Molten WOW Guide: Chapter Eight - Grizzly Hills


Chapter Eight - Grizzly Hills

Notes: Grizzly Hills has two quest hubs that are PvP Daily quests. For as long as you have the quest in your log you will be flagged for PvP. The quests are a good source of xp and cash as you level if you choose to do them. These quests are marked with PvP and are completely skippable if you do not wish to participate in PvP.
At the end of this chapter you will go to Dalaran. The quest to go there becomes available at level 74 so if you reach 74 before the end of the chapter and wish to do the Dalaran portal quests asap then feel free to do so. Simply skip the last few steps of this chapter that deal with Dalaran.
1. HearthstoneGet your flight point and set your hearthstone to the Inn.
Flight Path
2. Turn in The Hills Have Us.
3. Get Local SupportReplenishing the StorehouseThem or Us! and Mmm…Amberseeds!
4. Turn in Mmm…Amberseeds! and get Just Passing Through.
5. Complete and turn in Replenishing the Storehouse.
The stags you need to kill are found all over the woods. I recommend south and southeast of Amberpine for a high concentration of them.
6. Get Take Their Rear! and Troll Season.
7. Complete Just Passing Through and Take Their Rear!
Go west to river and you'll find the plants you need to loot and the bears you need to kill and loot.
8. Turn in Take Their Rear!
9. Turn in Just Passing Through and get Doing Your Duty.
10. Complete and turn in Doing Your Duty.
Use the outhouse outside.
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.

Opportunity Knocks!

The humanoids you will be killing through-out this chapter drop good amounts of cash and cloth and have fast respawn times. You can resell the cloth in the Auction House for a nice little profit. When Opportunity Knocks...answer!
11. Complete Local Support and Them or Us!
Follow the road north out of town. At the crossroads, go west towards Conquest Hold. Continue west past the burning tower, staying on the trail. When you reach the fork that goes to Conquest Hold, go right(south) to another tower. Inside the tower you'll find the chest you need. Directly north of Conquest Hold in the purple flower fields you'll find lots of wolves to kill.
12. Turn in Troll Season! and get Filling the Cages.
From Conquest Hold go north to the burning scout tower. From the tower go west to Granite Springs.
13. Complete and turn in Filling the Cages.
Talk to Budd and then go south to the Ruins of Drak'Zin. Order Budd to go sap a troll (don't aggro it until it's sapped!) and then use your cage on it.
14. Get, complete and turn in Truce?
Use the knife on the stump next to the cage.
15. Get, complete and turn in Vial of Visions.
Get a vial from Ameenah in the camp then go north. You'll find Haze Leaf all over the place and Waterweed in the lake.
16. Get Subject to Interpretation.
17. Get, complete and turn in Scourgekabob.
Grab a mummy and take it to the bonfire.
18. Get Seared Scourge and Shimmercap Stew.
19. Complete Subject to Interpretation and get the serpent eyes and snowcaps you need for Shimmercap Stew.
Go south to the Ruins of Drak'Zin. Kill serpents for eyes. Find the snowcaps you need near the river and kill trolls until you have collected 5 Frozen Mojo.
20. Turn in Subject to Interpretation and get Sacrifices Must be Made.
At the ruins find the only building with stairs and go up. Use Drakuru's elixir next to the fire.
21. Complete Shimmercap Stew and Sacrifices Must be Made.
Go north, past Granite Springs to Zeb'Halak. In this area you'll find the sweetroot you need to pick. In the hut that sits on the lake you'll find Warlord Zim'bo. Kill him and loot his mojo. Go to the pyramid on the east side of Zeb'Halak and loot the statue at the top.
22. Turn in Sacrifices Must be Made and get Heart of the Ancients.
Use Drakuru's elixir near the orange fire brazier at the top of the pyramid.
23. Complete Seared Scourge.
From Zeb'Halak go north to Drak'tharon. To the left and right of the staircase into the fortress are scourge trolls. Stand a good distance back so you don't aggro them and throw the grog at them to set them on fire.
24. Turn in Shimmercap Stew and get Say Hello to My Little Friend.
Back to Granite Springs to the south.
25. Turn in Seared Scourge.

Opportunity Knocks!

Seared Scourge is a daily quest that gives xp and cash. It will also give more cash when you are max level. Before hitting max level it's an excellent source of boost xp. When Opportunity Knocks...answer!
26. HearthstoneUse your hearthstone to return to Amberpine and turn in Local Support and Them or Us!
27. Get Eagle Eyes and Close the Deal.
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
28. Turn in Close the Deal and get A Tentative Pact.
Aspen Grove Post is just north of Amberpine.
29. Complete and turn in Eagle Eyes.
Eagles are found all over the place but I suggest going northeast from Amberpine for a higher concentration of them.
30. Turn in A Tentative Pact and get An Exercise in Diplomancy.
31. Get, complete and turn in Secrets of the Flamebinders and Thinning the Ranks.
South of Amberpine is the Vrykul town of Voldrune where you'll find the mobs you need to kill.
32. Get, complete and turn in The Thane of Voldrune.
On the south side of Voldrune is a protodrake you can use. The Thane is at the top of a tower on the northwest side of Voldrune.
33. Turn in An Exercise in Diplomacy.
From Amberpine, go north on the road until you reach the crossroads then go left(west). When you reach the burning scout tower take the road that leads north. After crossing a small stream make sure you take the right fork to Silverbrook.
34. Get, complete and turn in Northern Hospitality and Wolfsbane Root.
The Wolfsbane is found all over the area around Silverbrook. Orcs are found on the west side of town.
35. Get, complete and turn in Test of Mettle.
To the west of Silverbrook you'll find three trees that have golden leaves and white trunks instead of the usual redwood trees in the area. Go to the northern-most golden tree and then go straight west and you'll find Bonesnap.
36. Get and turn in Words of Warning.
Go back to Silverbrook and enter the northwestern tower.
37. Get, complete and turn in Escape From Silverbrook.
Follow the scout behind the tower and hop on the horse. This video can help if you need it.
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
38. Get, complete and turn in A Swift Response.
From Amberpine go east on the road out of town then south at the crossroads to Forest's Edge Post.
39. While doing the above quest you will loot an item called Mikhail’s Journal. Use it to get the quest Decent Into Darkness.
40. Turn in Decent Into Darkness and get Report to Gryan Stoutmantle…Again.
41. Get The Failed World Tree and A Dark Influence.
42. Complete A Dark Influence and The Failed World Tree.
From Amberpine go north on the road and then east at the crossroads until you hit another crossroads not far away. Leave the road and go straight north to Vordrassil's Heart. You will need to enter the cave and go to the bottom to use your orb. From the Heart go directly west to Vordrassil's Limb and use your orb at the bottom of the cave. From the Limb go south to the road and follow it west until you cross the stream. Then go north to Vordrassil's Tears. There are plenty of oozes to kill at each location.

Opportunity Knocks!

The oozes at each of the Vordrassil caves have a really fast respawn rate, especially when others are killing them at other locations. They drop a decent amount of cash and lots of grey item that can be sold for a decent amount of money as well. The respawn rate is the clincher for this money making opportunity. So when Opportunity Knocks...answer!
43. HearthstoneUse your hearthstone to return to Amberpine to turn in turn in A Dark Influence and The Failed World Tree.
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
44. Get A Possible Link and The Children of Ursoc.
GoldPhat Loot!

Opportunity Knocks and there's Phat Lewts to be had!

The PvP daily quests will reward you xp and cash which are good in and of themselves but you also get Venture Coins. When the Alliance controls Venture Bay you get access to the Venture Bay vendor who sells many blue items and gear that can be helpful while leveling. When Opportunity Knocks...answer because you can show people you have Phat Lewts!
45. Get, complete and turn in Kick ‘Em While They’re DownShredder RepairPieces Parts and Life or Death.
PvPFrom Amberpine go north on the road and at the crossroads continue in a northernly direction. You'll see the Bluesky Logging grounds on the left after passing Vordrassil's Limb. The Alliance camp is on the southern side of the grounds.
46. Turn in Heart of the Ancients and get My Heart is in Your Hands.
On the northern side of the Bluesky Logging grounds(see directions in above step) there is an oil rig. Go up to the top to find the goblin you need.
47. Take the log ride to Venture Bay then get, complete and turn in Keep Them at Bay!Down With Captain Zorna!Smoke ‘Em Out and Seeking Solvent.
PvPSpeak with Gordun at the top of the Alliance log shute. You can find it at the 'k' in Blue Sky on your map. The Alliance NPCs are found on the eastern side of Venture Bay. Captain Zorna is near the western boat at the docks in the center of Venture Bay.
48. If the Alliance controls Venture Bay you can also get, complete and turn in Riding the Red Rocket.
PvPThis NPC is in front of the lighthouse on the south side of Venture Bay. This video can help.
49. Get, complete and turn in Blackriver Skirmish.
PvPUp the river and near Amberpine Lodge.
50. Complete and turn in The Children of Ursoc and A Possible Link.
From Amberpine Lodge go east on the road and then north at the fork. Keep on the road, staying to the right at every crossroads until you see the Furbolg area of Rage Fang Shrine to the south(right). In the southwestern part of the shrine is the cave with the bear you need to talk to. Go north to the road and follow it east. Go south at Ashwood Post and you'll soon see Heart's Blood Shrine to the left. The cave with the bear you need is on the south side. Kill Furbolgs for blood.
51. Get complete and turn in Vordrassil’s Seeds and Vordrassil’s Sapling.
From Amberpine Lodge go east on the road and then north at the fork. Keep on the road, staying to the right at every crossroads until you see the fallen Vordrassil tree to the north. Enter the tree and you'll find seeds all over the place. Burn the sapling at the bottom of the three.
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
52. Get and complete Ursoc, the Bear God.
GroupFrom Amberpine go north on the road and at the crossroads continue in a northernly direction. Stay on the road as it goes east past Vordrassil and to the Heartwood Trading Post. Turn north and look up at the mountainside and you'll see a bear's head. That's where Ursoc is. You will need help to defeat him and don't forget to talk to Tur Ragepaw to ask for his assistance. He is a druid and will be a tank, healer or dps for you.

Opportunity Knocks!

The trolls you will be killing in the next step have a really fast respawn rate and can come in packs of 4-6 if AoE grinding is your thing. Because of the spawn rate it makes them an excellent source of cash and cloth. Additionally, you can sell extra mojo in the auction house for the lazy questers or they sell decently to a vendor. When Opportunity Knocks...answer!
53. Turn in My Heart is in Your Hands and get Voices From the Dust.
Go to the Heartwood Trading Post to the south of Ursoc's Den. From there, follow the road that leads northwest to Drak'atal Passage. Kill trolls here for mojo then use drakuru's elixir at the fire in the center.
54. Get, complete and turn in Mr. Floppy’s Perilous Adventure.
Go back to Hearthwood Trading Post where you'll find a little girl and her bunny needing an escort.
55. Get your Westfall Brigade Flight Point.
Flight Path
56. Turn in Report to Gryan Stoutmantle…Again.
57. Get Hollowstone MineSoftening the Blow and Mounting Up.
58. Complete and turn in Mounting Up.
You can find carrots and horses all around the Westfall Brigade.
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
59. Turn in Hollowstone Mine.
The Mine is just north of the Westfall Brigade.
60. Get, complete and turn in Souls at Unrest.
Kill and burn mobs inside the Mine.
61. Get and turn in A Name from the Past.
62. Get and turn in Ruuna the Blind.
Go back to Vordrassil in the center of the zone. On the western side is a road called Vordrassil's Pass. Ruuna is on the south side of the Pass.
63. Get, complete and turn in Ruuna’s Request.
Go back through Vordrassil's Pass to the north and then go east where you'll find lots of moths to kill and loot.
64. Get, complete and turn in Out of Body Experience.
Stay near Ruuna and drink the potion she gave you.
65. Get Fate and Coincidence.
66. HearthstoneUse your hearthstone to return to Amberpine and turn in Ursoc, the Bear God.
67. HearthstoneFly to the Westfall Brigade and set your hearthstone to the Innkeeper.

Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
68. Go turn in Fate and Coincidence.
From WB (Westfall Brigade) go west to the road then follow it south. Stay to the right at any forks including when you pass through a small corner of Solstice Village. Go down to the White Pine Trading Post.
69. Get, complete and turn in Sasha’s Hunt and Anatoly Will Talk.
Go east to Solstice Village. Kill all the mobs you need first. Find Tatjana on her horse in the center of the village but don't aggro her. Select her (not the horse!) and use your dart gun then hop on the horse and go turn in.
70. Get A Sister’s Pledge.
71. Complete Softening the Blow.
Go ShoppingDirectly east of Solstice Village and down the mountainside you will find Redwood Trading Post. Talk to Hugh and purchase the Moonshine you need.
72. Get A Bear of an Appetite.
73. Turn in Say Hello to My Little Friend.
From the Trading Post go southeast to the river and follow it southeast to the road. Then follow the road north-northwest just a little ways and look for a small game trail on the right that's kinda hard to see. Follow the trail to Harkor's Camp.
74. Get Nice to Meat YouTherapy and It Takes Guts…
75. Complete It Takes GutsVoices From the Dust and Therapy.
Go north the to Drakil'Jin Ruins and enter the building marked by two purple fires in the center. In the first room you come to you'll find the jars you need. Head deeper into the ruins for the tablet you need which is in the same room as Harrison Jones for the next quest. Kill trolls in the area for mojo.
76. Get and complete Dun-da-Dun-tah!
Let Harrison kill the big snake and you get the other mobs.
77. Turn in Voices From the Dust.
Go back to the purple fires in the middle of the ruins. Face south and go up the broken stone stairway and use drakuru's elixir at the fire.
78. Turn in It Takes Guts and get Drak’aguul’s Mallet.
Back to Harkor's Camp on the coastal cliffs to the south.
79. Turn in Therapy and Dun-da-Dun-tah!
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
80. Complete and turn in Drak’aguul’s Mallet.
Drak'aguul patrols the road on the southern side of the Ruins to the north of the Camp.
81. Get, complete and turn in See You on the Other Side.
Go back to the purple fires in the middle of the ruins. Near the fires is a gong, use the mallet to beat the gong and get yourself killed. Now enter the building/tombs to the north again and hug the right wall until you find the quest giver.
82. Get, complete and turn in Chill Out, Mon.
Don't forget to loot the chest then talk to the quest giver to get a rez. Go back to the first room to the south where the Ancient Drakkari are. Use the snow on them to freeze them and then follow them when they run. Loot the sparklies they leave behind. Turn in back at the camp.
83.  Get, complete and turn in Jin’arrak’s End.
Once more enter the building/tombs on the northern side of the Ruins. Hug the right wall and look for a bowl of fruit that you can loot. Go back outside to the gong, put down the fruit and bang the gong.
84. Complete Nice to Meat You.
Shovelhorns and Worgs are found all over this area.
85. Complete A Bear of an Appetite.
Off the coast in the water you'll find pools of salmon. Use your fishing net to catch them.
86. Turn in A Bear of an Appetite.
Back at Redwood Trading Post to the west-southwest of the Camp.

Opportunity Knocks!

The worgs in and around the cave in the next step have a really fast respawn rate, making them an ideal place to farm for leather if you're a skinner or meat if you're a cook. Both can also be sold at the AH for a tidy profit. When Opportunity Knocks...answer!
87. Turn in A Sister’s Pledge and get Hour of the Worg.
From the Post follow the road that leads south at first but stick to it and it will wind around and lead to a cave near Solstice Village where you'll find Anya.
88. Turn in Nice to Meat You.
At Harkor's Camp.
89. Complete and turn in Hour of the Worg.
GroupBloodmoon Isle, the largest island off the coast, is where you will find everyone that needs killing. You will need help for this quest.
90. HearthstoneUse your hearthstone to return to the Westfall Brigade.
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
91. Turn in Softening the Blow and get Brothers in Battle.
92. Get Find Kurun! and The Damaged Journal.
Follow the road that leads northeast and go to Thor Modan. Near the largest building set back into the mountain you'll find the journal and the NPC.
93. Complete The Damaged Journal and Brothers in Battle.
Golems are found everywhere outside in this area. You can loot journal pages from any hostile mobs.
94. Turn in The Damaged Journal and get The Runic Keystone.
Back at the WB.
95. Turn in Brothers in Battle and get Uncovering the Tunnels.
96. Complete The Runic Keystone and Uncovering the Tunnels.
There are three smaller buildings in Thor Modan. Enter them until you get the discovered message and kill mobs inside to loot keystones from them.
97. Turn in Uncovering the Tunnels and get The Fate of Orlond.
Back to WB.
98. Turn in The Runic Keystone and get The Runic Prophecies.
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
99. Turn in Find Kurun! and get Raining Down Destruction.
Kurun is a giant on the top of Thor Modan's main building. To get to him you'll need to go around the town on the north side and look for a torch-marked trail.
100. Complete and turn in Raining Down Destruction.
You've been made big and super strong. Go loot boulders to the north and go back south and toss them into Thor Modan.
101. Get, complete and turn in Rally the Troops.
Go north to where giants are fighting rune giants. Buff/heal the giants with the Shard of the Earth and kill any dwarves that appear when you do that.
102. Get Into the Breach.
103. Turn in The Fate of Orlond and get Steady as a Rock?
Enter Thor Modan and hug the left wall until you eventually come across Orlond's body.
104. Complete The Runic PropheciesInto the Breach and Steady as a Rock?
Jump into the water and kill Threshadons there until you loot the seismograph. Along the north and south sides of the hall you'll find the sparkling prophecies you need to use. At the end of the hall on the north eastern side you'll find the Iron Thane. On the south side from the Thane put down the seismograph and use it.
105. HearthstoneUse your hearthstone to return to the Westfall Brigade.
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
106. Turn in The Runic Prophecies.
107. Turn in Steady as a Rock? and get Check up on Raegar.
108. Turn in Into the Breach and get Gavrock.
Go back to the top of Thor Modan where Kurun the giant is.
109. Turn in Gavrock and get Runes of Compulsion.
Gavrock is on an island in the Ruins of Tethys, southwest from Bloodmoon Isle.
110. Complete and turn in Runes of Compulsion.
The runes are floating circular disks that four dwarves are channeling blue beams of energy into. You'l find them in a northish-southish direction between the coast and the road. Kill the dwarves and use the rune to make the Overseers appear.
111. Get, complete and turn in Latent Power.
The stones you need are large and glow blue. One is at the Ruins of Tethys just south of Gavrock. Another is near the bridge that crosses the river to the southwest and the last is directly northwest of the second, just before you get to the Redwood Trading Post.
112. Get, complete and turn in Free at Last.
Go find Runed Giants and use your runebreaker on them. You can keep using the runebreaker on them until it works so kite, stun, root or otherwise crowd control the giants if you need to.
113. Turn in Check up on Raegar.
From Gavrok go west to the road and follow it south. After crossing the second bridge and just before you reach the snowy area go east to Prospector's Point.

Opportunity Knocks!

The air elementals in and around Dun Argol have a decent drop rate on crystallized air. Combining 10 of them will get your an Eternal Air which can be sold for a good price at the Auction House. When Opportunity Knocks...answer!
114. Get The Captive Prospectors and The Perfect Plan.
115. Complete The Captive Prospectors and The Perfect Plan.
To the north is the town of Dun Argol. There are three teirs to this city. On the lowest teir and inside the building you'll find one prospector. On the middle tier and outside you'll find the second and on the top teir you'll find the third. Killing mobs will get you keys and blueprint pieces.
116. Turn in The Perfect Plan and get Why Fabricate When You Can Appropriate?
117. Turn in The Captive Prospectors and get Looking the Part.
118. Complete Looking the Part and Why Fabricate When You Can Appropriate?
Overseers are found on the middle teir. War Golem parts are found all over but most are concentrated on the middle and top teirs.
119. Turn in Why Fabricate When You Can Appropriate? and get We Have The Power.
120. Turn in Looking the Part and get Cultivating an Image.
121. Complete Cultivating an Image and We Have The Power.
Durar and Kathorn are found inside the buildings on the western middle teir. Use your camera to take pictures of all dwarves that you kill.
122. Turn in We Have The Power and get …Or Maybe We Don’t.
123. Turn in Cultivating an Image and get Put on Your Best Face for Loken.
124. Complete …Or Maybe We Don’t and Put on Your Best Face for Loken.
Use your controller to summon your golem and kill any air/storm elementals near it. You can find the elementals to the north all around and in Dun Argol. Use your Overseer costume and go to the eastern-most building on the middle tier. Use the table to talk to Loken.
125. Turn in Put on Your Best Face for Loken.
126. Turn in …Or Maybe We Don’t and get Blackout and The Iron Thane and his Anvil.
127. Complete and turn in Blackout and The Iron Thane and his Anvil.
Use the controller to summon your golem. The Iron Thane is inside the largest building on the top teir. Take the elevator down to the basement. Use the EMP only to stun the golem while you kill the Thane. Then kill the golem. Hop out of your golem and use your dynamite in the center of the room where the blue glowing is coming from. Go turn in.
128. HearthstoneUse your hearthstone to return to the Westfall Brigade then fly to Amberpine Lodge.
Sell Repair RestockSell. Repair. Restock. Since you are in town or near a vendor, now is a good time to unload and reload your packs.
129. Get The Magical Kingdom of Dalaran. Speak to the Magistrix again and she will portal you to Dalaran.
130. Turn in The Magical Kingdom of Dalaran.
131. Get, complete and turn in Learning to Leave and Return: The Magical Way.
132. Get your flight point and then use the crystal to portal down to Crystalsong. Get your Windrunner’s Overlook flight point then fly to Wintergarde Keep in Dragonblight.
Flight PathFlight Path

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