horseman.
  47. When you’re ready, turn in Call the Headless Horseman. He will drop a bag that has some goodies in it and he also has a chance to drop the Hallowed Helm and/or Sinister Squashling. ***Bring Me The Head Of…Oh Wait complete!*** Remember you can queue up for the Headless Horseman as often as you'd like but you'll only get the bag once a day.
  48. After killing the Headless Horseman, don’t forget to speak with Sir Thomas and get the quest Free At Last!
  49. Also when you kill the Headless Horseman, candies rain from the sky. Eat a bunch of them until you throw up. ***Out With Itcomplete!***
  50. Fly to the Sepulcher in Silverpine Forest and use the Candy Bucket.
  51. Fly to Tarren Mill in Hillsbrad Foothills and use the Candy Bucket at the inn. ***Tricks and Treats of Eastern Kingdomscomplete!***
  52. Sneak down to Southshore and complete Stinking Up Southshore.
  53. Go into the Inn in Southshore and turn in Rotten Eggs.
  54. Get Ruined Kegs.
  55. Return to the Undercity and the Wickerman Festival area to turn in Ruined Kegs and Stinking Up Southshore. ***Rotten Hallow complete!***
  56. Go to the Magic Quarter in the Undercity and take the portal to the Blasted Lands.
  57. Enter the Dark Portal to Outlands and fly to Thrallmar. Use the Candy Bucket in the inn. I highly recommend using your flying mount in Outlands instead of the flight paths.
  58. Fly due south to either the Altar of Sha’tar(Aldor) or the Sanctum of the Stars(Scryer) and get some candy from the Candy Bucket.
  59. Fly to Shadowmoon Village and use the Candy Bucket.
  60. Fly to Stonebreaker Hold in Terrokar Forest and use the Candy Bucket.
  61. Fly to Shattrath and find the Candy Bucket there.
  62. Head over to Garadar in Nagrand and use the Candy Bucket at the inn.
  63. Go north to Zabra’Jin in Zangarmarsh and use the Candy Bucket.
  64. Fly to Cenarion Refuge and use the Candy Bucket there.
  65. Continue northerly and get your Candy Bucket at the Mok’Nathal Village in Blade’s Edge Mountains.
  66. Fly over to Thunderlord Stronghold and use the Candy Bucket.
  67. Fly to Evergrove and use the Candy Bucket there.
  68. Fly over to the Stormspire in Netherstorm and use the Candy Bucket at the inn.
  69. Fly to Area 52 and use the Candy Bucket there.
  70. Fly due south to Thrallmar in Hellfire Peninsula and use the Candy Bucket at the inn.
  71. Fly to Falcon Watch and use the Candy Bucket there. ***Tricks and Treats of Outland complete! Tricks and Treats of Azerothcomplete!***
  72. Hit up the portal to Orgrimmar back in Shattrath and turn in Hallow’s End Treats for Spoops!
  73. Head down to Razor Hill and turn in Free At Last!
  74. If you have not finished them yet, the only achievements you should have left are That Sparkling SmileG.N.E.R.D. RageThe MasqueradeCheck Your Head, and Sinister Calling. These were explained at the top of this guide. Good hunting!
Grats! You are now the Hallowed!


  1. Start in Stormwind. From a commoner, get the quest Costumed Orphan Matron.
  2. Visit the Orphan home in the Cathedral District and get Hallow’s End Treats for Jesper!
  3. Visit the Inn in the Trade District and get the quest Flexing for Nougat. Target the innkeeper and /flex then turn in the quest.
  4. Headless HorsemanSpeak with the Innkeeper again to Trick-or-Treat. Be sure to Trick-or-Treat at any Innkeeper as often as you can. Open the treat bags and you’ll have a chance to receive a number of items needed for your achievements. TheHallowed Helm, a Sinister SquashlingToothpicks, Masks, Wands, and various candy or money.
  5. Use the nearby Candy Bucket to get some candy. ***Trick or Treatcomplete!***
  6. Travel to Goldshire and turn in Costumed Orphan Matron.
  7. Get, complete and turn in Fire Brigade Practice. There are burning wickermen nearby. Use the trough of water on the ground to get a bucket of water.  Right click the bucket to get a targeting circle and toss it on the fire. Repeat until complete.
  8. Get, complete and turn in Let the Fires Come! The Headless Horseman will routinely attack Goldshire and set the Inn and the Blacksmith on fire. Use the water troughs to get buckets to put the fire out just like in the step above. You can toss the buckets to other players too to start a faster bucket brigade for putting out fires. This quest becomes a daily quest should you desire to do it for more treats or pumpkins. ***The Savior of Hallows End complete!***
  9. When you’ve successfully defended a town the Headless Horseman will land for you to kill. When he dies, he drops a large pumpkin that will give you the daily quest, Smash the Pumpkin. Turn it in once you have it. Please note that everyone can use the head so you do not need to get the kill on the Headless Horseman.
  10. Get The Headless Horseman.
  11. Visit the Inn in Goldshire and use the Candy Bucket.
  12. Return to Stormwind and travel to Ironforge.
  13. Nab some candy from the Candy Bucket at the Inn in Ironforge.
  14. Get the quest Chicken Clucking for a Mint. Target the innkeeper and /cluck then turn in the quest.
  15. Go to the Mystic Ward and find Talvash in the northern corner.
  16. Get, complete and turn in Incoming Gumdrop. Target Talvash and /train.
  17. Travel down to Kharanos in Dun Morogh and use the Candy Bucket there.
  18. Return to Ironforge and fly to Loch Modan. Use the Candy Bucket in the inn.
  19. Fly to Wetlands and use the Candy Bucket in the inn.
  20. Fly to the Hinterlands and find the Candy Bucket to use in the inn.
  21. Fly to Eastern Plagulands and use the Candy Bucket in the chapel.
  22. Fly to Southshore in Hillsbrad Foothills and use the Candy Bucket in the inn.
  23. Get, complete and turn in The Power of Pine. Look for clouds of green gas around southshore and use your cleaner to clean them up.
  24. Get Crashing the Wickerman Festival.
  25. Head up to Tirisfal Glades just outside of the Undercity. If you’re following the road as you enter the zone from the south, you’ll see a large wickerman on the side of the road. You need to get close enough to it to complete your quest.
  26. Use the Dungeon Finder to queue up for the Headless Horseman.
  27. Use the pumpkin to turn in The Headless Horseman and get Call the Headless Horseman.
  28. When you’re ready, turn in Call the Headless Horseman. He will drop a bag that has some goodies in it and he also has a chance to drop the Hallowed Helm and/or Sinister Squashling. ***Bring Me The Head Of…Oh Wait complete!*** Remember you can queue up for the Headless Horseman as often as you'd like but you'll only get the bag once a day.
  29. After killing the Headless Horseman, don’t forget to speak with Sir Thomas and get the quest Free At Last!
  30. Also when you kill the Headless Horseman, candies rain from the sky. Eat a bunch of them until you throw up. ***Out With Itcomplete!***
  31. Return to Southshore and turn in Crashing the Wickerman Festival. ***Rotten Hallow complete!***
  32. Fly to Menethil Harbor and take the boat to Theramore.
  33. Visit the Inn and get some candy from the Candy Bucket.
  34. Fly to Mudprocket and use the Candy Bucket.
  35. Fly to Tanaris and visit the Candy Bucket in the inn.
  36. Travel to Silithus and use the Candy Bucket at the inn.
  37. Fly to Feathermoon Stronghold in Ferals and use the Candy Bucket at the inn.
  38. Fly to Desolace and use the Candy Bucket at the inn.
  39. Fly to Stonetalon Mountains and use the Candy Bucket there.
  40. Fly to Astranaar in Ashenvale and find the Candy Bucket in the inn.
  41. Fly to Darkshore and use the Candy Bucket in the inn.
  42. Take the boat to Azuremyst and enter the Exodar. Find the Candy Bucket at the inn.
  43. Travel to Azure Watch and use the Candy Bucket at the Inn.
  44. Return to the Exodar and fly to Blood Watch. Use the Candy Bucket there.
  45. Return again to the Exodar and take the boat back to Darkshore. Fly or take the boat to Darnassus.
  46. Visit the Inn and snag some candy from the Candy Bucket.
  47. Get Dancing for Marzipan. Target the innkeeper and /dance then turn in the quest.
  48. Head over to Dolanaar and use the Candy Bucket at the inn.
  49. Return to Darnassus and fly to Everlook in Winterspring. Use the Candy Bucket at the inn.
  50. Fly to Ratchet in the Barrens and use the Candy Bucket at the inn. ***Tricks and Treats of Kalimdor complete!***
  51. Take the boat to Booty Bay and get some candy from the Candy Bucket.
  52. Fly to Westfall and use the Candy Bucket at the Inn.
  53. Fly to Darkshire in Duskwood and use the Candy Bucket at the inn.
  54. Fly to Lakeshire in Redridge and use the Candy Bucket at the inn. ***Tricks and Treats of Eastern Kingdoms complete!***
  55. Fly to Stormwind and turn in Hallow’s End Treats for Jesper.
  56. Travel to Goldshire and turn in Free At Last!
  57. Return to Stormwind and take the Blasted Lands portal in the mage tower in the Mage Quarter.
  58. Enter the Dark Portal to Outlands and fly to Honor Hold. Use the Candy Bucket in the inn. I highly recommend using your flying mount in Outlands instead of the flight paths.
  59. Fly due south to either the Altar of Sha’tar(Aldor) or the Sanctum of the Stars(Scryer) and get some candy from the Candy Bucket.
  60. Fly to Wildhammer Stronghold and use the Candy Bucket.
  61. Fly to Allerian Stronghold and use the Candy Bucket.
  62. Continue onward to Shattrath and use the Candy Bucket at the inn.
  63. Fly to Telaar in Nagrand and use the Candy Bucket at the inn.
  64. Travel to Cenarion Refuge in Zangarmarsh and use the Candy Bucket.
  65. Travel to Telredor and use the Candy Bucket.
  66. Fly to Orebor Harborage and use the Candy Bucket.
  67. Fly to Sylvanaar in Blade’s Edge Mountains and use the Candy Bucket.
  68. Fly to Toshley’s Station and use the Candy Bucket at the inn.
  69. Fly to Evergrove and use the Candy Bucket at the inn.
  70. Continue to The Stormspire in Netherstorm and use the Candy Bucket there.
  71. Go southwesterly to Area 52 and get some candy from the Candy Bucket.
  72. Fly due south back to Hellfire Peninsula to the Temple of Telhamat and use the Candy Bucket at the inn. ***Tricks and Treats of Outlands complete! Tricks and Treats of Azeroth complete!***
  73. If you have not finished them yet, the only achievements you should have left are That Sparkling SmileG.N.E.R.D. RageThe MasqueradeCheck Your Head, and Sinister Calling. These were explained at the top of this guide. Good hunting!

Grats! You are now <the Hallowed>

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