Molten WOW Guide: Chapter One - Dwarf & Gnome


Chapter One - Dwarf & Gnome


1. Get, complete and turn in Dwarven Outfitters.
 You can find wolves all over the valley. Kill them and loot them.
2. Get Coldridge Valley Mail Delivery(1) and A New Threat.
 Quest Collection
3. Complete and turn in A New Threat.
 You'll find the larger concentration of troggs to the south, southwest and southeast of Anvilmar. Kill 6 Troggs and 6 Burly Troggs.
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
4. Get A Refugee’s Quandry.
 Felix is inside Anvilmar.
5. Turn in Coldridge Valley Mail Delivery(1) and get Coldridge Valley Mail Delivery(2).
 Follow the road that leads west out of Anvilmar. Where the road turns south you will find Talin standing in front of a tent.
6. Get, complete and turn in The Boar Hunter.
 Talin stands in front of a tent to the west of Anvilmar. All around him you will find boars to kill.
7. Turn in Coldridge Mail Delivery(2).
 Follow the road south from Talin's camp and you will find Grelin in front of his tent.
8. Get The Troll Cave.
 Quest Collection
9. Complete A Refugee’s Quandry and The Troll Cave.
 There are three camps along the western mountain range. You will find your quest items near the center of each camp. Kill 14 Whelps while you are collecting Felix's stuff.
10. Turn in The Troll Cave and get The Stolen Journal.
 Grelin is at a camp in the center of Coldridge Valley at the end of the road.
11. Complete and turn in The Stolen Journal.
 There is a cave to the west of Grelin. Enter it and hug the left wall until you find Grik'nir the Cold. Kill him and loot him.
12. Get Senir’s Observations(1).
 Grelin is at a camp in the center of Coldridge Valley at the end of the road.
13. When you are ready to do the timed quest, get and turn in Scalding Mornbrew Delivery.
 You have 5 minutes to run straight northeast to Anvilmar. Durnan is inside.
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
14. Get and turn in Bring Back the Mug.
 Either follow the road west and then south or just travel straight southwest. Grelin is at a camp in the center of Coldridge Valley at the end of the road.
15. Turn in A Refugee’s Quandry.
 Go northeast to Anvilmar. Felix is inside.
16. Turn in Senir’s Observations(1) and get Senir’s Observations(2).
 Follow the road east up the hill.
17. Get Supplies to Tannok.
 At the top of the hill before the tunnel that exits Coldrige you will find Hands.
18. Run to Kharanos.
 Go through the tunnel then just follow the road and signs.
19. Turn in Senir’s Observations(2).
 Senir is in front of some wagons on the south side of Kharanos.
20. Turn in Supplies to Tannok.
 Tannok is inside the Inn on the east side of town.
21. HearthstoneSet your hearthstone to the Inn.
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
22. Get Beer Basted Boar Ribs and Tools for Steelgrill.
 Quest Collection
23. Turn in Tools for Steelgrill.
 Steelgrill is directly east of Kharanos.
24. Get Ammo for RumbleshotThe Grizzled Den and Stocking Jetsteam.
 Quest Collection
25. Complete Beer Basted Boar RibsAmmo for RumbleshotThe Grizzled Den and Stocking Jetsteam.
 Go straight west of Kharanos and down into a small valley area. On the north side of this valley you will find a cave with the Wendigos you need to kill and loot. On the south side of this little valley you will find
26. Turn in Ammo for Rumbleshot.
 Follow the road south out of Kharanos and then west. Be looking on the left(south) side of the road for Rumbleshot's camp.
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
27. Turn in The Grizzled Den and Stocking Jetsteam.
 Follow the road back to Kharanos.
28. Get Evershine.
 Quest Collection
29. Turn in Beer Basted Boar Ribs.
 Ragnar is right outside the Inn in Kharanos.
30. Get Frostmane Hold and Operation Recombobulation.
 Quest Collection
31. Turn in Evershine and get A Favor for Evershine.
 Go north out of Kharanos until you see a frozen creek. Follow the creek west until you reach a lake. Rejold is at Brewnall Village which is on the west side of the lake.
32. Get The Perfect Stout and Bitter Rivals.
 Quest Collection
33. Complete and turn in A Favor for Evershine.
 You can find Bears, Cats and Boars all around Brewnall. Kill them.
34. Get Return to Bellowfiz.
 Quest Collection
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
35. Complete and turn in The Perfect Stout.
 You will find Shimmerweed in the troll villages in the mountains on the southeast side of the lake. You can also loot Shimmerweed by killing the trolls in those mountains.
36. Get Shimmer Stout.
 Quest Collection
37. Complete Frostmane Hold.
 Frostmane Hold is located to the southwest of Brewnall Village. Go inside and follow the right wall until you complete your objective.
38. HearthstoneUse your Hearthstone to return to Kharanos and turn in Frostmane Hold.
 Senir is in front of some wagons on the south side of Kharanos.
39. Get The Reports.
 Quest Collection
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
40. Complete and turn in Bitter Rivals.
 Go inside the Inn and purchase a Thunderbrew Ale from the innkeeper. Then go downstairs and give it to Jarven. Once he leaves, use the ale barrel he was guarding.
41. Get Return to Marleth.
 Quest Collection
42. Turn in Return to Bellowfiz.
 Go east to Steelgrill's Depot. Bellowfiz is standing near the northern steamtank.
43. Go back to Brewnall Village and turn in Return to Marleth.
 Go north until you see a frozen creek. Follow the creek west until you reach a lake. Marleth is at Brewnall Village which is on the west side of the lake.
44. Complete and then turn in Operation Recombobulation.
GroupGo northwest of Brewnall where you see green smoke coming from various vents. All around this area you will find Leper Gnomes. Kill them and loot them. When you're done, return to Kharanos. Razzle is in a house on the northwest side of town. It's possible to solo but easier with help.
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
45. Travel to Ironforge and turn in The Reports.
 Follow the road north out of Kharanos then follow the signs to Ironforge. Senator Barin is in the throne room which is south of the center Great Forge in Ironforge.
46. Take the Deeprun Tram to Stormwind.
 The Deeprun Tram can be found in Tinker Town on the eastern side of Ironforge.
47. Get the quest Stormpike’s Delivery.
 Grimand is in a house on the northwest side of the Dwarven District in Stormwind.
48. Get your Flight Path.
Flight PathThe Flight Master is up the ramp on the southeast side of the Trade District in Stormwind.
49. HearthstoneUse your Hearthstone to return to Kharanos.
50. Get, complete and turn in Protecting the Herd.
GroupFollow the road that will lead you east, across the zone. Look for the second house you will see on the left(north) side of the road. Behind the house you will find a ram ranch. Rudra is standing near a second house, west of the corral.
Vagash is in a cave in the mountains directly northeast of the ranch. It's possible to solo but easier with help.
Phat Loot!

Phat Lewts!

 At the Amberstill Ranch you will see Yarlyn Amberstill chasing a rabbit around the buildings. If you can catch up to her, she will sell you a vanity pet called a Snowshoe Rabbit for around 20s. You can resell the rabbit in the AH for a small profit, but if you choose to keep it for your collection, you'll be able to show people you have Phat Lewts!
51. Get The Public Servant and Those Blasted Troggs!
 Continue on the road leading east across the zone. Take the first right(south) road you see and you will enter the Quarry. The camp of NPCs is on the north end of the Quarry.
52. Complete and turn in The Public Servant and Those Blasted Troggs!
 Skullthumpers can be found all over the Quarry and Bonesnappers can only be found inside the cave on the eastern side of the Quarry.
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
53. Go turn in Shimmer Stout and get Stout to Kadrell.
 Follow the road east across the zone. When you reach the fork, take the southern one and follow the road through a tunnel. Mountaineer Barleybrew is standing near a wagon next to the bunker.
54. Get and turn in The Lost Pilot.
 Backtrack on the road going south. When you reach the fork again, go north into the North Gate Pass. Hammerfoot is near a steamtank on the eastern side of the area.
Follow the road north and when the road begins to turn eastward, go westward and you will find Hildelves body.
55. Get, complete and turn in A Pilot’s Revenge.
GroupWest of the body you will find Mangeclaw. Kill and loot him. It's possible to solo but easier with help.
56. Turn in Stormpike’s Delivery.
 Travel through the North Gate Pass and into Loch Modan. Stormpike is inside the north bunker that you will see as you enter the zone.
57. Get Stormpike’s Order and Filthy Paws.
58. Travel to Thelsamar and get your flight point. Kill and loot every bear, boar and spider you see on the way.
Save for Later
Flight Path
As you valiantly slay many animals, keep any Bear Meat, Boar Intestine and Spider Ichor you get for a later quest.
Follow the road south to Thelsamar. The Flight Master is near the road on the southwest side of town.
59. Turn in Stout to Kadrell.
 Kadrell patrols along the main road through Thelsamar.
60. HearthstoneSet your Hearthstone in the Inn in Thelsamar.
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.

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